People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 410 410 What a cat and a dog

Chapter 410 410. What a cat and a dog

"Brother, what's going on with the little girl up there?"

Chris, who had blood stains all over his white pants, walked down, followed by the vigilante who had just taken off his hood.

I saw that there was a little mess in the basement, with a large number of buckets piled next to the workbench, and Zhang San was working on something with his back to them.

"Her name is Raven. Her father is the alien demon king Sannomiya, and her mother is human. Because of her mixed blood, she can be a channel for Sannomiya to conquer other worlds. Raven couldn't stand the brainwashing and ran away to our world, the Earth."

Zhang San is talking based on what Raven described, which is almost the same experience.

But coupled with Dr. Destiny's greed for life and fear of death, he felt that he could not deal with Sannomiya, so he handed over the big trouble to him, an ace police officer who lived in a remote town.

An ordinary person without any superpowers.

"I remember you said that the thing you dislike the most is trouble, and now I feel like that girl is trouble." Chris was just a bit direct when hooking up, and his judgment of things was much better than the brother next to him.

"You must have remembered wrongly. What he dislikes the most is people being late."

You see, the vigilante can't keep up with the current chat channel. When others are discussing the Demon King's daughter, he is refuting the errors in his good brother's words.

"If someone else gives me money, and if I just live in our house, there won't be any trouble. At most, there will be a few alien demons sent by Sannomiya occasionally."


Chris isn't ready to fight the otherworldly demon yet! Although he can kill anyone for the sake of peace, but a devil?

Maybe he would have to go to the church in town tomorrow and ask that trickster Mexican to get an exorcism Bible or a real silver cross, not the cheap stuff that fools people.

"Can I keep a demon head in my room?"

Zhang San and Chris both looked at the vigilante who said this, and he smiled unconsciously.

Snap, snap, snap, snap.

The targets not far away fell one after another, and the two brothers, each holding a pistol in their hands, emptied several magazines in a row.

"Does it store holy water inside the bullet, like the sausage in a hot dog?"

"The power of magic, now your weapons can cause damage to demons."

I don’t know why, but firearms can be combined with holy water without limit, but large-scale destructive equipment such as nuclear bombs cannot.

Is it to leave some game experience for the devil?

Zhang San also wants to see big mushrooms rising from hell. If we do this now, we will have to throw away one and create another.

It would be better for him to use the energy of the light ring to treat the holy water stored in his personal space as explosive fragments, and then construct an energy bomb and send it out.

Suddenly, the light ring in his hand flashed.

Someone sent Zhang San a message, it was from Fula:

(We were approached by a man named Atrocitas, who possessed a red light ring and tried to recruit us into his group)

In this message, the leader of the Red Lantern, Atrocitas, took several other people to the planet where the mining expatriates were located, trying to win over the Kryptonians who had hatred in their hearts. As a result, they failed to reach an agreement and instead fought there. field. Family Man versus the Red Lantern Corps!

Fulla said that the opponent's strength could not threaten them at all. A group of madmen in red uniforms had no fighting power except for spraying some red saliva.

The miners she brought from the mining area were not only more numerous than the other party, they were also more suitable for fighting!

These Kryptonians themselves were born for fighting, and every cell in their bodies has warrior genes.

Moreover, they have one more piece of Kryptonian armor than the enemy, so the fight is completely one-sided.


All the Kryptonians are very angry that they were captured by the keyboard and driven to another world to mine, but even if they are miners now, it is because of the power of the keyboard!

What does it mean to have a few guys from who-the-fucking-where spit disgusting words asking them to join the Legion?

Kryptonians have not been reduced to serving as soldiers for the weak just to escape from the hands of the strong!

Zhang San did not reply to Fulla's message. He used the light ring to contact the blue-skinned and sexy lady Lisa Draka who is now a member of the Green Lantern Corps.

With the help of the light ring, as long as he doesn't start a video call, no one will discover his current identity.

"Help me find the location of Atrocitus's Red Lantern Corps in the latest Oua database."

When he helped the Guardian of the Universe, Abinsu and others to deal with the Parallax Monster before, the reason why the dwarfs allowed him to take the Green Lantern Ring as a reward was simple.

First, the database in the green light ring is incomplete. The only functions that have not been changed are the translator and combat module.

Second, the Guardians of the Universe have the power to deprive Green Lantern of the right to use the light ring, and can control the light ring to leave the user's finger at any time.

Third, Abinsu and others were watching at the scene, and it was unreasonable for them not to give some reward to the people on Earth who saved Oa.

The most important thing is that the group of guardians may have been frightened by his behavior of killing the parallax monster, and they were somewhat unclear about his strength.

Although the fused two-color light ring will not be controlled by the Guardians of the Universe, and there is no backdoor left by them, there is no content about the Red Lantern Corps in the database that lacks important information.

Zhang San only knows a little about the origin of Atrocitus. It seems that the Guardians of the Universe first created a group of machine hunters to maintain what they thought was peace in the universe before creating the Green Lantern Corps.

Then these malfunctioning machine hunters killed almost all life in the sector where Atrocitas' home planet was located. It is not known how Atrocitas survived and became a red light.

His approximate origin is this, and the machine hunters in the Justice League animation are so awesome that they attack Oa and break through the defense built by some of the guardians above, approaching the total energy.

Even Robot Hunter succeeded!

One of the machine hunters entered the Green Lantern Total Energy and became a being that could extract the willpower energy from the guardians.

If John Stewart hadn't cheated and forcibly absorbed the enemy into the energyless light ring after reciting the Green Lantern Oath and then used his vast willpower energy to annihilate the opponent, all the Guardians would have died.

So in the DC world, it’s really shameless to go out without a cheat. Local talents don’t know how to be fair. They only compete with each other to see who has the best cheat.

For example, Batman, who is the best at cheating, kicked away Darkseid with Brainiac's armor, and then turned over and jumped to avoid the inevitable omega ray.

Fortunately, the Batman in his world didn't have such powerful cheats, and the only cheat was a rich one.

(End of this chapter)

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