my name is blitz

Chapter 421 The King of War

With the end of this system update and the restoration of a complete Valoran continent, the vast number of League of Legends players have some extra fun in addition to the battle of matching ranks.

Like going on an adventure in the Plague Jungle?This is the favorite thing for wild sports enthusiasts who are not afraid of death.

But if you go there, you have to make enough preparations in advance, ask a little friend who has a nanny hero to travel together, and you have to go to the vending store in the city-state to buy recovery medicine or something—otherwise you will be in the plague jungle Well, the dense poisonous mist that has been entrenched for thousands of years can definitely poison people to death.

And these are some new settings made in this system update to increase the fun of the game.

For special map scenes such as the Plague Jungle and the Arctic Ice Field outside the Freljord, when the player enters, it will automatically transform into a combat state with a fixed blood volume and mana value, and some ice If npc wild monsters such as wolves and poisonous lizards are overthrown by wild monsters, or are affected by the harsh geographical environment and lose blood to death, the player will automatically return to the nearest city-state teleportation point.

In addition, there is no setting for fighting monsters and upgrading in these scenes. The level of all players’ heroes is limited to level 3 by default, and they can use three skills except for the ultimate move. Reasonably reduce the playability of this aspect.

It is precisely because of such restrictions that these small additional settings are only used to enrich the background world elements of Valoran, and will not have any impact or impact on the core elements of the game.

After all, this is still an e-sports confrontation game.

So after the freshness of the first few days, the players who have explored almost the entire map of Valoran returned to the matchmaking and ranking battles in the Summoner's Canyon.

However, for Blitzcrank, this system update has made him develop a new habit, that is, after a large number of matching battles every day, he will choose to come to the "canyon" in the city-state. Tenderness" tavern, find a remote location in a corner, and sit quietly for a while.

Although the companions who talked and laughed together in the past are no longer there, and this tavern is not the real one in its memory.

But after all, the exact same decoration and layout in the tavern can still evoke precious memories of its past.

It is also the biggest motivation to support it to work hard in this game world without any complaints.


As the days passed, Blitzcrank continued his daily matchmaking battles, and the energy data of Valoran's Heart was also increasing at a gratifying rate of around 30 energy points per day.

What needs to be mentioned is that on the second day after the unexpected system update, the energy points of Valoran's heart successfully reached the level of 2600, which naturally triggered a new [Awakening of Heroes].

This time, Blitzcrank wasn't so lucky to be able to randomly get the Blade of Exile, Riven, whose awakening level had reached 50%.

Huge light and shadow pictures of hundreds of hero partners danced around in the void of the chaotic space, and what was left in the colorful light rain that exploded all over the sky was a picture of a man wearing a bronze helmet and holding a thick spear in his hand. hero image.

Lord of War. Pantheon.


"Hey, Old Pan, don't you think it's too heavy to wear a helmet all day?"

In the Canyon Tender Tavern, Galen, who was sitting at a wine table, joked to Pan Sen beside him.

"That's right, we've never seen you take off your helmet before—" Zhao Xin stared at Pan Sen with interest while resting his chin.

Jiawen speculated maliciously: "Isn't it because he lost his face during the war?"

"You guys know what the fuck—" Pan Sen raised his head carelessly and drank the full glass of ale in one gulp, and put the glass heavily on the table with a "bang" sound, and said in a stern voice: "The shape of the Sajia He is a real man!"

"Come on," Jiawen rolled his eyes and said, "If you were a real man, why wouldn't you even dare to do such a trivial thing as a confession?"

Pan Sen choked when he heard the words, and his neck immediately turned red: "What, what confession, don't talk nonsense! There is nothing between Sajia and Leona!"

Xin Zhao laughed gloatingly at the side: "Hahahaha, we didn't say who the confession partner is, so you confessed yourself first, and you still said you were innocent? Who would believe——"

Jiawen added fuel to the flames: "Old Pan, you are so weak, you have to learn from Galen, look at him, he confessed his love to his Katerina 3 times a day on time, and he fought and failed repeatedly. After repeated defeats, this is the correct attitude of chasing a goddess!"

"Thank you, thank you~~" Galen was smug when he heard it, and then he suddenly recalled it and was furious: "Bastard! Are you kidding me!?"

After drinking for three rounds, the drunken Pan Sen threw the empty wine glass aside with a "grunt" and then hit his head with a copper helmet on the hard wooden table with a "bang" and murmured indistinctly: " Sajia... hiccup... not good enough for... Leona..."

"Being able to... hiccup... stay next to... her... hiccup... is... very satisfying..."


Summoner's Canyon, "Canyon Tenderness" Tavern Overlord Meal Debt Collection Battle.

"Pan Sen, come to the middle! We are going to start a team here!!"

"Speed ​​jump to support ah ah ah -"

"Believe me, you bastard! Who told you to rush up at this time before all the people arrived!?"

Ten seconds later, a huge circle of light with a radius of hundreds of yards appeared on the ground in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, a burly and strong body fell from the sky with a bang, and hit the ground heavily, stirring up a cloud of flying dust and deafening roars.

"Come here!!! Cough, cough, cough...Where is the enemy!??——"

The high-spirited Pan Sen, with a spear in his left hand and a shield in his right, struggled to look around in a cloud of flying dust.

"Huh? Why did you die, Eze? Why are you dead, Galen and Xin Zhao?"

"Brother Abu! It's great that you're still alive—ah, you bastard, Graves, you actually killed the Sajia teammate in front of the Sajia!"

"So what about five people, the Sajia fights with you!!!——"



After the final battle, a group of heroes are on their way to retreat.

This time, it was the turn of the Goddess of Dawn Leona and the King of War Pantheon to be responsible for buying time for the large army.

"Pan Sen, it's up to us this time." Leona, who is tall and tall, is shrouded in the bright golden light of the sun. Looking from a distance, the pursuers of the Dark Continent have once again approached in a dense manner. : "It will take a little longer—"

The burly man with the title of "King of War" on his head and guarding behind the goddess of dawn from beginning to end slowly knelt on one knee, with a deep and deep voice, carrying an indomitable determination:

"Fighting for you—"

"My Goddess."


The last picture in the memory fragment inherited by Britz is a scarlet field of vision, with the corpses of soldiers from the Dark Continent all over the ground. The man wearing a bronze helmet and speaking in a low voice is covered in scars all over his body, with a strong and indestructible shield in his right hand. It has been completely cracked, and he is half-kneeling on the ground with a steel spear in his left hand.

But even so, he still exuded a steady and insurmountable awe-inspiring determination, blocking all the enemies who tried to rush up, and never took half a step back until his death.

Because behind him is the most precious woman that he can devote his life to protect without complaint or regret.

He raised his head with difficulty, stared hard at the big eyes of the copper bell that were almost covered with blood, and shot viciously at the invader from the Dark Continent not far away who was a little cowed by his tragic momentum. Standing up unsteadily on the ground, facing the sky and the wilderness, he exhausted his last strength and uttered his final roar:

"Is there no one who can fight better!!!——"


"God Abu, God Abu—"

His thoughts were brought back to reality, and Blitz looked at his newly matched passer-by teammate in front of him with apology: "I'm sorry... sorry... what did you just say?"

The player whose id is "Remnant Blood Anti-kill" didn't care about Blitz's distraction just now: God, this kind of style should be there.

"Oh, I mean, God Abu, are you sure you want to use this Sparta as a mid laner?"

"Yeah." Britz nodded affirmatively:

"Pan Sen...the mid" (To be continued.)

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