my name is blitz

Chapter 760 Ending Single-Line Confrontation and Steady God Conferment [Part 1]

Brits,. .

The two steam robots stood face to face, looking at each other quietly.

There is no communication, on the one hand, there is a language barrier, and more importantly, there is no need for more conversations between the two at this moment.

There is some tacit understanding, which is connected in mind.

Looking at the opponent in front of him who defeated him, crazyrobo sighed slightly in his heart.

He originally thought that he had overestimated the opponent's strength, but he didn't expect to be defeated in the end.

Putting aside the strength gap between kola and the opponent, Delevingne, and not talking about the tacit cooperation between the two groups——

In terms of the duel in the support position alone, he is indeed inferior to the blitz01 in front of him.

Where is the difference...

It seems that every detail and every operation, he is slightly inferior to the other party.

Just a little bit.

But so many "points", added together, led to the ending of his passive control everywhere.

No matter whether it is the first hand or the backhand, no matter how exciting and extreme the routines he plays with kola, he still can't help the opponent.

It seems that no matter how small and slim a chance of life can be, it is hard to imagine that someone in this world can actually beat the auxiliary robot to this level.

Almost... no, exactly is never making a mistake, always being in control of the situation.

That awareness, operation, and calculation ability as accurate as a computer made him, the recognized "world's number one robot", feel ashamed.

Perhaps, only the master from years ago, the god of support in the old version of League of Legends in the true sense, can be a little curious and expectant with this sudden.

He really wanted to know, if it was the master Endlife who was at the peak of the League of Legends e-sports circle and made other "gods" extremely fearful, facing the blitz01 in front of him...

Similarly, if there is an auxiliary match between two robots, what will be the result of victory or defeat?

And just as this thought flashed across, cr shook his head and smiled, putting this unrealistic thought behind him.

The current master has retired long ago, and there is no possibility of returning to the professional e-sports circle again. How can it be possible to fight against blitz01? ...

In the current e-sports circle, the support position is at the top of the pyramid, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is the only one who can compete with this blitz01. <A pair of electronic eyes glow brightly.

Although the master has no possibility of returning again, as the apprentice of the master, the "world's number one assistant" of this generation, he will never lose his fighting spirit because of a little setback.

The glory laid down by the former master endlife will be inherited by him and guarded by him! <Holds out his metal right hand to the former.

(Next, meet at the final of the team competition.)

(I won't lose again.)

Blitz silently looked at the only opponent in front of him whom he valued and admired, and felt a faint change in the opponent's momentum, and nodded slightly, feeling a little relieved and admiring.

The duel just now was also the most hearty battle it has fought since it traveled to this game world. <, did not live up to my own attention and expectations. <.

(Next... next time... in the final... I will... continue to... do my best... go all out.)

The metal palm wrapped in the huge red leather glove was tightly gripped with the red iron palm painted with burning flame patterns on the arm.

The eyes of the ring emperor and the land king met, and there were invisible sparks flickering faintly.

Both sides already know each other's mind.

Today's single-lane duel is just an appetizer.

The really grand and formal dinner will be the team competition afterwards.

After all, the format of the single-lane match cuts out a lot of other combat factors, and only depends on the online confrontation ability of the single-lane players on both sides; while the 5v5 team match is different, team battles, coordination, beware of gank, layout of vision, and competition for wild areas Factors such as the economy need to be taken into consideration.

That is the real stage to test the comprehensive strength of all-star players.

real battlefield.


In the sky above the Sky Arena, sixteen giant holographic virtual screens projected the final rankings of the bottom lane duels.

Blitz and Delevingne of the Chinese All-Star Team ranked first with 6 wins and 0 losses.

The arena burst into applause again.

Teleported from the central floating island back to the No. 7 floating island, what greeted Britz and Delevingne was the sincere congratulations from the three teammates who were out of the flames of despair, flowing time, and the situation.

After a short conversation, the two heroes of Valoran, who won the first place in the bottom lane single-lane duel, hurriedly chose to quit the offline line——

After defeating the South Korean "Twin Gods" group and winning the sixth victory, the heart of Valoran in Britz's chest was already trembling.

Returning to the chaotic space inside the Heart of Valoran, the four companions Nidalee, Annie, Plank, and Monkey King greeted them immediately.

"Hey, Delevingne, this game was pretty good! It's fucking enjoyable!" Plank patted Delevingne's shoulder vigorously and laughed. <It exploded~ Let me just say, what is the number one robot in the world, of course only Abu is worthy of this title~"

Sun Wukong glanced over Blitzcrank and Delevingne, with a smile on his face: "Good job——"

Nidalee raised her head and murmured softly: "Next... it's time to trigger [Heroic Spirit Awakening] again——"

With the voice of the wild huntress falling, the colorful light group suspended in mid-air began to emit more and more dazzling and magnificent light, and a series of dreamlike colorful light bands stretched out gracefully.

The light band exploded, and hundreds of millions of colorful light dust condensed into huge heroic light shadows.

Spin quickly.

At the same time, a soft and friendly female voice reminded the ears of the six Valoran heroes themselves:

"The random selection is complete."

"Desert Butcher Renekton, awakened for the second time, 75%."

"Frost Witch Lissandra, awakened for the second time, 75%."


Twelve huge heroic lights and shadows surround and suspend in the void, exuding a misty brilliance like a dream and miracle.

Six single-lane duel victories.

The energy value of [-] points.

36 hero partners have been awakened for the second time.

In just one day, the word "rich" is far from enough to describe such a harvest.

However, for the Brits six, their moods did not become so joyful and uplifted.

My heart seemed to be shrouded in shadows, so heavy that I couldn't even breathe.


That night, the homepage of the official forum of the national server released a bright red poster of good news.

Naturally, the ones to celebrate were the outstanding results achieved by their national server all-star team in the four rounds of single-lane duels.

Among them, there is no doubt that the bot lane combination of Blitz and Delevingne has the brightest record.

One-line duel first!

Overwhelm the South Korean "Twin Gods" combination! <, same finish!

"This is not a god, is there still justice! ? "

On the official forum of the national server, players shouted like this loudly.

Then there was a wave of fanatical echoing posts:

"Resolutely sealed the gods! ! ! "

"First Assistant!The first ADC! ! "

"The name of "God Level", Bu Shen and Brother Axe deserve it! "

"Who refuses to stand up!Grandpa will accompany you to sala! ——》

The public opinion on this topic became more and more heated, and finally swept the entire forum of the major servers of the League of Legends.

In the face of Brits and Delevingne's domineering record of winning all six games this afternoon, even the picky European and American server players, and even the Korean server players who have always underestimated players from other countries, faced the national server players. Public opinion with high emotions like ours also chose to remain silent.

Silence means acquiescence. (To be continued.)

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