Chapter 181 181. Not good news
On the Kryptonian spaceship heading to the Milky Way, Zhang San was sitting in the cab thinking about how to solve some problems.

It's definitely not possible to let these Kryptonians go to Earth, especially that deputy commander Fulla...

There was no other way. Zhang San, who got up and left the cab, put on the keyboard warrior's hood. With this thing around, he would only have one identity.

An oversized black keyboard appears inexplicably on the spaceship!
"Don't move! Stand still!"

The baguette lit up purple, and the keyboard holding a weapon appeared.

Several Kryptonian men who were still rushing over after being stripped of their uniforms were hit hard by the French stick held by Zhang San with the force of lightning. All of them suddenly lost their fighting power and lay hunched on the ground.

Fulla, who controlled the spacecraft, did not take action after leaving her seat. She didn't know how the thing in front of her got on the spacecraft, and she was also confused about where Zhang San went.

"What do you want to do?"


Suddenly, several blue energy bombs flew behind Zhang San, and the Kryptonian soldiers who came from other places raised their guns and shot at the enemies invading the spacecraft.

However, all these energy bombs hit a wall made of bread, and Fulla took the opportunity to take out a dagger and stabbed the monster fiercely.

Unfortunately, her right hand holding the dagger was caught by the opponent's black ball hand, and a stream of electricity hit her along the monster's black stick-like arm.

Furla, who flew out of the lightning, fell to the ground and became motionless. She seemed to have fainted.

In the following time, Zhang San disarmed and tied up all the soldiers in the Kryptonian spacecraft.


An alien spacecraft appeared outside the earth. Unexpectedly, the military personnel connected directly on the first try.

What surprised them even more was that the owner of the spacecraft was none other than Zhang San, an earthling from a parallel world.

In a military base somewhere.

"Don't look at me like that, you Kryptonians can sell it for a lot of money."

After saying that, Zhang San forced Fula, the last prisoner who stared at him, into the cell with red lights.

The thick door slowly closed, and the simulated red sunlight prevented them from having the same superpowers as Superman, so there was no such thing as a prison break.

As soon as the door closed, General Mike standing next to him spoke: "How did you catch them?"

"When I came back, I encountered a Kryptonian spaceship. Their leader was called General Zod. If these Kryptonians are exposed to the light of the yellow sun, they will become as powerful as Kara."

"Did you kill some of them?"

General Mike thought that Zhang San had already eliminated the Kryptonian named Zod because these were the only prisoners the other party brought back.

"It doesn't count as killing them. I deceived them and sent them to other planets."

While chatting about things, the two took a helicopter and arrived outside the Star Laboratory in Gotham City.

As soon as he got off the helicopter, Zhang San saw the black-haired Supergirl standing at the door with a Spider Queen sitting on her shoulders.

She seemed to have a lot of questions to ask, so she came out and waited for him.

"Let me go see the machine first."

After not coming back for a few days, Zhang San wanted to know how the progress was and whether the invincible Batman had helped him conjure up a usable device.

When he came to the room where several people were developing machines, a mostly completed device appeared in his field of vision.

Dr. Stone's originally healthy complexion now has two heavy dark circles under his eyes like a panda.

And Bruce…

He is also wearing the three-hole hood given to him by Zhang San, so it’s hard to tell whether he has the same panda eyes as Dr. Stone.

"It's basically almost complete, but there are still some minor issues left to resolve."

Bruce, who was typing on the keyboard, didn't even look back, his eyes were always on the screen. "Kara helped us a lot. You are right. Her super brain is more powerful than ours combined."

Dr. Stone, who slept only four hours a day, maintained his motivation by drinking cup after cup of coffee, and the device made rapid progress under intense research and development.

"Have you met General Zod?"

Kara's expression was a little worried. She just heard the content of the call between General Mike and Zhang San.

There is mention of a group of Kryptonians.

"They seem to be here to find you. Does General Zod have a grudge against you?"

"It must have been the signal from the escape ship that attracted him. Where did you deceive them?"

"On an uninhabited planet outside the galaxy, I pretended to be a Kryptonian and infiltrated among them and then..."

Zhang San told her everything that happened after he met Zod. Unexpectedly, Kara felt something was wrong after hearing this.

Why does General Zod care so much about her?
"When the device is completed, you take me to General Zod. I want to ask him something."

Kara said no more, turned around and sat in front of the computer to process the data with Bruce and the others.

[You don’t necessarily have to go to Zod...]

Thinking in his mind, the confused Zhang San returned to the military base where Fulla and the others were detained.

"Kal-El, do you know this name?"

In the red room, a group of Kryptonians whose hands and feet were fixed in high-tech shackles looked up.

Among them, Fulla, who was the deputy commander, didn't understand why the monster in front of her knew the name Kal-El.

"Many years ago, an escape spacecraft landed on the earth. I was hired by the people on Earth to catch the woman who ran away from the escape spacecraft..."

In the story, he not only caught the escaping woman, but also got a piece of information from his employer.

There are two Kryptonian escape ships, and the Kryptonian on the other ship is named Kal-El.

"Kal-El didn't catch him, but you brought him to his door. So tell me, where is he now?"

"I can take you to a planet outside the galaxy."

Apparently, Second-in-Commander Fulla wanted to trick him into going to General Zod and then beat him up.

"Don't try to lie to me. I have a superpower that knows if you are telling the truth."

Zhang San dragged a Kryptonian soldier in front of Furla. At the same time, a piece of baguette popped out of his hand and he put a knife on the Kryptonian's neck:
"If you don't give me five seconds, his head will be in your arms."

five, four, three...

"he died."


The news was so explosive that Zhang San could not recover. Kal-El is dead?

"How did he die? Where did he die? After all, Kryptonian corpses can be sold for some money. One more body can get more."

Looking at this monster who kept talking about money, Fulla slowly said: "His escape ship was intercepted by us, and he died on another Kryptonian ship."

Although she was telling the truth, she seemed to want to use Zhang San's money-loving personality to lure him to General Zod.

"Another Kryptonian ship? Does that mean there are other Kryptonians?"

Having almost figured out what was going on, Zhang San followed her words and pretended to be fooled last time.

 Thank you all for your votes and support, and thank you book friend 470 for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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