People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 408 408 Smart Green Bug

Chapter 408 408. Smart Green Bug

The spaceship that landed in Evergreen sent Raven to the villa yard. When she took the golden pentagram necklace and followed housekeeper Carla into the house, she turned around but found that the keyboard and its spaceship were missing.

"The keyboard said there was some stupid thing that tricked it into going to a party in Louisiana, but it ended up causing a big trouble for me. Little sister, you don't look like you're an adult yet."

Zhang San, who drove the stealth spacecraft around to the backyard and returned home under a new identity, bumped into the two of them. Today, the family seemed a little quiet without a talkative woman.

Spider Queen and Imogen went out to play with Killer Frost and a few Amazons. The other two buddies haven't come back since they left last night. I don't know if they are comforting the traumatized lady.

Raven looked at the big hand extended by the strong man in front of her who was a head taller than her. She handed over the pentagram necklace in her hand: "I gave the keyboard to you. I want a quieter room."

"Is there good sound insulation? You can live next door to Imogen. There is a separate bathroom in the room."

This was a temporary change made by Zhang San after Fallen Angel moved in. The two bathrooms on the first floor were enough for those mice and so on, but there was only one bathroom on the second floor where they and the men originally lived.

I have to say that the renovation system of the villa from the game The Sims is really easy to use, and the decoration is just like playing the game.

Except for the area and style of the house that cannot be changed, all other internal spaces can be customized as desired. There is no need to buy furniture from outside, the house comes with its own furniture mall.

The only pity is that he cannot be a second-hand dealer and cannot sell the items in the furniture store outside.

Zhang San took Raven to see the bedroom where she would live in the future. The furnishings and style inside were all he learned online.

There are beds, computer desks, air conditioners, small refrigerators, wardrobes and other furniture.

"If you want to buy something, you can shop online without worrying about money. Besides, there is a new mobile phone on the bedside table that you can use."

After reminding her to come down for dinner later, Zhang San shook the golden pentagram necklace in his hand and left.


After closing the door, Raven walked to the computer and picked up the small Ace Police Officer doll placed on the table and looked at it.

Before coming, Dr. Destiny told her that Officer Zhang is special. Even if everyone in the world is controlled by the magic of the Three Palaces, he will always be the lucky one.

Looking at the eagle flying by outside the window, Raven put the toy back and then walked to the bed and lay down on it.

"Green Worm, you'd better have something to show me, otherwise I'll fry you and sprinkle cumin on it and eat it."

In the laboratory in the back mountain, the keyboard player walked in and threw the meditation mite out of his hand.

He had just caught this bug in the corridor. This guy only worked a few hours a day and was wandering around without his post.

"My name is Meditation Mite! And I have completed the shield generator you requested to research."

It brought the keyboard to its workshop, and there was only a shelf full of things separated from Desard who was operating the instruments next door.

The task item handed over by Meditation Mite was a black cylinder over one meter tall and smaller than the hand. Although the streamlined appearance was not reflective, there was no visible light reminder.

"How do I know if it's on or off? Are the buttons hidden?"

"It's very simple."

With the help of the energy released by the bracelet, the green bug controlled the big yellow hand to hold the cylinder and open it up and down. His technique is very skillful, and he looks like a master who often exercises his unicorn arm.

"Using the method of human beings to vent their desires as the activation password cannot be guessed by others. Even if the enemy steals it, they will not know how to use it."

The Meditation Mite is quite proud. It thinks that this wave of operations perfectly demonstrates the super intelligence of Venusian bugs.

There is a trace of white light on the surface of the shield generator when it is turned on, and the pattern looks like a blossoming ham sausage.

Finding the keyboard facing him, Green Bug suddenly remembered something and took a remote control that was similar to a car key from the side:

"This thing can adjust the size of its shield. The maximum range can cover the entire mountain."

Brainiac's shield technology opened the eyes of Meditation Mite. The things created by this artificial intelligence are very well optimized, and combined with the energy system on the skeleton spacecraft, the shield can always be maintained.

However, the excellent work of Meditation Mite did not receive the award, and the keyboard once again captured it with a black ball hand:

"You have a remote control that adjusts the size of the shield, but you changed the activation procedure to hold the machine with your hand and move it up and down. You can't just put the switch on the fucking remote!!!"

Now Zhang San understands why the bugs are delivered to the door by themselves. This unnecessary behavior is exactly the same as that of Desaad next door.

"It'll be safer if I do this!"

"Safe? Do you think someone would sneak in here just to steal a shield generator? Ah!"

"Okay, okay! You're right, give me another half hour and I'll perfect it."

Meditation Mite felt like he was about to be crushed by the angry keyboard, and he wanted to struggle before dying.

"This bullshit bug doesn't deserve your forgiveness at all. I only see greed and cunning in him."

The Apokolips scientist who had interrupted his research with anger at the keyboard came over. His idea of ​​​​adding insult to injury and hoping that the green bug would die soon was no longer a day or two.

Ever since the keyboard asked him to stay in a laboratory with the green bug, Desarde would hear the green bug talking to himself all day long.

What is its goal to conquer the universe? What damn humans kidnapped it here using despicable means?

"Every genius is easily jealous and attacked by fools. I forgive your rudeness."

Meditation Mite's small eyes and Desaad's big eyes looked at each other. They both didn't like each other, and they both wanted to see the other die in front of them.

After getting this laboratory, the bugs can do what they want, try to find a way to crack the bracelet, or secretly make some devices that the keyboard doesn't know about and hide them.

Desaad didn't have as many ideas as Meditation Mite. He just wanted a quieter laboratory without a worm talking all the time.

Seeing that they looked like they were about to fight, Zhang San not only did not stop them, but also said in anger: "It's no fun to argue. You go to the training ground and have a fight."

"Master." Disad quickly lowered his head.

The released Meditation Mite controlled the energy and picked up the tools next to it to dismantle the shield generator, as if it didn't want to pay attention to Desaad.

Zhang San left the laboratory and told the blond female warrior Gilotino who was waiting for him at the door. If he sees the meditation mite running out for a walk during working hours next time, he will lock the worm in a small dark room. .

(End of this chapter)

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