People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 195 If 195 doesn’t work, just vote.

Chapter 195 195. If it doesn’t work, just vote.

"The day before yesterday!? Didn't I ask you to pay attention to the situation at the police station these days! Did you go find a fucking woman again yesterday?"

Facing the strong man's anger, the fat man with a Bugs Bunny mask on his face nodded cautiously.

"FK! You stupid thing!"

"Fuck! We are finished now! He will kill us all!!!"

The other two people couldn't help but curse. Not only did they know how ferocious the Heavenly Express was, they also knew how much this police officer liked to crack down on gangs and eliminate evil.

How could they have agreed to participate in kidnapping and ransom if Bob, who was the leader, hadn't said that he had discovered that none of the recent Paradise Trainers had come to work?
"Let's surrender! As long as we surrender quickly, he has no reason to shoot."

The man who covered his face with a white scarf dropped his gun and prepared to walk out, but before he could go far, he was knocked down by a bullet from behind.

"Bob what are you doing!"

"My God."

Seeing that their companion who was about to surrender was beaten to death by the strong man Bob, the other two people were immediately frightened. They did not expect that one of their own would kill one of their own.

"Shut up, Jamie, do you want to go back to prison?" Ignoring the frightened fat man, Bob stared fiercely at the man in the Spider-Man mask who was about to follow him out.

"I don't want to." Jamie, who was breathing heavily, did not dare to refute Crazy Bob's words due to the situation in front of him.

"Very good, we now have hostages and explosives in our hands. Unless he can kill all three of us at the same time, the hostages will die!"

Glancing at the workers squatting on the ground with bombs strapped to their bodies, Bob thought they still had a chance to escape.

Picking up the phone, he dialed the Evergreen Police Department.
Outside the building, Zhang San, who heard the gunshots, was still hiding behind the truck, because there were five hostages in total, and there was only one gunshot just now.

"Aren't we going in?" Barbara, who was holding a pistol, wanted to go in and save people when she heard the gunfire, but she chose to continue waiting when she saw that he didn't move.

"In this case, if they want to get out alive, they won't kill the hostages. If they want to kill the hostages, it shouldn't be just a gunshot."

The carefully planned kidnapping and extortion case was just beginning. No matter how idiotic those people were, they couldn't beat the hostages to death at this time.

Sure enough, just as Zhang San thought, the suspect in the building called them.

The suspects wanted a van full of gas and a key, and also demanded that Wayne Group pay a ransom of 5000 million to a designated bank account, otherwise they would detonate a bomb on the hostage!

"No cash?" Zhang San felt a little strange as he listened to the suspect's request from the command center and various police officers on the walkie-talkie.

The price charged by the other party was too high, and it was a very unsafe way to transfer money.

Generally speaking, the amount demanded by the kidnappers is around one million in cash. One million is enough for one suitcase. If the four of them can take four suitcases, they will only be able to leave with four million.

Why is a transfer required?

Unless there is someone who knows computers outside to cooperate with them, the money can be transferred away as soon as it arrives.

(Zhang San, do you have any idea?)
Director Daniel's voice came from the intercom. Due to the kidnapping case and the bomb incident, he also came to provide on-site command.

It's just that the chief is responsible for maintaining order outside, and his ace police officer is still responsible for the situation inside. "Director, they also have an accomplice outside. Ask the Wayne Group if they can send some people to pay attention to that bank account."

(Officer Zhang, I am Simon, the head of the Wayne Group branch. I have asked people to keep an eye on that account. If you can ensure the safety of the hostages, we can remit the money now.)
Bruce Wayne, the big boss of Wayne Group, reminded Simon when he sent him here that he must cooperate with him whenever anything related to Officer Zhang occurs.

5000 million is like a hair to the entire Wayne Group, and the Evergreen branch alone has over a billion in funds available.

"The hostages will be fine. You send the money first and let the other party come out."

Anyway, it was not his money that was lost. Zhang San just wanted to get his vacation as soon as possible and go home from get off work.

After hearing Simon say that the money had been transferred, Officer Zhang took the loudspeaker from his colleague and shouted to the suspect hiding in the building:

"The car has been parked downstairs and the money has been transferred. Don't hurt the hostages, we will let you go!"

Bob in the building was very happy to see a new message sent on his mobile phone. He asked Jamie and Fatty to take the hostages ahead, while he followed these people.

The four suspects have now become three. It seems that the previous gunshots were caused by internal strife and one of their own was killed.

Seeing that the suspects who came out of the building were hiding among the hostages and walking deliberately short, Zhang San calculated the distance between them and the killing time and decided that now was not a good opportunity to shoot.

Moreover, the detonator in the hand of the strong man wearing a skull mask is a device that explodes when released, which makes the killing even more difficult.

"Director, let them go out and remove the people at the door."

(what happened?)
"They are carrying loose-action detonators. They need to find a good opportunity."

(Are they crazy! They actually use this device. Well, I listen to you.)
The police car that blocked the entrance to the construction site was evacuated, and the police officer responsible for maintaining order asked the onlookers to get out of the way.

The smooth white van drove the suspects and hostages out of the construction site and headed out of the town.

Several police cars followed it, and Zhang San, who let Barbara drive, sat in the passenger seat and loaded the magazine of the rifle.

"Didn't you say that if you kill him, the bomb will detonate?"

The driver was confused. Could killing a suspect on the road disable the bomb detonator?
"This kind of detonator is difficult to get, but it is wireless. I have asked someone to wait for him outside with a jammer."

At the intersection of the town leading to the road, a completely black off-road vehicle parked there, and it started up when it saw the white van approaching.

The two cars got on the road one after another, and Zhang San, who had prepared his weapon, put on a headset.

(One for the co-pilot, one in the back seat of the main driver, and one in the middle of the back row.)

"Move to the right side of the van."

Zhang San was going to use two shots fired almost simultaneously within one second to kill the two suspects in the back row and in the back seat of the main driver. The co-pilot was handed over to Carla who came over to help.

Originally, he planned to ask the person in charge of Wayne Group to arrange for a vehicle carrying a jammer to follow the suspect's vehicle, but he was worried that a madman who killed his own people would use the kind of detonator that kept sending signals.

If it were that kind of detonator, his use of the jammer would cause the bomb that couldn't receive the signal to explode instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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