People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 299 Mission Rewards on Apokolips

The alien tank turret that rumbled over had a monster-like head. Under its red eyes, its open mouth spit out a beam of high-temperature flames at several people.

Gathered together, Batman asked the keyboard next to him: "What do we need to do?"

In this enemy base camp, if they don't want anyone to get hurt, they'd better listen to this keyboard.

Attacking rashly will only lead to death.

"Wait a minute and let me see if any beautiful girls will come and fight with us."


The other five people all looked at the keyboard that said such strange words in this situation. Even Batman looked at it with questions in his eyes.

"Beauty? Are you serious?!" The only woman in the team couldn't help it. Mela dropped the water tank she brought and controlled the water inside to hit a tank outside the barrier.

like water off a duck's back.

"Don't worry, I said I would help you deal with Darkseid and I will definitely do it. Listen to me."

Zhang San glanced at the surrounding Apokolips army besieging them. Apart from the slaves sitting on the big dogs, they were the group of demons in the sky and the tanks underground.

The Apokolips in the animation in my memory doesn't just have these things, there are also elite helpers selected by Darkseid and a group of female warriors who were brainwashed and trained by the helpers.

The Nemesis team is made up of women with excellent figures and fighting abilities.

"Darkseid! I am your father!!!"

The energy speaker formed by the light ring allowed Zhang San's words to be transmitted far across Apokolips, and the exploding energy barrier crushed all the surrounding demons and ground troops.

Just when others didn't understand why it suddenly started to curse, a beam of light similar to the sonic blast channel appeared in front of several people.

Several figures were teleported through the passage.

An old woman wearing a cloak and holding a strange staff stood at the back. In front of her were several female warriors with their own unique dressing styles.

Seeing that his favorite female warrior with blond hair and white armor was among them, Zhang San said with satisfaction to the people next to him: "Except for the old female monkey with a stick, the rest will be captured alive."

"Caught alive? I think the dead are better than the living." Deathstroke complained, and the bullet he fired was already flying towards the 'old female monkey' mentioned on the keyboard.


The sharp dagger pierced the head of the white-haired old woman who had just dodged the bullet. The Flash used his speed to kill her first.

Without the help of others at all, Barry Allen, who was no longer the lively and cheerful boy before, was very ruthless.

On this planet, speedsters are nearly invincible.

After half a minute.

Several female warriors who came with the dead men became their prisoners, and Zhang San squatted in front of the blond woman among them and asked: "Gilotino?"

Seeing that she didn't speak, Zhang San didn't ask any more questions. He took out his bracelets and put them on the hands of these women amidst the strange looks from others.

Then, a round spaceship appeared next to it.

"Go in with them honestly, and don't think about attacking anyone, including the spaceship, because this thing will take away your souls when you are about to do so."

After signaling to Batman and the others, the energy cuffs that trapped them were released one by one.Suddenly, a muscular female warrior among the prisoners rushed towards him, but halfway through she turned into a pool of blood foam with a snap.

"Fortunately it's not you, obedient Gilotino."

Patting the cheek of the blonde woman who looked at him angrily, Zhang San asked Cyborg to control the spaceship he just took out and take these prisoners away from Apokolips.

In the spaceship, Batman touched the bracelet on his hand. He cast a questioning look at Cyborg opposite him, but received a slight shake of his head.

The crack failed. The technology on the bracelet cannot be unlocked by Cyborg.

Deathstroke looked at the red planet and his companions outside the porthole and asked: "What do you think it will do if it is left alone on Apokolips?"

"Why do you want to keep these women on the keyboard? They are obviously our enemies!"

Filled with revenge and rage, Mela raised the trident in her hand towards the women standing together. Fortunately, the Flash stopped her:
"Calm down, they belong to the keyboard, it's not our business how to deal with them."

boom! ! ! !

An explosion of fire outside the spaceship attracted everyone's attention. Several panicked prisoners ran to the portholes and looked out.

"This is impossible." Gilotino, who had been specially taken care of by Zhang San, looked horrified and took a few steps back.

"Oh my God, it actually" Deathstroke, who was also at the porthole, saw what was happening outside.

Apokolips exploded. It should be said that only half of it exploded. The other half of the planet is still hanging in the universe.

But its crust, mantle, and core are just like the cross-sections of the models that everyone has seen when studying. The entire Apokolips can be clearly seen from the outside to the inside.

"It's very powerful." Batman finally relaxed. The keyboard was powerful enough to kill Darkseid.

10 minutes ago
After Batman and others left, the teleportation beam appeared again and brought the ruler of Apokolips.

The Dark Lord, Darkseid.

A hairless, gray-skinned man over two meters tall wearing a suit of armor with a small skirt.

Darkseid, standing with his hands behind his back, fired Omega rays, a death ray that could track the target around corners, at the invaders who dared to attack Apokolips with eyes burning with fire.

Knowing that there was no way to avoid it, Zhang San used his comical strength and his own strong defense to resist. He only felt a little sting when he was hit by the omega ray.

He guessed wrong. The omega rays in the movie version were more crotch-stretching than the ones in the animation. Maybe it was a weakening unique to superhero movies.

But also, if the Dark Lord can really use omega rays to kill anyone except Superman, then he should use the blast channel opened when Steppenwolf died to reduce the strength of the Justice League.

But he did not do so. The only possible reason is that omega rays cannot instantly kill powerful individual beings.

After understanding that Darkseid's only skill was useless to him, Zhang San took out a baguette and slowly walked towards him under the surprised look in his eyes.

"Bug." Darkseid's eyes lit up again, and Omega rays hit the opponent again.

However, this had no effect other than making the enemy retreat. However, the armor that suddenly disappeared from his body and the bread that the opponent rushed over and swung out knocked Darkseid directly to the ground.

Doubt, surprise, anger.
The Dark Lord never stood up again, and the bread that kept hitting Darkseid's head made him feel pain again. (End of chapter)

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