dark fire

Chapter 188

"Drink! Eat me with a hammer!" Angela scolded, and the meteor hammer in her hand turned into a light and shadow. At a speed far beyond what ordinary people can observe, it cut through the obstacles of space and hit the dwarf's body hard. body, it was thrown back suddenly, and the body became stiff for a while, unable to move.

Taking the gold monster's health as 7600, if you want to put it into a frozen state, you must instantly cause more than 2534 damage, and Angela's attack actually made the dwarf fall into a frozen state, which shows that Angela The damage caused by pulling this time exceeded this figure.

Obviously, Angela's attack not only combined the five-fold combo of the white-hot skill, but also added the triple-casting technique at the same time, so as to achieve the integration of fifteen attacks into one, forming a fifteen-fold combo. Only with continuous strength can it cause such a high damage value to the golden monster.

Among them, what needs to be explained is that under the addition of Michelle's power halo and her own concentration halo, Angela's white heat skill attack power has reached 198 points, almost reaching the [-]-point mark. For level melee professionals, this damage is really hard to come by.

"Turn into flower fertilizer, you hateful monsters!"

Seeing that Angela was so good, Michelle naturally refused to be outdone. She also rushed forward, shook her hands vigorously, and the spear in her hand turned into a vigorous dragon. The light of the spear flickered, forming a beautiful picture. The golden monster rolls away.

Different from being unable to control the landing point before, now Michelle has been able to drop more than half of the petals on the dwarf golden monster. Although the control is not perfect, the damage caused is no worse than Angela's attack. How weak is it.

Michelle's artistic conception-like attack is also formed by the proficient use of triple casting.

As a spear mercenary, Michelle has a skill called stabbing, which allows her to swing the spear several times in an instant.It achieves the effect similar to Angela's white hot skill, the only difference is that Angela's attack can attack multiple targets at will, while Michelle's attack can only be used on one target.

Michelle's attack speed is very fast, and with the use of triple casting, she can swing the spear in her hand many times in a short period of time, so that she can use the spear light she dances.The shape of the petals of this peach blossom looks beautiful to outsiders, but it is actually a gunshot full of murderous intent.

In the situation where the two women are struggling to be the first, this poor dwarf golden monster was ravaged by the ferocious two women until he was out of shape, and died a tragic death, waiting for the start of the next reincarnation. Continue to assume the fate of a wizard's mount.

The white light flashed, as Li Huo and the three of them.To be precise, it was Li Huo who was watching the show. After the two women tried their best to kill the golden monster, the three of them coincidentally emitted white light from their bodies.But the three of them have gained enough experience points, and their own level has been raised to level 25.

At level 25, after Li Huo allocated the attribute points obtained by his upgrade, he added the skill points to the fireball skill.With the level 1937 fireball skill, the board damage reached 2220-3874 points, and the actual damage was 4440-[-] points.

After allocating the new points.Li Huo carefully looked at his attribute interface again, and felt that his upgrade this time meant that his skills and attacks had increased a lot, and the changes in other attributes were not obvious. Mainly rely on continuous accumulation.

At the same time, Angela also allocated her own attribute points, and Mi Xue, who had strengthened her strength and was eager to try and fight monsters, walked up to Li Huo, looked at him with a smile, and motioned for him to go. Pick up items dropped by gold monsters.

Li Huo stepped forward, picked up the golden monster's drop, and found that the golden monster had dropped a rune stone. He smiled, lifted the rune stone, gestured to Angela and the two girls, and then put Other items can be included in your own inventory at will, and you don't need to worry about them.

After coming to Kurast, Li Huo found that the items dropped here, if not for the blue equipment with excellent attributes, basically cannot be sold in the market.Gold equipment has become the mainstream in the market here.

This phenomenon is understandable, because the professionals who can reach Kurast have a certain level of strength, even if they are not super strong. It is impossible for ordinary monsters to stump them, and they can also kill elite monsters.

After trying their best, they probably can deal with one or two boss-level monsters. In this way, the chances of obtaining blue equipment are not small for them, so blue equipment is definitely not the mainstream here, unless Only when the attributes of this piece of blue equipment are excellent can it be sold on the market.

Boss-level monsters have a relatively low chance of dropping gold equipment, and the high-yield gold monsters cannot be killed by these ordinary teams, so gold equipment is the mainstream in the market.

In the same way, as long as the professional's strength reaches a certain level, it is estimated that only suits and dark gold equipment are the items that are circulated among advanced professionals, and gold coins are obviously not the first choice for selling that level of equipment.

As the basic currency, rune stones are circulated among high-level professionals, which is a matter of course.

This time the golden monster dropped a No. [-] rune stone out of face. Li Huo was naturally quite satisfied. You know, he has the ambition to collect a full set of green dark gold equipment. This is not a game. You can repeatedly spawn monsters. Complete set, can only be exchanged with others.

The currency exchanged is naturally the rune stone, so whenever a rune stone is dropped, Li Huo's mood becomes extraordinarily happy.

After the three of them cleared up the battlefield here, they followed the light of the magic torch and followed the winding path, continuing to move deeper into the dense forest.

After more than two days of travel, the three of them continued to kill all kinds of monsters along the way, and the experience points gained have exceeded level 25 to upgrade to level 26, a quarter of the required experience points, and finally reached the peeling leaf. Forest's teleportation point.

The teleportation point of the Peeling Leaf Forest was built in an abandoned camp of the dwarves. It was still a fortress reinforced by magic by senior professionals.

And because it is located in the rainforest, in order to prevent being submerged by the rainstorm in the rainy season, the stone castle here is built with a total of five floors. The second floor is the place where mercenaries are on duty, and the third and fourth floors are for people. The rest room, and the teleportation array is located in the fifth floor hall at the top.

The mercenaries guarding this place are a unique type of mercenaries in Kurast, called iron wolves.

Kurast is also known as the magic city. Not only are there a large number of legal professionals living here, but even the special mercenaries here are mages of various schools. They can skillfully use the three systems of ice, fire and electricity. Professionals bring a lot of help.

It's a pity that although these iron wolves use all kinds of spells like mages, the gap compared with mages is too obvious. In the game, except for some special ways of playing, other players will basically not choose Hire these guys.

The difference between them and mages is not only that there are no bonuses for related spells between various spells, but most importantly, their spells still lack the single-line skill that is indispensable for mages.

It can be said that the gap in spell power between mages with dominant skills and mages without dominant skills is as obvious as the gap between pistols and missiles.

If the iron wolves have spell control skills, then compared with other mercenaries, they can use one more piece of equipment is quite obvious.It's a pity that they don't have this skill, so there are really few professionals who choose them as mercenaries.

Only those professionals who know that they cannot break through the dark world will choose them, because these guys are still very helpful to professionals in the dark world, especially the ice-type iron wolf, which is more popular.

It is for this reason that the boss of the Iron Wolf Mercenary Group, the super hot Asila, always complains in front of Kasha and Akara, complaining that his Iron Wolf Mercenary Group is a wild child picked up, no one pain.This kind of remarks made Kaxia and Akara dumbfounded and extremely embarrassed.

No matter how flawed the iron wolves are, Li Huo will not look down on them just because of their weak strength. After all, they are a part of mankind. They have contributed their own strength to the cause of mankind's fight against demons, which is worth it. Everyone admired it.

"My lord, you can use the teleportation formation!" An iron wolf mercenary who was in charge of leading Li Huo to the teleportation point level said respectfully after saluting Li Huo.

Li Huo finished registering the teleportation point, then smiled at the Iron Wolf, and while activating the teleportation array, nodded and said: "Okay, we'll go first, and you can go to your own affairs, thank you for leading the way. "

"My lord, this is my duty, and I don't deserve your praise." Iron Wolf hurriedly replied respectfully, but Li Huo and the others had already activated the teleportation array and disappeared before his eyes.However, although he didn't say it out loud, in his heart, the image Li Huo left on him was very good.

With a flash of white light, the three of Li Huo appeared in Kurast's teleportation square.

"Phew, I'm finally back, this time I need to rest for a few days." Li Huo stretched vigorously, moving his joints, and his words were slightly tired.

"The weather in Kurast is still good." Angela looked at the clear sky around her, with a few white clouds floating in the blue sky, her mood suddenly brightened, and she said happily.

"The resort's statement is not just made up by someone, but has been recognized by the whole continent." Michelle smiled, and her mood has become quite sunny now. After all, whoever suddenly came out of the dark and humid environment, Suddenly changing to a sunny and breezy environment, the mood will become cheerful unconsciously.

But how long can this mood last? (To be continued..)

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