i have a space

Chapter 355

Chapter 355

The time came to the 21th.

The opening ceremony of the Baba Banquet is very simple. The host goes up to say a few words and announces the entire activity process of the Baba Banquet.

During the Ba Ba Banquet, Wushan’s ranch will be open to the public, and you can learn about the breeding process of the ranch and so on.

It was only [-]:[-] after the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the opening ceremony, and then the traditional craft demonstration began, including the slaughter of fat pigs.

Through Zhang Weimin, they found more than [-] pig-killing masters and built more than [-] pig-killing stations.

Young people in the city may have never seen pig slaughtering before. The first time they see it, they will think it is cruel and they may not even dare to look at it.However, although it is not common in rural areas, it is not unfamiliar.

There were many people watching the pig killing.

There are 27 pig-killing masters and 27 native black pigs. These native black pigs weigh more than 200 kilograms, and all of them have obtained quarantine certificates in advance.

Kill the pig, bleed it, blow it, shave it...and then disembowel it and then decompose it...

Many of these pig butcher masters have not killed pigs for many years and are a bit unfamiliar with their skills.

Already starting to break down the pork.

The host came over and started selling pork: "It's the Chinese New Year, and we have to make bacon for the Chinese New Year. Today we will not only slaughter some big fat pigs on site, but also send many big fat pigs to the slaughterhouse for slaughter. The pork has been delivered. Welcome everyone. Shop.",

"How much does a pound cost?" someone shouted.

"If you buy it in bulk, Tuhei pigs cost 37 yuan per catty. Sanyuan pigs cost 1 yuan per catty." The host took the microphone and said: "Good pigs are not cheap, and cheap pigs are not good. The feeding time of Tuhei pigs in the pasture At least 18 months, and the most is 1 months, with pasture, grain and cooked food as feed. Sanyuan pigs also feed with pasture, grain and cooked food, and are raised in the pasture for a long time of 11 months. The short time , 13 months.”

The few people below watched the pig being slaughtered and talked a lot.

"Mom, how much does a pound of pork cost now?" a young man asked.

"It's 18 to [-] yuan in the market. It's [-] yuan here..."

"The pork on the market is all pork from farms and is sold in a few months. The meat here is mainly grass-fed, so the pork produced should taste better and have no hormones," the young man said.

"How do you know you didn't feed?"

"I watched the live broadcast here, and we can visit the ranch later. We will know if it is raised on pasture."

"Buy half a black pork." The young man's father said: "If it is an authentic native black pig, the meat will be particularly fragrant. I haven't eaten authentic native black pig in more than ten years."

"Dad, do you think that black pig looks like an authentic native black pig?"

"It should be. Authentic Tuhei pig has more fat."

The truck transporting pork came over.It's full, and some of the pork is decomposed.There is still some pork that has not been decomposed, so it is cut in half from the middle.

Broken down pork costs a few bucks more.

If you buy a whole pig, which is half a big fat pig, the price is 37 yuan and 18 yuan.

I also bought half a fat pig, and staff were on hand to help cut it.

Many people buy half and half, and some people just buy one.

Some people also buy cut-up pork, but the amount of these pork purchases is relatively small.

When the pork was hung out, people gathered outside.

I don’t know how many people came to the opening ceremony today, but there were a lot of people. It felt like a sea of ​​people.

Pork is sold near the parking lot.After a while, another big car drove over, with prepared bacon, sausages, waxed lamb chops, air-dried beef and mutton, waxed pork liver, etc.

As the saying goes, good products are not cheap and good products are not cheap.

Black soil pig meat costs 37 yuan per catty, and when made into bacon, it costs 1 yuan per catty.

"63 yuan per catty is too expensive," a customer said.


The salesman cut a thin slice and burned it on both sides with a musket: "You can try Wushan's native pig bacon."

Someone tasted it and found that it was moderately salty and had a rich aroma of fat and lean meat.It really tastes better the more you chew it...

"How does it taste?" the salesman asked with a smile.

The customer gave a thumbs up: "It smells good." Then he selected a few pieces of pork belly and some sausages: "The sausages are all local pork, too."

"It's all here. There's also sesame pork liver, which is also native pig."

"It's so fat." A customer said.

"This is a black soil pig. Black soil pigs are bred for a long time, usually for more than 10 months, and have more fat." The salesperson said: "There is Sanyuan pig bacon here, which is leaner."

"All native pigs are like this." Someone explained.

"The meat of black soil pig is fatter, but it is fat but not greasy, and it tastes particularly delicious."

The sales are very popular.

The fresh meat side is slower because the pork needs to be cut.

Bacon here, a cart of local pig bacon, more than 5000 kilograms.It was sold out after ten o'clock.

There was also a cart of Sanyuan pig bacon, weighing more than 4000 kilograms, which was sold out at eleven o'clock.

Total sales were just over 50.But this amount of sales is really nothing. There were a lot of people here today, and many people didn't buy bacon or fresh pork.

The morning sale has ended and will continue in the afternoon.

It's noon.

The square was filled with the aroma of meat, and tables were filled with people.

Half of the free tables in the park were occupied.

When it's time to start the meal, the food begins.

There is a toll booth in the square, and there are heads of people everywhere you look.

Chen Mo and his family, seven of them, sat at the same table.

"This baba banquet is really lively." Lin Feng said: "How much did this event cost?"

"Several millions have been spent," Chen Mo said.

"Can I make money back?" Mother Chen asked.

"There should be no problem in making money back." The Baba Banquet itself must be a loss, and there is still a lot of money to subsidize it.

The scale of this event is huge. There should be more than 5 people coming here today.

The banquet itself is in debt.

But by selling pork and bacon, you should be able to make money back.

The pork sold by Chen Mo and others is not cheap.Even the three-yuan pig is 18 yuan per catty.

The main pork on the market is Sanyuan pig, and the current price is 1 to [-] yuan per catty.But those are pork from large pig farms. The breeding cycle of pigs is short, and the taste is not as fragrant as the pork here in Wushan.

Chen Mo and the others dared to buy this price after research and comparison.

The money lost at the Baba Banquet was made up from selling pork.What's more important is to promote Wushan's reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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