my name is blitz

Chapter 722 All Petrochemical [Part 3]

"It's too stable..."

In the startv live broadcast room, the sixth note on the commentary booth couldn't help murmuring. .

In the first battle, he praised Fly as "too fast", but this time, he was amazed at Gleam's heinously stable operation.

And this is precisely the difference between fly and gleam, the two god-level mid-single play styles.

The former is violent and aggressive, aggressive like fire.

The latter is watertight and stable as a mountain.

Star Mother Soraka, a hero, originally belonged to the kind of one-on-one solo existence, if you don't take the initiative to come up and force it, it is basically impossible for me to forcefully kill you.

But in this kind of single-lane duel, killing people and getting first blood is indeed not the only way to win.

The first to reach 100 make-ups will also be able to win.

And this is precisely the strength of gleam, which once achieved a miraculous operation of 300 knives per minute.

"I guess it's hard to hope for a comeback—"

Seeing that the game time came to the 8th minute, and the difference between the two sides was [-], Luo Yang shook his head and sighed.

Taozi was also startled by the difference in last hits, and her mouth opened slightly: "This Soraka from Gleam... seems to have only missed one last hit..."

The sixth note nodded helplessly: "Yeah, they just won't come up and fight you hard, anyway, you can win if you reach 100 CS stably."

The civet cat in the guest seat at the side shook his head slightly, and added and corrected: "Now Liu Shui can't fight hard even if he wants to."

"Don't look at gleam's star mother who is very stable in making up the knife, and think that he is only strong at this point."

"This guy's detailed operation and reaction speed are also quite terrifying..."

Yes, as an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with fly and even beat the former, if there is only one who has solid basic skills in making up, how can he deserve the honorary title of "god level"?

You must know that Yao Ji's skill "Phantom Shadow" moves very fast. Often after the first stage is triggered, the opponent can trigger the second stage before returning to the original place.

The whole process takes no more than a fraction of a second.

But gleam just reacted.

Moreover, it can also seize the extremely short time gap of a few tenths of a second to make targeted counterattacks, and even take the initiative to take advantage of the situation to attack.

This can be easily seen from the several sets of exhausting operations that he used the silence effect of "mana infusion" to mark the running time with a few sets of consumption just now.

The game time is just over 9 minutes.

Gleam's last damage has reached 81 dollars, which is a whole knife ahead of Flowing Time.

Judging from the state of blood volume, the enchantress of Flowing Time has no possibility of forcibly killing the opponent's star mother with a set of skills.

This also means that this battle has entered garbage time with no suspense of victory or defeat.

In the end, it was Liu Shui Guangyao who voluntarily gave up and stepped forward to give away the head.

Looking at the purple victory emblem pattern of the star mother gleam on the screen, the Chinese spectator area of ​​the Sky Arena and the live broadcast room were all quiet.

The players on the national server didn't mean to blame Liushui Guangyao - after all, there was no need to waste time struggling after playing to the point just now, and it was not a passive abandonment of the game.

However, watching the end of such a game gave them a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

God level, is it really so strong and unstoppable?

Even Liushuiguang, the first mid laner launched by their national server public election, can only be grinded to death by the opponent bit by bit, without any power to turn the game around, as if being played in the palm of the hand.

Could this be the gap between "God-level" and non-"God-level"?

This kind of thinking makes countless national server players feel extremely frustrated.

"No." At this time, Luo Yang gave an explanation in a timely manner: "Actually, the reason for losing such a complete loss in this game is that Gleam did not expect that the star mother would be the hero."

"Although in the eyes of many people, Soraka is more of an auxiliary hero, but in fact, the ability of the Son of the Stars in the heads-up lane is quite terrifying. As a top laner, even Being able to stand undefeated against violent heroes like Crocodile and Jax."

"In addition, the hero used in this time of flowing water is the enchantress, so she was restrained by Soraka even more, so it will end like this, not to say that the strength gap between the two is really unacceptable. degree."

The sixth note on the side nodded in agreement, and then added: "If you want me to say, even if it's fly, it wouldn't dare to use the enchantress against gleam's star mother."

And soon, his words were confirmed by the facts.

Two more games later, as the images on the [-] giant holographic screens stopped flashing, the two contestants for the seventh round of one-lane duel in the middle were determined by lottery.

Europe against South Korea.

The entire sky arena burst into unprecedented sensational cheers in an instant.

gleam and fly!

The peak duel between the two "God-level" mid laners!

Since the opening of the All-Star Game yesterday, the most exciting match has finally arrived! ! !

Who is the number one mid laner in the world?

The next battle will basically make all the players who are burning with the soul of gossip come to a conclusion!

At the same time, surrounded by cheers, the two gods had already stepped onto the competitive stone platform in no particular order.

Looking at each other, where the eyes meet, invisible sparks collide in the air.

With the flash of colorful light, the two figures disappeared in place.

The lights and shadows flickered on the sixteen huge holographic virtual screens, and the ban selection screen quickly appeared.

As expected, the first-hand ban right of the blue square fly was directly handed over to the Son of the Stars, Soraka.

And Gleam immediately banned the Enchantress.

The second ban of both sides was handed over to Nunu and Annie respectively.

Three bans, ice bird and fox.

"Ban... the ice bird and the nine-tailed demon fox?"

In the commentary seat, Sixth Note was a little dazed when he saw the result of such a ban.

Luo Yang rubbed his nose: "This hand ban...indeed has more of the player's personal subjective emotions..."

This sentence is not straightforward, but the national server players in the live broadcast room can easily understand it.

Gleam's best hero is the ice bird known as the number one in the world.

And fly is also first known to the world as the world's number one fox.

But whether it is the ice bird or the fox, in this kind of one-line duel solo game, they are actually not considered a strong OP existence.

So from a feeling point of view, it is really unreasonable for fly to ban the ice bird.

And gleam backhand banned Fly's natal fox, which seemed even more like the two were deliberately angry.

"The world of the Great God is really difficult to understand..."

The civet cat in the guest seat complained full of sorrow.

However, in the end, the hero chosen by the two of them still set off cheers in the Sky Arena.

European team gleam, blasting genius Giggs.

South Korean team fly, Tidal Sea Spirit Fitz.

Two mid laners who are extremely strong in online solo!

"The Bomberman has a strong laning consumption ability. After the second level, the little murloc has an astonishing set of explosive second-man abilities. This contest will be very exciting!"—" Sixth Note quickly analyzed, his eyes began to sparkle Bright.

On the screen, the two sides lock and confirm the hero.

The real battle of gods has finally begun.


Inside the heart of Valoran, the chaotic space.

Looking at the live broadcast of Summoner's Canyon on the holographic screen, Plank looked gossipy and curious:

"Hey, these two guys are the so-called strongest 'god-level' mid laners in this world, who do you think can win this match? Monkey... cough, forget it, Nidalee, what do you think? "

Nidalee smiled slightly: "It's hard to say, both of them are very strong, not much worse than Ziggs and Fitz himself, I think... it's [-]-[-]." Then he looked down at Little Annie: "Annie, what do you think?"

The little loli wrinkled her little nose cutely: "It should be about the same... But I hope this fly will be blown up..."


10 minute later.

Looking at the final result projected on the [-]-sided holographic virtual screen, the entire sky arena was completely silent and needles could be heard.

In the startv live broadcast room, Luoyang, Sixth Note and others in the commentary booth all petrified.

Ju, it will be...

Such a result! ? (To be continued.)

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