my name is blitz

Chapter 507 1 Pick 2

The huge bright golden crescent energy arc came whistling with surging air waves, scraping across the middle battlefield with incomparable precision.

The two heroes, Blue Barrel and Jax, were not spared!

This big move directly took away a full half of the blood on the top of their heads!

The wine barrel nad, which has withstood the most firepower from Anne and Moonlight v Xiaoqiao, is the most unbearable. See the bottom, the first to send the head.

"Player 'Blitz' killed 'nad'."

The kill notification sound of the system's female voice sounded in the middle.

"What a great move!" In the startv live broadcast room, Luoyang couldn't help but exclaim.

The three of Liu Shui Guangyin on the side also had gleaming eyes, their eyes full of surprise.

Just now, they clearly saw that Blitzcrank's ez in the bot lane hadn't reached level [-], but it was probably because Annie, who had assisted Annie to leave, was eating the experience of the soldier line alone, but the speed to level [-] was no less than that of someone who had died twice. The blue square barrel is slower.

And this big move must have been launched from a distance towards the middle of the road as soon as it reached level six.

Such a decisive shot.

Such an accurate prediction!

The performance of Abu's ez is no worse than the auxiliary robot it used in the previous game!

After the bright golden energy moon arc directly killed the blue barrel, it also knocked down the blue top laner Jax's HP to only a quarter of it.

In this way, there is no need to care about the battle situation in the middle lane anymore - under the pursuit of Purple Square and Annie, Jax, who had handed over the flash in advance, has no possibility of escape.

Suddenly, the camera angle was automatically switched to the bottom lane by the spectator o*** system.


Several people in the startv studio were slightly taken aback.

o**The system automatically switches the viewing angle, often based on an intelligent judgment based on whether a fierce battle broke out in a certain place on the Summoner's Canyon map.

But the battle in the middle lane is not completely over yet, why did the screen suddenly switch to the bottom lane?

Is it...

The eyes of several people turned to the screen in unison, just in time to see the blue side's assistant, Zyra, suddenly flashing in a dazzling white light, rushing in front of the purple side ez Blitzcrank!

"Not good! The other side wants to kill Abu by force!—" Tao Zi covered her mouth and exclaimed.


Summoner's Rift off the road, a few seconds ago.


However, when they noticed that a battle broke out in the middle lane suddenly, and Annie, the assistant of the purple side on the opposite side, appeared on the middle lane, their thoughts immediately came alive.

It is already certain that there is only ez on the opposite side of the bottom lane.

Two against one, even if the opponent has reached six, and the two of them are only level 5, they still have a chance to kill.

This thought was completely firmed up after noticing that Blitzcrank's big move "Precise Barrage" was unprepared not far away and was cast far towards the middle.


Pretending to be careless, he walked forward in two steps, and the next moment, the fence that was supporting Zyra suddenly exploded!

A snowy white awn suddenly flashed——

Flash forward!

Get close to the target, raise your hand like lightning, and cast the skill "Entangling Root"!

This technique is the same as Annie's previous operation of casting "Shattering Fire" and then "burning" the stunned wine barrel in the middle of the road.

Zyra's skill "Entangling Root" has an obvious casting trajectory. As long as the opponent reacts quickly, he can use the displacement skill or even move to avoid it.

But if the distance between the two sides is shortened to a certain extent, then after Zyra's "entangled root" is shot, the opponent wants to react and dodge, and the difficulty will increase exponentially.

Two parallel thick vines rolled up a wave of soil on the ground, and rushed fiercely towards Blitz who was almost close at hand!


The corner of his mouth raised a little proudly, the fence was almost certain, such a close-range shot with strong control, even a professional player would hardly have the ability to dodge.

Yes, "almost".

Unfortunately, the target he was targeting at this moment happened to be an exception.

Perhaps when it comes to fighting skills, Blitzcrank, who has only awakened Master Shopkeeper to a certain degree, cannot compare with those top-level professional ez players.

But if it depends on a reaction speed, Britz, who has experienced countless cruel and iron-blooded wars on the continent of Valoran, or Little Annie, both have the qualifications to dominate the entire League of Legends professional gaming circle.

Blink dash, shorten the distance, reduce the reaction time.

Are these little tricks and tricks useful?

Blitz directly shattered the opponent's support Zyra's confidence with his powerful and unparalleled reaction.

A group of dazzling snow-white awns dazzled the fence's eyes.

The moment before the thick vines rolling around his upper body were about to wrap around his upper body, Britz's figure disappeared in place in an instant.

Limit flash! ! !

"Avoid!! ez flashed to evade Zyra's control!! Amazing reaction speed!!" At this moment, even Luoyang, who has always been calm and prudent, shouted excitedly!

Not to mention the countless national server players, the heart that was suddenly lifted suddenly burst into incomparably excited enthusiasm at this moment, shouting crazily!

Great, my god of cloth! !

[***] The ez that exploded! ! !

Go to hell with all the funny Korean sticks! ! ——

Flashing to the right to avoid the control of Zyra's "entangled root", Britz raised his hand like lightning.

The energy beam flat a!

The speed of light switches to "Secret Shooting", and the shake after attack is cancelled!

Ping a again!

The output of a set of small combos hit the blue Fang Jiela fence in the blink of an eye. At this moment, with Blitzcrank's damage, he quickly knocked out nearly one-third of the opponent's HP!

Moving again, he avoided the opponent's "Fatal Bloom" spike attack to the limit, and Zai Ping quickly followed up. After narrowing the distance to within the range, a Ping A crossbow arrow hit Blitzcrank. A silver-white energy halo formed under the latter's feet.

Facing the attacks of the two heroes on the blue side, Blitz didn't flinch at all. He was extremely calm and calm, and still persistently directed his firepower at the opponent's support Zyra, and shot another level-a energy beam.

This is... [-]v[-]! ! !

All the players on the national server stared straight at the eyes. Although they were nervous and worried, what's more, they were burning and boiling emotions that couldn't be restrained!

***!Bu God come on! <A "dodge and surprise attack" displacement rolls forward, further adjusting the position angle between himself and Blitzcrank, and then hits the latter with a flat a with additional damage.

The silver-white circle of light under Britz's feet turned into two.

The next moment, all the players watching the live broadcast suddenly saw that Wei En on the blue side brazenly handed over his flash after the second flat A! <The shortest straight line is formed between Blitz and the grassy rock wall on the lower road!

Moreover, the speed of this flash handover was too fast, and the placement of the teleportation was too perfect, making it impossible for Blitzcrank to escape the opponent's next "Demon Judgment" stun control that must be handed over by moving! <The short crossbow in his hand is raised like lightning, the skill "Demon Judgment", let's shoot!

hum! ! ! ——

A low and heavy crossbow string quivered like it came from the nether world, and a huge heavy crossbow bolt roared and shot out!

The target was Blitz in front of him!

At this moment, the hearts of all the players on the national server were once again tightly clenched into a ball:

Grass!I can't escape it! !

But at the same moment, the light in Britz's eyes flashed away.

Facing the heavy crossbow arrows that pierced the air, a group of dazzling golden lights suddenly lit up on its body——

Explorer. Ezreal's displacement skill - "Arcane Leap"!

The figure teleported from the spot to the left several hundred yards away in an instant, and at the same time, the heavy crossbow also hit Britz's chest heavily!

boom! ! ! ——

Britz was repelled by the huge impact from the crossbow and flew backwards, but because of the extreme displacement and adjustment of the stance angle in the previous moment, Wei En's "Demon Judgment" not only failed to It stunned on the wall and controlled it, but sent it behind the blue side's assistant Zyra!

The national uniform that was silent for a moment turned into a sea of ​​cheers and thunder, and Britz raised his hand again, hitting Zyra with a flat A beam of energy!

Ping a again!

Pick up "Essence Leap"!

Ping a again!

"Secret Shooting"! !

Forcibly carrying the flat A damage of the opponent's adc Vayne, Blitz bit the blue side to assist Zyra to output wildly!

Under such an attack, the fence whose blood volume plummeted to the endangered line could only turn around and run away in a hurry.

But without the flash in his hand, how could he escape from Blitzcrank who has the small wooden hammer to accelerate?

The last flat a, brought the last trace of blood on the top of Zyra's head——

Take the head, take it! (To be continued.)

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