Chapter 97 Notification
After the latest chapter is updated, it's best to wait a few minutes and read it again, because I am correcting typos!
The layout on the website is too dense, making it difficult to check for typos.

I always correct it once or twice on the website, and then read it again with reading software, compare the typo, and correct it again!
Regarding the relationship between Haotian and Yaochi, there are two theories:
1. They are colleagues, not husband and wife!
2, for couples!

About the relationship between Yaochi (the Queen Mother) and the Queen Mother of the West:
The Queen Mother of the West comes from the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and the Queen Mother is a character that Taoism absorbs the image of the Queen Mother of the West, evolves and creates it!

After Hongjun Patriarch preached for the first time, he would adopt the realm setting, Taiyi Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian, and Zhunsheng these realms!
(End of this chapter)

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