my name is blitz

Chapter 742 The Proclamation of the Ring Emperor [Part 3]

Amid bursts of vibrating cheers like mountains and tsunami, on the central floating island, Britz, Draven, and both stepped onto the competitive stone platform.

In front of the stone platform, four people from both sides stood still and faced each other.

The proud and conceited kola restrained her arrogance for the very first time at this very rare moment, her eyes narrowed slightly, and there was an icy chill and a strong sense of provocation in her eyes. < is silent and quiet as before, but the domineering skin shape of the land king. 4wd, and the crimson flame lines that seem to burn and flow faintly on the metal fists, all of them exude a calm and intimidating mountain. People momentum.

The world's first adc.

The world's number one support.

The world-recognized strongest bot lane combination formed by two "god-level" players! <name.

That's their Hanbok idol!

their god! ! !

Below the competitive stone platform, five pairs of all-star bot laners who also stood on the central floating island but had already finished their six matches looked at the South Korean "Twin Gods" on the stone platform with awe and envy. combination.

For them, who are also bottom laners, the combination of these two "god-level" is a towering mountain that will be insurmountable in their entire lives.

The adc player Killer of the North American team sighed slightly. The result of their previous match against the South Korean "Twin Gods" team was the same as the one-line duel in the last All-Star Game. Only this time, the opponent's adc was replaced by a strong one. The more terrifying kola also made them lose even more room for defeat.

The two "god level" are almost absolutely unsolvable existences.

(Perhaps, this is the perfect limit that the bottom lane combination can achieve...)

The latter, the No. [-] assistant in North America, first smiled, as if he understood what his companion was thinking, and then pouted towards the other side of the competitive stone platform ahead.

Killer looked subconsciously.

<, and them :-)

The previous battle with the Chinese team's bot lane team flashed back in his mind, and Killer suddenly understood, and then he smiled knowingly, with an expectant expression on his face.

(Indeed, only these two members of the Chinese team have the strength and qualifications to compete head-on with the "God-level" combination of the Korean All-Stars...)

"Bu god, come on!!"

"Brother Ax fucked kola!!"

"The last match, a battle to seal the gods!!!—"

The Chinese spectator area in the arena suddenly erupted with enthusiastic cheers and cheers. As the home of the All-Star event, the national server spectators accounted for a full half of the million viewers. They came even more impressively.

But surrounded by such enthusiastic cheers and cheers, Britz and Delevingne standing in front of the competitive stone platform were silent.

Calm down.


He didn't get distracted by the high-pitched atmosphere, and didn't even feel a little bit of passion because of the powerful opponents facing each other.

Before doing this, perhaps the two would indeed be excited to fight because of the strength of their opponents, and they would have a heroic mind to compete with their opponents.

But now, the hearts of the two heroes of Valoran are only calm and resolute.

The peak battle for the sake of gimmicks has no meaning or value.

At most it's an accessory.

All they want now is victory.

Therefore, this is not a battle of kings in the bottom lane.

It was just a battle they had to win for their companions, comrades-in-arms, and Valoran.


This is war.

It's not e-sports for showing off and earning applause.

It is a real war full of invisible gunpowder and flames of war, full of iron and blood!

If you lose, you may lose the last chance to save your friends and Valoran, and ruin all your relatives, friends and homeland.

Therefore, there is no winner or loser in this contest.

only to survive...

Or die!

In Britz's round electronic eyes, the always calm and gentle light suddenly became extremely dazzling and piercing.

With a silver-gray burly metal body and a pair of bright red leather gloves, a more majestic aura is slowly rising from the body.

King of the ring!



(There is no need for... anything... comparing... measuring....)

The steam robot itself slowly raised its metal right arm, tightly clenched the huge red leather glove, and raised it high above its head.

Joints are slightly flexed.

He raised his head slightly, gazed calmly, and gazed.


A shocking pose.

Just like the meaning indicated by this skin——

No need to think about who needs to be defeated, it is the absolute emperor above this arena.


At the same time, the momentum slowly rising from Britz's body also climbed to the peak. The mountainous mighty coercion coupled with this domineering and messy king's proclamation gesture was almost an instant...

Then the entire sky arena was detonated! ! !

"Bu God!!"

"Bu God!!"

"Bu God!!!——"

Even before the game officially started, countless players on the national server were overwhelmed by this eye-catching scene, their blood boiling hot and bursting out into wild shouts!

In the previous national server professional league, or in the six single-lane duels that just ended, Blitzcranks used his outrageously powerful operation to crush opponents and bring visual excitement to the national server players. Shock and enjoy.

However, no matter how hearty and hearty the victory is, it has never made any more feedback after the game, which also makes many national server players feel regretful and dissatisfied.

Until... now.

This was the first time, and in front of tens of millions of spectators around the world and top professional players of all-star teams, Britz made such a domineering silent declaration.

If you don't do it, it's enough. Once you do it, you will stir up everyone's passion!

Even though he has not been recognized by the "god level", he has such an influence that is comparable to or even surpasses the "god level"!

"As long as this match can be won, Abu will definitely become a god!"

In the startv live broadcast room, Luo Yang's eyes were shining brightly, and his tone of voice was unprecedentedly determined, even more so than when he recognized fly as a god in the world finals last season.


Inside the heart of Valoran, the chaotic space.

Looking at the picture on the live broadcast screen, Nidalee had a gratified expression on her face: "Abramovich has raised his state to the peak—"

Plank stroked his beard, smacked his lips, and smiled: "Good guy...fucking god-level shit is going to be unlucky!"

This is not a lie.

The four Valoran heroes who were present at the scene had all seen the battle scene of Blitz in this peak state.

That's a pretty exaggerated picture.

In the League of Legends, almost no hero, even one with movement skills, would dare to compete head-on with Blitzcrank in this state.

Ranked No. [-] in the support of the League of Legends in Valoran.

This unique honorary title is really not just blown out casually.


<The four of them are surrounded by kola.

The two sides enter their respective battle rooms, the blue side is the Chinese team, and the purple side is the Korean team.

Then, the ban selection link——


The noisy and boiling sky arena instantly became silent.

On the sixteen huge holographic screens, the ban selection interface of blue and purple is presented. (To be continued.)

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