my name is blitz

Chapter 473 The Ninth Day of Arrival [Leader Plus 9]

Hearing the whisper of little Annie sitting on his shoulder, Britz, who was sitting quietly absorbing the energy light belt for charging and recovery, smiled knowingly.

This fly, who has been recognized by the world as a newly promoted "god-level", his crown of "world's number one fox" is indeed worthy of the name.

Even Annie, who has a tsundere personality that doesn't pay much attention to the skills of most diamond and strongest players, and even some professional players, will reluctantly admit that the other party is a fox The operation is indeed quite powerful, from which we can see the strength of fly.

But if you really want to compare...

Fly is known as "the world's number one fox".

Ali is the deity of Ahri in the Valoran League of Legends.

Of the two, it is difficult to draw a conclusion as to which is stronger and which is weaker.

In the past, Britz himself has made similar comparisons and conjectures, but because his understanding of the fly is limited to some battle videos, it is difficult to obtain enough information and data from it to supply the system in his brain processing core for analysis.

Of course, although it is not purely subjective like Annie with a petite temper, thinking that Ali must be better than fly, but as far as Britz's current understanding of this god-level player of "the world's number one fox" is concerned, his opinion But it is also quite consistent with Anne.

In fact, from its point of view, there should be no obvious difference between the two in terms of combat skills, consciousness, skill casting mastery, etc., and they have both reached the limit of being almost perfect and flawless.

But the gap between the two...or the reason why it thinks Ahri is better than fly lies in their surnames.

According to game terms, it is reflected in the style of play.

Fly's style of play...was a little rough.

The "wave" here is not purely a derogatory term. With such a superb operational ability, the wave of fly can often create excellent breakthrough opportunities for him in laning and team battles, so that he can play once. A wonderful magic fuck show.

And this is also the style he possesses only when he has absolute confidence and pride in his own strength.

But Ahri himself is different. On the battlefield, Ahri is always so agile and elegant. Although he is not as aggressive and murderous as the flying fox, he is always able to attack the weakest link of the enemy at the most suitable time. , giving a fatal blow like a ghost.

These two styles of play are not considered to be better or worse under normal circumstances.However, if the two parties are both "God-level" and have equal strengths, and each does not show its flaws, then the side with an aggressive style will often develop a bit of anxiety in the stalemate and confrontation, which will affect the normal display of its own strength. .

Britz saw this situation in a Korean professional league video.

In that match, Fly's Fox was facing off against May, a mid laner from South Korea's veteran team njseal.With the recognition of "half god-level" strength, may used a mid-laner barrel style of play in that round very calmly, and never left an opportunity for fly. As a result, after more than ten minutes, he couldn't hold back Fly, surnamed Zi, couldn't help launching a rush attack and tried to forcefully take away the opponent's solo kill, but never thought that May's reaction could dodge part of the skill damage. A big move blasted the fox back to the tower, completing the counter-kill, and then They snowballed step by step to establish the advantage in the middle.

Therefore, surname is also an important factor in measuring the standard of strength.

"Abu, Abu, there's a guy who claims to be the number one robot in the world!" The restless little Annie seemed to have discovered some video again, and angrily patted Blitz's round iron head with her small hands, sending out The sound of "bang bang bang": "This guy is really shameless! Abu, you should teach him a lesson!"

"Annie...don't...make trouble." Blizzard moved the little girl's little hand away a little bit dumbfounded: "I'm still...charging..." In the words of <, Blitzcrank, who is the robot itself, is unwilling to act like Comparing Ahrihe's personality, he is obviously much calmer than the newly promoted Fly, and his combat mentality and experience are also more sophisticated. Before he really fought against him, Britz didn't dare to say that he would definitely win other side.

Of course, it is one thing not to be able to win steadily, and whether it will lose...that is definitely something it has not considered.


After making a fuss for a while, Anne settled down again, and continued to sit obediently on Britz's shoulders, watching all kinds of fighting videos intently.

Although after watching so many videos, the little girl's lively and active nature has already made her eager to try those matching matches and qualifying matches, but because Britz still needs more than four hours to recharge, Annie still obediently He deliberately chose to wait for Blitzcrank's charging to end, and then let him take him into the game world again.

After all, she has been wandering and fleeing alone for so long, and she is no longer willing to be separated from her companions for a moment.

For her, Britz, who was extremely lucky to meet, is the only relative she can rely on now.


When the charging time of four and a half hours was over, the super battery in Britz's body had just been fully charged, and Annie, who was very excited, urged her to go online and enter the game together.

Blitz naturally had no objection to such a request.

Originally, even if Annie didn't take the initiative, it would do so.

You know, it still has a lot of conjectures, which need to be confirmed through practice.


They took Annie's little hand and entered the login interface together. After being reminded by Britz, both of them chose to log in in Ionia, the game region that was previously offline.

After two colorful rays of light flashed together, the figures of the two reappeared in the tavern of the Demacia city-state.

It was only four or five o'clock in the morning, and there were not many players in the game. Blitz took Anne to find the teleportation array and headed to the place of judgment.

After arriving at the Judgment Land Square, I found an idle competitive stone platform, and when I was about to start a matchmaking match for Annie to practice, the little girl pouted and said that she wanted to play a qualifying match.

"But... Annie... your current...level...should...not be enough?" Britz scratched his head, and patiently explained to Annie: "To have to reach...level do it."

Then, it saw that Anne seemed to call up her own information panel, quickly checked it and then closed the panel, raised her head and smiled happily at Britz: "Abu, I have already reached level 30! "

This answer directly stunned Britz, and then after Anne called up the information panel again and allowed others to see it, the information on the panel really stunned Britz:

[Player id name: Annie. 】

[Summoner level: 30. 】

This situation was completely beyond Britz's expectations. Indeed, according to common sense, Anne's Summoner level, who has never played a match match, should be level 0, and it is absolutely impossible for her to be level 30 as shown on the information panel now. [-] full levels.

Could it be that [Heroic Spirit Sharing] also shared the summoner level and other information together?

Britz guessed.

For further confirmation, it asked Anne to check the number of runes and game coins she owned.

But this time Annie's reply disappointed Blitzcrank—the current number of runes and game coins of the other party were both 0.

In other words, this is not shared thoroughly.

But even so, this result is already quite good, at least saving Annie a lot of upgrade time.

As for collecting game coins to collect runes, such trivial matters can be resolved in just a few days.

Of course, right now, even though Anne already has a sufficient number of usable heroes and her summoner level is already at 30, but because the other party has no runes, Britz decided to take her to matchmaking first.

"Stinky Abu! I just want to play ranked!"

"Don't... worry...tomorrow...tomorrow...go ranking...ok...isn't it?"


"'t...get angry..."

"Hee hee, stupid Abu, I'm not angry because I was cheated so easily~"

"Ah... ah?"

"Matching is fine, but when the runes are full, you must take me to rank immediately—"

"no problem!"

Amidst the cheerful laughter of the little girl like silver bells, the two of them turned into a beam of white light and disappeared in front of the competition stone platform.

And the time slowly came to the morning of the ninth day of the trials.

The ninth round of the national service professional team selection competition is about to start amid heated discussions. (To be continued.)

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