At the end of Ming Dynasty: I, Sun Kewang!Desperate comeback!

Chapter 255 Liang Huafeng: Zheng Chenggong has no plan, Sun Kewang has no courage!

"It's all Zheng Chenggong's fault!" Liu Shixian clenched his fist.

He was also willing to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and was unwilling to hold back his braids, so when Zhang Huangyan led his troops, he immediately mobilized the city to rebel.

But Zheng Chenggong's 100,000-strong army was defeated in Nanjing.

Under the general trend, he had to bear the braid again.

"If you want to blame us, we can only blame us for being blinded by lard." Another gentleman smiled bitterly and spoke slowly.

Since the Jiangnan Uprising more than ten years ago, the backbone of the Jiangnan gentry has been broken.

It has been stable for more than ten years under the butcher's knife of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

But after the great victory in Zhenjiang, in order to restore the motherland and make Jiangnan great again.

The gentry in southern Anhui also fought hard.

Taiping, Ningguo, Chizhou, Huizhou, Dangtu, Wuhu, Fanchang, Xuancheng...

The four prefectures, three states and twenty-four counties raised the banner of the Ming Dynasty again.

This is something that has never happened in Jiangnan, and it is even more spectacular than the Jiangnan Uprising of the past.

But in the end, the hard work of the gentry and the common people ended up like this.

After this incident, I am afraid that the people in Jiangnan will be completely dispersed.

"I hope we can save our lives." Liu Shixian sighed again.

The Manchu Qing Dynasty has always treated rebels with thunderous methods.

Liu Shixian didn't know that his life would be in danger if he surrendered.

It's just that if you surrender, you may die, but if you don't surrender, you will definitely die!

Even if he is unwilling to surrender, the green soldiers under his command and the gentry in the city are unwilling to fight.

Maybe when the war breaks out, the city gate will be opened, and the people under his command will sell themselves out.

Therefore, Liu Shixian had no other choice but to surrender, hoping that the Manchu Qing Dynasty would spare his life.

Liu Shixian couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the rolling Yangtze River, and then at this moment a ship came into his sight.

"What is that..." The henchman under his command was dumbfounded and shocked as he looked at the ship in front of him.

After a while, more and more ships appeared in front of them like an endless stream.

"That's Zhang Huangyan's flag! Where did he get so many soldiers and horses!" Liu Shixian was stunned, with disbelief on his face.

"Commander, look, it's a dragon flag!"

"It's the dragon flag of the Ming Emperor!" A Green Camp guerrilla pointed at the flying dragon flag with trembling hands.

"Yongli? No, that's wrong!" Liu Shixian said quickly: "Sun Kewang! It's Sun Kewang's dragon flag!"

Yongli has already gone to Myanmar. How can he come to Jiangnan?

As for those who dared to use the dragon flag, apart from Shunzhi and Yongli, the only one who dared to use the dragon flag was Sun Kewang, the king of the country.

"Commander, Sun Kewang has come to Jiangnan..." A guard swallowed his saliva and said: "Doesn't that mean the Tatars were defeated in Hunan?"

When Liu Shixian heard this, he just wanted to scold him, but then he thought that if Sun Ke hoped to come to Jiangnan, then the main force of the Qing army in Hunan must have been defeated.

Now that the main force of the Qing army was defeated, Sun Kewang also fought to the south of the Yangtze River.

What about calling him a Tatar? Didn’t you shout a few days ago?

At this moment, several light boats arrived at the foot of Taiping City.

"Doni has been killed in Baoqing, and one hundred thousand Qing troops have been wiped out by the King of Qin. Lieutenant General Liu doesn't know when to wait!"

On the ship, Zhang Huangyan spoke seriously, and the surrounding cronies shouted in unison.

He waved his hand and several Jiangning Eight Banners were raised.

"This is Zhao Butai's flag!" Liu Shixian's eyes widened.

Zhao Butai had been stationed in Jiangning for many years. In fact, he, Gu Shan'er, was the real leader of the Qing army in Jiangnan.

Kakamu and Guan Zhongzhong had to submit to his orders while he was still there.

How could Liu Shixian, the bannerman under his command, not recognize him?

Just when Liu Shixian and others were shocked and suspicious, a large number of soldiers and horses quickly landed on fast boats and arrived at Taipingfu City.

Liu Shixian could tell at a glance that these soldiers and horses were battle-hardened tiger and wolf warriors.

"Commander, what should we do?" The cronies asked quickly in fear.

"What should I do?" Liu Shixian took a breath of cold air.

Looking at the endless formations in front of him, I am afraid that Sun Kewang's army will be endless.

He only has three thousand soldiers and horses in his hands, how can he resist it.

Since he couldn't resist it, Liu Shixian had only the last option in order not to be destroyed by Sun Kewang.

"Brothers, we have been patiently waiting for several days, and finally Master Wang from Huguang has arrived!"

Before he finished speaking, he swiped the saber in his hand, and the braid that had been glued on a few days ago was cut off again.

Sun Ke was expected to come to Jiangnan, and Zhang Huangyan showed Zhao Butai's battle flag again.

The main force of the Qing army in Hunan must have been defeated.

When such an army entered Jiangnan, Liu Shixian had no choice but to join since he couldn't defeat it.

He will not be buried with us in the Qing Dynasty. You know, the flag of the Ming Dynasty was still flying on Taipingfu City a few days ago!

"Brothers, follow me to kill the Tatars!"

Liu Shixian shouted loudly and ordered his generals to open the city gate to welcome the advancing army into the city.

Then he personally led his troops and rushed towards Marseille.

A stream of bloody light appeared, and the thousands of Qing troops who had enjoyed countless enjoyments in Taiping Mansion in the past few days were hurriedly killed by the Green Camp soldiers.

Many Qing soldiers drank wine and enjoyed beautiful women.

I was killed by the Green Camp soldiers while I was still dreaming.

All the gates of Taiping Mansion were opened, and countless front-line troops swarmed in, led by the green battalion soldiers and quickly headed towards the Qing army's station.

At the same time, when the people in the city heard that the front army had entered the city, their anger could no longer be suppressed.

They all used various weapons to kill the Qing soldiers in the city.

"Master! Oh no! The Green Camp soldiers have rebelled again!"

Several Eight Banners soldiers ran into Marseille's bedroom in horror and screamed.

"What did you say!" Marseille was so excited that he quickly sat up in shock and pushed the woman in his arms away.

Then he subconsciously wanted to put on the armor, but before he could stand up.

My brain felt dizzy and I almost fell to the ground.

"No! Master drank too much yesterday and is still drunk!" shouted an Eight Banners soldier.

Dang Dang Dang——

There was a sound of weapons clashing.

The cry of killing rang out all over the sky, and a large number of green soldiers rushed to Marseille's residence, hoping to take his head.

"Quickly, put on the armor for me." Marsai was excited, holding back the discomfort, and wanted to ask his subordinates to help put on the armor.

However, at this moment, a group of green soldiers rushed into the room.

Seeing Marseille, he was overjoyed and quickly came over with a knife to kill him.

"Master, leave quickly!" Several Eight Banners soldiers resisted with all their strength.

Marseille panicked and quickly opened the window and jumped.

After he landed, he was even sweating.

This garden was almost entirely filled with green soldiers, and most of his minions were already dead. “It’s the big Tatar, brothers, hurry up!”

Dozens of Green Camp soldiers swarmed forward and quickly captured Mele Zhangjing alive.

In Taiping Mansion, the war ended quickly.

A mere thousand Qing troops were singing and singing every day, drunk as mud.

In this case, how can we be the opponents of the Qianqian Army and the Green Camp Army?

"Let me go, let me go." Marseille was extremely angry and struggled desperately.

"Commander, Marseille has been captured."

A Green Camp guerrilla smiled broadly.

Marsai was tied up and held in front of Liu Shixian.

"Okay! A Mele Zhangjing will definitely protect your future and mine." Liu Shixian laughed.

For an Eight Banners officer of Mele Zhangjing's level, Li Zicheng only had one head in his hands.

And today, Liu Shixian also got one, and he was captured alive.

Even if he is not as good as Li Zicheng, in Liu Shixian's opinion, he is not far behind.

"Commander, what should I do with the money and women here?" the guerrilla asked.

"Brothers, please keep your hands and feet clean. This is our gift to Sun Kewang, no, the King of Qin! No, the Lord of the Kingdom!" Liu Shixian said with a serious look on his face.

"Yes, yes, yes." All the subordinates quickly agreed.

In the Taiping Fucheng area, a large number of former army officers and soldiers landed to rest, bury pots and make rice.

"Mr. Cangsheng brought peace to the world with just one word. This is truly an unparalleled achievement."

Under the city wall, Sun Kewang smiled slightly.

"Everywhere is the result of King Qin's army. Without these 100,000 soldiers, how can peace be restored?" Zhang Huangyan said, stroking his beard and smiling.

The words exchanged between the two made Liu Shixian's face turn red.

In just such a short time, he changed from the Qing army to the Ming army, and then from the Ming army to the Qing army. Finally, he captured Marseille and surrendered to Sun Kewang.

Wang Fuchen was stunned when he saw this speed.

But there was nothing he could do about it. The first time he fought, it was because of the great victory in Zhenjiang and Zhang Huangyan led his troops to Taiping Mansion.

Liu Shixian no longer wanted to be a Tatar, so he naturally changed his mind.

The second time was because of the defeat in Nanjing. Zheng Chenggong was defeated. How could he, Liu Shixian, be so stupid that he wanted to die?

There was nothing we could do the third time. Sun Kewang came with so many soldiers and horses.

If he doesn't change his mind, is it possible that he will have an arm wrestling match with Sun Kewang?

Now that the main force of the Qing Dynasty has been defeated, it is better to let Liu Shixian fight against Sun Guozhu than to let him hang himself, and at least his body can be left intact.

"My lord, Marseille has been captured, and cooking pots have been started in the city. Master Wang will not be allowed to sleep in the open." Liu Shixian cupped his hands and said.

"Nikan! Nikan! Liu Shixian, you will die badly!" Marsai was escorted up on the city wall and kept yelling.

Sun Kewang frowned when he heard this and spoke slowly.

"Zhang Sheng, take him down and make him regret living."

"Yes!" Zhang Sheng smiled ferociously and patted Marseille on the shoulder.

Even the murderous Marseille felt cold in front of Zhang Sheng, and his scalp went numb under Zhang Sheng's ferocious smile.

"King Qin, what will the Marquis of Hanchuan do to Marsai?" Zhang Huangyan asked curiously.

"I don't know, but he likes to torture and kill Tatars the most." Sun Kewang smiled slightly.

Zhang Huangyan also laughed when he heard this. Although he was a scholar, he didn't think there was anything wrong with killing the Tatars.

After all, these people like to kill Han people the most, and it is most appropriate to treat them in their own way.

"Your Majesty, our brothers from the front army are still outside the city. Why don't we let them go into the city to rest." Liu Shixian spoke again, quite respectfully.

"No need. Although Taiping Mansion is not small, hundreds of thousands of troops entering the city will definitely disturb the people."

"Let them work harder and wait until they reach Nanjing before entering the city to rest." Sun Kewang waved his hand, and then led the tiger guards down the Taiping City Wall.

That afternoon, after leaving a small number of soldiers and horses to garrison.

After landing and resting for a few hours, all the hundreds of thousands of troops boarded the ships and continued moving forward in a mighty manner.

At this time, it was less than a hundred miles away from Nanjing.

The ancient capital of the Six Dynasties was about to appear in front of Sun Kewang.

As night falls, the city of Nanjing is still full of music and music.

"Commander Liang, you deserve the greatest credit for defeating the pirates. Your military merits rank first. I would like to propose a toast to you!" Lang Tingzuo raised his drink and laughed.

Since the Battle of Nanjing, a celebration banquet has been held in the city for several days.

However, the civil and military personnel in Nanjing were still happy and not tired.

To defeat 100,000 pirates with more than 10,000 soldiers and horses is a miracle no matter how you say it.

Even if the celebration banquet was held for a few more days, no one would say anything.

"Thank you very much, Governor! If it hadn't been for the help of all of you, how could I have defeated Zheng Chenggong and made such a great contribution to the imperial court!"

Liang Huafeng returned the drink with a smile.

"General Liang, I would also like to toast you a toast. Your military exploits in the Battle of Nanjing ranked first."

Guan Zhongzhong also held up his wine and said, "Ma Fengzhi is a man with a rat's head and a rat's head. He is standing still. I have already written a book about Ma Fengzhi. After the court investigates, I will protect you as Admiral Su Song!"

Although he lost all the Eight Banners of Jiangning in the Battle of Zhenjiang.

However, he also contributed a lot in the Battle of Nanjing and defeated Zheng Chenggong.

In Guan Zhongzhong's view, the Qing government would no longer pursue him.

Therefore, Guan Zhongzhong also swept away the previous gloom, and his face was filled with glory again.

"Thank you, Lord Admiral!" Liang Huafeng smiled upon hearing this and quickly raised his glass.

"There's no need to thank me. If I hadn't relied on Mr. Liang, I wouldn't have known what to do."

Guan Zhongzhong sighed, and then said with a smile: "From now on, you and I are both admirals, so we are on the same level, and there is no need to call ourselves adults."

"Admiral, your words are serious." Liang Huafeng said quickly.

Seeing Guan Zhongzhong in a good mood, Kakamu sneered.

Guan Zhongzhong didn't know the number of Dingkou in the Qing Dynasty, but Kakamu, who was a Manchu, knew it.

He destroyed 4,000 Eight Banners in one battle, although 2,000 of them were Han Eight Banners.

But the loss of two thousand Manchu and Mongolian disciples was not something Guan Zhongzhong could bear.

Others don't know it, but Kakamu knows that our Qing Dynasty only has a small mouth full of Mengding.

Not to mention two thousand, even three hundred and five hundred would be painful!

Guan Zhongzhong just gave away two thousand and still expected to be able to offset the merits and demerits and escape unscathed. This was really overthinking.

However, Kakamu saw through it but did not reveal it. If he did, something might happen.

If Guan Zhongzhong knew his outcome, the Battle of Nanjing probably wouldn't have started yet.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

After drinking, Liang Huafeng's face flushed and said: "I think Zheng Chenggong is just a fool! There were tens of thousands of armored men in the Battle of Nanjing, but they were laid out like this. The famous pirates are nothing more than chickens and dogs!"

Before he finished speaking, he continued: "Zheng Chenggong suffered this defeat. In order to save his face, although he did not dare to attack Jiangning again, he was afraid that he would plot to Chongming."

"I have sent reinforcements to Chongming first, and I will definitely defeat Zheng Chenggong again!"

"After the pirates are completely defeated and the Zhejiang bandits are wiped out, I will ask the court to let me lead my troops westward to Hunan and Guangdong and Guangxi to wipe out the bandit Sun Kewang!"

"Zheng Chenggong has no plan, and Sun Kewang has no courage. I will treat these two thieves as equals to the imperial court!" (End of this chapter)

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