dark fire

Chapter 133 Proud Moon Silver Wolf

"Who is coming?" The professional started to glow with blue starlight in his hands, looked at the distant sky with great vigilance, and asked loudly: "Come and report your name quickly, otherwise I will attack directly. No mercy!"

"Hahahaha, Rafis, stop him, let's go!" A malicious voice sounded from the distant sky, and it reached the professional in an instant.

"Fallen!" The professional woke up suddenly, and he immediately started to activate his skills. A ball of blue light emerged from his hand, and then a north wind blew suddenly between the sky and the earth, and a long icicle fell from the professional. His hand rushed towards the place where the sound came from.

It is the polar storm of the druid skill. Following the trajectory of the north wind, the druid can summon a rapidly cooling ice torrent. Under the impact of this freezing, any enemy will lose its vitality.

"Phantom Cloak!" A voice different from the one who spoke before sounded, and a shadow flowed towards the Druid from the ground in the distance, and the Druid was forced to give up blocking the progress of others, and turned back , to drive enough distance and wait for the assassin's fallen man's skill time to end.

"Haha, keep up, move quickly, and complete the task quickly, lest the human beings react and send reinforcements." I saw three figures in the air rushing over the heads of the druids and assassins on the ground.

"Kyle! It's you, what do you want to do?" Although the fallen man was flying very fast, the druid still saw his face clearly, and immediately roared in shock.He secretly thought that it was bad, and he had already guessed the other party's purpose in his heart.

"Your Excellency can't protect yourself, why do you care so much?" The shadow on the ground exploded with a bang, and a man in a black tight-fitting assassin appeared in front of the druid.

"Rafis, the twin of the night, it's actually you." The druid saw the opponent's appearance clearly, and knew in his heart that this time he was in trouble. The strength of the opponent might not be inferior to him, and he was afraid that his mission would fail this time.Terrible!

"Hey, it's you, Wolf King Garnett. It's interesting that you were sent out to protect these little chicks. Where's Truth Pierce, who's always been inseparable from you? Where's the gentleman sword, Ray Allen?" Rafis asked a little. He scanned left and right worriedly, but he didn't find the two people he mentioned no matter from his perception or sight.

"Hmph, don't worry about it, they didn't come. If they did, you would definitely die this time! What a pity." Wolf King Garnett was a handsome man.A tall and thin man, he was wearing a green cloak, and he looked heroic and majestic.

Rafis smiled evilly, his task this time is to try to entangle this guy as much as possible, and give Kyle and them enough time to complete the task.

After knowing that it was Wolf King Garnett, his original idea of ​​killing the opponent was shattered. The name of this professional was not blown out, it was all due to countless fights with fallen people and monsters.The title of Wolf King was covered with the blood of many fallen people and monsters.

So, he procrastinated for time and said, "You're right. If the truth and gentleman's sword in your golden triangle also come, I will definitely only be summoned by the great god Mephisto. It's a pity that they didn't come, so today I simply Let me smash the invincible name of your Golden Triangle, and make my reputation as the twins of the night resound throughout the fallen dream!"

"Joke, don't think I don't know you're delaying time, but I'm also buying time. After all, this skill takes a little time to release." Garnett smiled disdainfully, and then raised his hands violently.

"I call for your arrival in the name of Garnett! The secret of the mad wolf? Aoyue silver wolf!!!"

An extremely strong silver light burst out between the two of them. When the fallen man had to close his eyes tightly because of the strong light stimulation, a space channel extended from the endless void, A silver wolf-shaped creature stepped out from the other end of the passage with vigorous and brisk steps.

The silver wolf-shaped creature stepped out of the space passage, and raised its head to the sky with a long howl. The howling sound carried endless majesty, and the surging and powerful momentum spread out in all directions. If there are people from the first world standing in front of it, they will only be caught by this wave. If the momentum is oppressed, if you don't use it to attack, you will collapse to the ground.

Its whole body is covered in silver hair, and it has a pair of upturned golden wings on its back. The golden feathers are like sharp and cold daggers that have been carefully crafted by skilled craftsmen.

The cold light of the four claws burst out, surrounded by a layer of blue light, making its claws even more powerful.

The whole body is strong and streamlined. Once it accelerates to run, it can greatly reduce the air resistance, thus making it move faster.

"Hehe, this is the origin of the name of the Wolf King. The Proud Moon Silver Wolf, this almost regular creature, was born in a mysterious space somewhere in the nightmare world, and only the best druids can summon them As expected of Wolf King Garnett, he is really powerful." Rafis didn't panic, although this silver wolf was very powerful, he was not incapable of dealing with the opponent, anyway, he wanted to delay time, so he simply faced The opponent's summoned object began to explain.

"However, it is said that the Aoyue Silver Wolf can be summoned by the Upanishad of the Wild Wolf at most three. If the Aoi can be penetrated deeply, the Silver Wolf King can even be summoned. From this point of view, the name of the Wolf King seems a bit untrue. "Rafis shook his head, curled his lips in disdain, and revealed some strange information.

"Hmph, it's true, Your Excellency will use your own life to measure it soon?" Wolf King Garnett was not angry, and with a thought, Silver Wolf pounced towards Rafis after receiving his signal. Want to kill each other.

"Hehe, it's a bit of a coincidence. I didn't expect this time to be summoned and summoned. Wolf King, don't think that you are the only one who has helpers. Although I am an assassin, I can also summon helpers!" As a famous person, Rafis, although He is a guy from the fallen camp, but it doesn't mean that he has no power to fight back against the wolf king.

"In the darkness deeper than the night, you came to this world, bringing endless fear! Shadow warrior secret? Night sky walker!!!"

Following Lafis' almost chants, a cloud of black mist spread rapidly from his side. The silver wolf that was rushing towards Lafis was blocked by the black mist, unable to move forward and could only retreat Back, standing beside Garnett, watching the black mist that wrapped Rafis vigilantly.

In the black mist, a huge dark momentum suddenly increased, and then rushed out towards the surroundings, a deep roar sounded from the bottom of Garnett and Rafis' hearts.


This roar seemed to come from under the Nine Netherworlds, and the endless murderous aura condensed into a storm, sweeping across the entire wilderness, flying the yellow sand on the ground everywhere, and some of the gravel hit the wolf king Garnett's face, and he was very angry. pain.

Garnett's green cloak was rattled by the strong wind, a heavy emotion appeared in his heart, and his contempt for Rafis was also forgotten by him. Blow it out.

The black mist was drawn inward suddenly, and an extremely black figure appeared in front of Garnett. This figure was actually exactly the same as Rafis, the only difference was the color of his skin. Rafis had fair skin, and this figure His skin was pitch black, and the two formed a stark contrast.

"Hahahaha, Garnett, although I have heard of your name many times before, I have never fought against you. Let us have a showdown today!" After Rafis summoned his helper, The whole person seemed to have changed. The originally quite cold person suddenly became bold. This kind of situation made Garnett a little puzzled.

"Humph! Come on then. Fight!" Garnett couldn't figure out his changes, and he didn't intend to figure it out. The mission entrusted to him by the alliance, isn't there already someone to help him anyway? I'm already entangled and can't get away, so you can ask for more blessings!

Aoyue Silver Wolf charged towards the dark-skinned figure, it jumped forward suddenly, its two front paws stretched out straight, and the blue light wrapped on the sharp claws began to explode rapidly.

The dark night skywalker was not flustered. As soon as he raised his arm, the assassin's acceleration ability was formed under his feet, and then he kicked his feet, causing countless afterimages on his whole body, and he dodged the silver wolf's pounce all at once.

The Silver Wolf originally thought that the opponent would get out of the way and at the same time seized the opportunity to rush over to attack it from the side or behind, but it had already changed its moves, with its two front paws slashing vigorously to both sides, and its two hind paws also cutting across.

The change of the silver wolf was in vain, it didn't hit anything, the night skywalker seemed to see its change, and instead of attacking it, it rushed directly to Garnett, wanting to fight with its owner Rafis Attack the opponent together to form a one-on-two advantage.

Garnett has experienced many battles and has never encountered any kind of dangerous situation. The opponent's calculation has long been in his calculation.

He waved his hand unhurriedly, and a large group of crows rushed towards Rafis immediately. They desperately attacked the opponent's eyeballs, trying to peck the opponent's eyes blind, so that he could not see anything.

At the same time, Garnett waved his other hand, and a thick green vine emerged from the ground, tightly entangled Night Skywalker's body, making him unable to move.

And Aoyue Silver Wolf also landed on the ground, quickly turned around, and attacked Night Skywalker who was entangled by vines again.

Garnett's blue starlight emerged from his hands. He was going to activate the polar storm skill to slow down the opponent's speed and create opportunities for himself.

The silver wolf didn't take the opportunity to attack Rafis who was disturbed by the crows, because it knew that it was impossible to entangle the night skywalker with the vines that were not summoned by the esoteric skills.

Sure enough, after the night skywalker was entangled by the vines, its body seemed to melt into the night, and it disappeared from the vines at once, and then silently and without a trace, it sneaked towards Garnett who activated his skills.

"Roar!" Aoyue Silver Wolf let out a long roar, and a ray of light appeared on the bottom of its feet, its speed suddenly increased, and it caught up with the night skywalker who was about to attack. (to be continued..)

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