I became a mysterious person in textbooks after being pushed by the emperors

Chapter 106 "Spreading a small amount of money into an acre"

Chapter 106 "Spreading a small amount of money into an acre"

There were many problems in the Ming Dynasty, such as the military household system, the sea ban, the emperor, and crony disputes. There were too many, too many. In the 21st century, these problems have almost become a moot point.

But in fact, there are only two fundamental problems with Ming Dynasty, as he said.

One is the arrival of the Little Ice Age, and the other is taxation.

As long as these two problems can be handled well, many of Ming's problems will be easily solved.

Especially taxes.

If Yongzheng's gentry can be integrated into paying grain, then all problems will not be a problem.

Unfortunately, it's simply not possible.

At least with the current Ming Dynasty, there is no chance at all.

It was still possible during the time of Lao Zhu and Zhu Di.

By the time of Zhu Houcong, this possibility was almost zero.

There is no way, as mentioned before, the Ming Dynasty is the world of Lao Zhu's family and the world of the gentry, but it is not the world of the common people.

Of course, this is not the specialty of Lao Zhu's family. In fact, the entire feudal dynasty is like this.

However, the only one who could reach the point where Lao Zhu’s taxation was unreasonable was the Ming Dynasty.

In the room, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

There was no lag in the movement, and lines of text were typed out quickly.

"I've already mentioned the first problem, so I'm going to talk about how to solve the second problem."

"If the Ming Dynasty wants to continue, it is like reforming taxation. As for how to reform, we can learn from the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. Many places in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties are dregs, but there is one thing that the Manchu and Qing Dynasties are good at, which is taxation."

"One body works as a servant, one body pays the grain" or "One body serves the officials and the gentry, one body pays the grain", this is a policy implemented during the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty. This policy means that "officials and landlords must also pay taxes." That is to say, the tax exemption for officials and landlords is abolished privilege. "

"According to the official statement, the national finances were in crisis after Kangxi was in power for more than [-] years, and tax revenue was limited. However, due to the inherent system in feudal society where those who have achieved fame are exempt from corvee taxes, the truly wealthy people such as officials and landlords do not need to No matter how much taxes are paid, not only will the financial burden fall on the poor people, but the national treasury will be empty, so this policy is introduced to optimize the tax structure and make the wealthy class of society bear more tax responsibilities."

"Of course, no matter what, if you want to reform, or under the feudal system, if you want to complete tax reform, this is already the limit."

"However, it is very difficult to achieve this. The current world is not in the Yongzheng period. During the Yongzheng period, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties had basically stabilized the situation, and there would be no turmoil. Only then could it be achieved. During the Zhu Youjian period It is almost impossible to do this step directly, you can only do it step by step, such as completing the work of dividing the land into acres and returning the fire consumption to the public."

"The rich have vast fields, but there are few servants. The poor have no standing cones, but there are many corvees."

"The recruitment of Dingyin has had drawbacks from the beginning. Officials and gentry have taken advantage of their privileges to hide people, and cunning people have tried to avoid them by asking them to be registered as guests. However, the Dingyin project still exists, and the result is that the poor farmers on the body."

"Zhu Youjian wants to reform. He can start to universally implement "dividing a ding into an acre", divide the fixed ding tax evenly into the land tax, collect a unified land ding silver, and no longer levy the ding tax on people."

"As long as he can proclaim it to the world, regardless of whether it can be implemented or not, Chongzhen can gain a wave of reputation. This wave of reputation can at least stabilize the crumbling foundation of the Ming Dynasty. Then he can use money to train the army, rectify the armament, and hold the gun. Then the next step Naturally, it is to pacify the world."

"With 3000 million taels of silver, it is not a big problem to train an elite army of 20 people. With 20 elite troops and a reputation, who can defeat the Ming Dynasty? As for civil servants and party struggles, since this group is disobedient, it will be fine if they cannot be replaced."

The text was typed quickly. After Jiang Chen finished typing, he couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head.

In this era, countless people are thinking about how to travel through the Ming Dynasty, how to work hard to govern, and how to avoid the collapse of the Ming Dynasty.

However, Jiang Chen saw the simplest solution in these words.

Having money and fame is enough for Ming Dynasty.

As for other things, such as how to solve the peasant uprising and how to deal with the Donglin Party, it is nonsense.

When the feudal dynasty developed into the Ming Dynasty, the imperial power had reached an extremely high level. The only problem was that the person holding the imperial power was not the emperor.

Maybe they were eunuchs, maybe they were just civil servants.

But this does not mean that the imperial power is weak. As long as the emperor regains the imperial power, then all problems will not be a problem.At the same time, the biggest problem with the collapse of the Ming Dynasty was the dispersion of people's hearts.

At least in the late Ming Dynasty, people's hearts were really dispersed.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many people directly defecting to the Manchus.

Vassal kings, taxation, harsh governance, one by one, each and every one of them made the people of the Ming Dynasty lose their last trust in the Ming Dynasty.

Regardless of the fact that the feudal dynasty has shared the world with the scholar-bureaucrats since ancient times.

But the problem is that if you share the world with scholar-bureaucrats, you also have to consider the people. If you don't, the dynasty will not be far away from collapse.

If Zhu Youjian can control people's hearts.

And with enough strength, all the problems of Ming Dynasty will not be a problem.

As long as Guan Ning's cavalry has enough money, they can naturally stop the Manchu Tatars.

As long as the court has money, it can run completely.

Just like a program full of patches, as long as it can run, the program will not crash.

This was doomed from the beginning.

In the room, Jiang Chen sighed, while on the other side, the emperor's figures couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

The nouns and words described by Jiang Chen undoubtedly attracted them.

Sharing the world with scholar-bureaucrats is a last resort.

In fact, all dynasties have been eliminating the influence of the nobility and gentry.

But in fact the effect is limited.

But the content described in Jiang Chen's words at this moment made these emperors see a possibility.

"If you spread your wealth among your own land, you will never be given any more tax, and all the losses will be returned to the public!"

Muttering to himself, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes flickered.

There was some throbbing in my heart.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Zhu Di couldn't help but stood up all of a sudden.

His eyes were flashing with blazing light at this moment.

In the Profound Palace.

Zhu Houcong was also talking to himself.

As the most important emperors of the Ming Dynasty, even Zhu Houcong, who was relatively weak in ability, was not a fool. On the contrary, his IQ was much higher than that of ordinary people.

Even if these terms are simply explained, you can feel the deeper benefits contained in them.

Of course they are like this, and so is Emperor Chongzhen and Zhu Youjian at this moment.

""Spread a small amount into an acre""

Zhu Youjian murmured to himself. At this moment, he felt that his lips were a little dry, and his face immediately turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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