my name is blitz

Chapter 470 Meeting Companions [Part 1]

"Have you seen... my little bear?"

When that delicate and pitiful little figure slowly came into view.

When the timid girl's voice that was so unfamiliar because it had not been heard for too long, but was very familiar because of the memory deeply imprinted in the bottom of my heart sounded in my ears.

Blitz froze for an instant.

At this moment, as long as the power is sufficient, the system processing core that will always run stably even if the sky falls seems to have stalled.

The heart, which has always been calm and stable, and will not be affected by external objects, unexpectedly... trembled slightly.

And Britz's burly and somewhat bulky metal body also trembled slightly.

Then, my heart... trembled violently.

At this time, the dim yellow soft light of the magic street lamps on the side of the street slowly turned up, finally completely lighting up the entire dark alley.

The clear appearance of the owner of that delicate little figure was also unreservedly displayed in front of Blitzcrank.

She was wearing a somewhat shabby, dusty and dirty pink princess dress, a pair of knee-length pink leather boots, and her red bangs, which should have been neatly combed, were also somewhat dimmed by the dust.

A small palm-sized face was covered with dirty mud spots, and even scratched by some sharp objects, but it couldn't hide the little girl's original pink and fair skin, and the pink and jade carvings. Exquisite and lovely facial features.

This look, this dress.

this sound.

this breath.

They all match up with the partner in Britz's memory one by one.

In its countless memories of the heroes and companions in Valoran, the little girl in front of her has appeared too many times.

Among the League of Legends on Valoran, she should be the youngest one.

He is also the most eccentric, the cutest and the naughtiest, the most considerate and the kindest one.

So almost all the heroes in the League of Legends, even the grumpy Planck and the gloomy Darius, can't help but smile from the bottom of their hearts when they see her, and can't help pampering her. Satisfy all her little requests as much as possible.

Even after the failure of the decisive battle with the invaders from the Dark Continent, she separated from the main force, and many anxious companions immediately wanted to turn back and hunt for her trace.

She is the pistachio in the League of Legends, and she is the little princess loved and cared for by everyone.

She is the Daughter of Darkness—


As if time had been frozen at this moment for a long time, when Britz slowly and softly called out these two words, it didn't even realize that its electronically synthesized voice seemed to be trembling slightly at this moment.

Just like it is difficult to calm down, even a little at a loss.

Hearing Britz's voice, the little girl raised her head timidly, looking at Britz with a pair of bright and clear eyes.

Then slowly, the alertness and timidity in the eyes disappeared, replaced by reddened eye sockets and welling up tears.

"Are you... Abu?"

"Really... is it Abu?"

The tone changed from a timid tentative inquiry to an unbelievable reconfirmation.

Before Britz could answer, the little girl rushed forward as if seeing her relatives, tightly hugging her with a pair of dirty little hands, and buried her small head firmly in it. in his arms.

Then there was a burst of crying that let go of all guards:

"Abu! It's really Abu!"

"Wuuuu, everyone... everyone is dead..."

"Mumu died too..."

"I was the only one who ran away and hid for a long time..."

"Also, this place is so strange, it's full of strange and incomprehensible things... I'm so scared... Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Britz carefully and slowly withdrew his hand, fearing that his hard metal body would hurt the companion in his arms, then he patted Annie's back in his arms with his generous metal palm, comforting awkwardly:

"No... cry... nothing... nothing..."

In a small alley, under the dim and soft magic lights, two survivors from the Valoran continent leaned on each other tightly.

It seems to be able to get a precious comfort and warmth from each other.



Annie was sitting at a wooden table, with a chicken leg in her left hand and a big steamed bun in her right hand without any ladylike demeanor, a small cherry mouth opened and closed quickly, eating one bite after another, the small cheeks on both sides were stretched Gotta be bulging.

"An...Ni...don't...don't bit..."

Britz, who was sitting on the side, looked a little worried, for fear that his companion in front of him would choke on the food because he ate too fast.

"'s okay, I haven't eaten...such a for a long time." Annie continued to stuff a big mouthful of buns into her small mouth while waving another A chicken leg in a small hand, and said vaguely in his mouth.

Britz heard the light in his eyes flicker and flicker, and felt more pity for his companion in front of him.

It just learned from Annie that she had inexplicably traveled from Valoran to this game world more than a month ago.

After coming here, everything in the game world is strange to Anne.

She saw many strangely dressed people who were almost exactly the same as the companions of the League of Legends, but none of them were the friendly companions in her impression.

Fleeing on the mainland of Valoran in the past few years, her heart has become extremely sensitive and vigilant, and she dare not trust any strangers around her, so she can only spend all day in some hidden alleys in the city curled up and hid.

Therefore, she is not like Blitz who actively chooses to adapt to the game world, what matches and rankings to play.

And in this way, she was unable to obtain game coins, and went to taverns or bun shops in the city-state to buy some food—after the game version was updated, the appearance of taverns and bun shops were not just decorations , Players only need to spend single-digit game coins to buy virtual food. Although they can't be full in reality, they can also bring some taste enjoyment.

Unlike Blitzcrank, who is a robot and can survive by recharging, she still needs to eat to maintain her life.

Therefore, she could only come to the door of the tavern every day, and timidly beg some of the players for some food that they could not finish.

Because of her delicate, cute and pitiful appearance, well-meaning players would generously give her some food, but there were also some bad-natured players who thought she might be a beautiful girl with a childlike face, so they molested her ...

As for how to solve it later, or how to escape, Annie did not tell Brits in detail, but she has been able to empathize with the grievances, hardships, and sadness that the little girl in front of her has experienced in the past month. .

"In the" Britz patted his chest and assured Anne seriously: ""

Indeed, after playing thousands of matches and qualifying matches, the previous game currency is simply tasteless to Blitzcrank, and has been accumulated like that, and has never been used.If you want to count it now, it is estimated that it is already the player with the most game coins in the entire League of Legends.

Hearing Britz's assurance, Annie stopped eating quickly, glanced at Britz with her big bright and clear eyes, and then smiled happily, "Well, Abu, I believe in you!"

"By the way... An... Ni... how... did you... here?" Britz finally remembered this important matter, and asked suspiciously.

"How did you get here?" Annie tilted her head, as if recalling the original scene, and said slowly:

"At that time...after the decisive battle failed, I and Mumu separated from everyone."

"We have been running away, and there are always bad guys and enemies chasing us."

"Later, in order to hold back the enemy, Mumu let me go first, and rushed towards many villainous enemies alone—"

When she said this, Annie's expression darkened, and there were faint tears in her eyes, as if she was about to cry again. Then the little girl sucked her nose hard, forced the tears back, regained her spirits, and continued. :

"Later, I kept running as hard as I could. Slowly, I don't know when the enemy behind me stopped catching up. I just found a place to hide, but I was discovered again not long after, and I I can only change places again... Just run and hide like this, after two or three years..."

"Until a month ago, I was already about to be caught by some villains from the Dark Continent. At that time, it seemed that the entire Valoran Continent shook, and then there were many bright white spots that came out like fireflies. It emerged from the ground, floated up to the sky, and then... I seemed to faint for a while, and when I woke up, I appeared here."

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