i have a space

Chapter 263

Chapter 263
A few days later, Mushan County.

On the way, Chen Mo and the others contacted the real estate agency.

The first thing I did when I returned to Mushan County was to check out the house.

Mushan County is a small place, and the median property price is 4100 yuan.The best location, that is, the green garden community next to the park, the renovated second-hand house that can be moved in, the most expensive is more than 7000 per square meter.

There are not many houses in Mushan County. There are only a few houses that are well-decorated and have not been moved in yet.

Chen Mo bought a house with a green garden. It is on the 27th floor (the top floor) and has a very good view. He can almost see the entire county.

The county seat of Mushan County is in a small valley with a river in the middle, divided into east and west areas.

Next to the Green Garden is Mushan Park, and beyond the park is the suburb of the city.To go to Mushan Ranch, just take the road past the suburbs of the park...

The house is not big, 112 square meters.

Zhou Jie and his wife also bought a 78-square-meter apartment here, with three bedrooms and one living room, at a cost of 5600 yuan per square meter. The decoration was very simple.

Zhang Cheng, Chen Moyao and the others also bought houses in this community, all of which were compact with three bedrooms and one living room.

After choosing a house, Lin Ling is here to clean up the house and apply for the real estate certificate.

Chen Mo and the others are about to start building a ranch.

Chen Mo was busy with the house and was delayed for two days.Zhou Hao rented a house here, then went shopping at aluminum door and window shops, and then found a regular construction company...

After finishing his work, Chen Mo found Zhou Hao and drove to Mushan Ranch.

"The name Mushan Ranch is too big." Zhou Hao said, "It doesn't sound good."

"That's called Wushan Ranch." Chen Mo said.

Zhou Hao nodded: "It happens to be the name of the place."

The big valley...should be the big mountain col.

The land of more than 13 acres has a river valley in the middle and large hills on both sides of the river valley.A large hill is surrounded by high mountains...

The col is roughly shaped like an irregular pentagon, with the east, west, and south gates being about the same length.

The more than 7 acres of land outside Dashan'ao is called Wushan.So it’s okay to name it Wushan Ranch.

Along the river, both sides of the river become more and more open and become a river valley.

About eight kilometers out of the city, turn left and there is a town, Muhe Town.

This is an ancient town with many ancient buildings preserved.

The car did not enter the town, but passed by the new road next to it. After walking for more than a kilometer, it turned left and entered the mountains.

The undulating mountains are dotted with sparse households.

How to say, wherever there is flat land, there are families.Two or three households here, two or three households there...

In the hilly areas of Sichuan, villages are basically built along river valleys (troughs) with flat land.

The farther you go, the more remote you become, and the number of households becomes fewer and fewer.

More than half of the houses I saw on the road only had houses and no people.There are overgrown weeds outside the house.

"It's too remote." Zhou Hao said.

"Compared with those in Xuexiang, the conditions here are much better." Chen Mo said as the car drove into a big pit, and the sound of scratching on the chassis made Chen Mo's teeth sore.

This is a village road, which is a bicycle lane.In the past few years, there was a lot of logging and bamboo cutting in the mountains, and there were a lot of taxis. This road was repaired... now, there are still many holes.

After six or seven kilometers into the mountain, on an ups and downs road, we arrived at Wushan.The view here suddenly opens up...

To the left are mountains with dense forests.On the right is a mountain with cut trees, and the mountains are undulating.The big trees were cut down, and there were some small shrubs.

Mushan County has a subtropical monsoon climate, with an annual rainfall of more than 300 millimeters. The main rainfall is concentrated in July, August and September, accounting for almost half of the year's rainfall.

The hillside was undulating but not particularly steep. Chen Mo and his car were at a high place and could have seen far away.But the weeds beside the road here are as tall as a person.

Chen Mo and the others got out of the car and found a higher point: "If we clean up this area, can we develop it into a tourist attraction?"

"I don't know...where is the river valley?"


Wushan and Qingjiang Village are separated by six or seven kilometers of mountain roads.The roads here are also full of potholes...

Qingjiang Village is a mountain pass.There used to be a village here, but it was later moved away.

When he came inside and looked at the collapsed house on the roadside, Zhou Hao felt a little eerie: "Where are the people here?"

"I moved out and built a new village in the valley outside." Chen Mo said.

"There's no dispute over the land, right? There are also ancestral graves..."

"No. The county has solved all these problems." Chen Mo said: "The population of this village is not large to begin with. There are only seventy or eighty households, and there are many people who do not live in the village."

In this river valley, only more than 400 acres of land have been converted into farmland.In other words, this land originally only had more than 400 acres of basic farmland...

But now, the basic farmland area of ​​the river valley is 6100 acres.In addition, there are more than 1 acres of basic farmland scattered throughout.

There is a reason why a large amount of basic farmland is moved to mountains and remote places.

Mushan County is not wealthy to begin with, but receiving these indicators has real benefits.Just after watching videos on the Internet of excavating terraces on a hillside that is almost a cliff, I know that it is not simple.

The more than 2 acres of farmland here have all been cultivated into high-standard farmland.All plots have access to mechanical tillage roads and irrigation equipment has been installed.

The contract signed by Chen Mo and the county also stated that at least 2 acres of food crops should be planted every year.Someone will come to check in the future...

The high-standard farmland in the valley is just a matter of making roads and dividing the land into blocks.There is no problem in growing corn, but if you want to grow rice, you need to continue to level the land.

"The land in the valley is really good." Zhou Hao said.

“This valley covers 6100 acres, all of which must be planted with rice,” Chen Mo said.


"Yeah." Chen Mo shrugged, and continued: "Then there are several valleys, terraces... one season of corn is grown every year."

Looking at the uneven land, some with obvious slopes, Zhou Hao felt his head grow bigger.

"Are there any subsidies for growing food?"

"Yes." Chen Mo smiled: "But the subsidy is offset as a loan."


"The land here is expensive..."

Zhou Hao nodded: "Our future work will be divided into two focuses. One is to build a breeding center. The second is to level the land."

"There is no need to worry about the land in the valley. First, plow the corn land and plant grass for one season. Then we will tidy up the land in the valley. At the same time, the breeding center must start construction together..." Chen Mo said.

“I think an office building should also be built.”

"The funds on hand are tight. The funds I can use now are about 4000 million. If you calculate, these 3000 million must be calculated carefully." Chen Mo said.

Construction is the most tiring, but for Chen Mo... Chen Mo now has a big business, and professional things are naturally left to professionals.

(End of this chapter)

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