Infinite spooky game

Chapter 145 Grand Performance "Paradise Lost"

Chapter 145 Grand Performance () "Paradise Lost"

The layout of each corridor in the maze is quite different. Dong Xiwen stood in the doorway and looked intently at He Hui who was kneeling on the ground. His eyes finally fell on the huge scale statue projected behind her.

That was his sin, which would eventually kill the girl; likewise, it was the girl's sin that was chasing him, and which would soon kill him.

The pursuing mirror got closer and closer, replacing the bricks of the wall behind him, and its transparent arms danced leisurely like the tentacles of a jellyfish.

[Escape time 00:29:32]

The countdown is still too early to reach zero, but their physical strength is gradually exhausted. There is a dead end in front of them. If there is no change, they will eventually die from each other's sins.

"Kill me." He Hui had already moved closer to Dong Xiwen as he spoke, and blocked the doorway back to back with him, blocking the reflection from the mirror for him.

The girl's eyes were lowered, as if she were crying: "I was caught by it, and it asked me to answer the question. I only had five minutes... I saw the description of the ghost, and whether I answered or not, I would die..."

"Don't give up so easily! If I kill you, there will be nothing. Now the two of us quickly change positions and block each other's sins. Maybe we can hold on for a while." Dong Xiwen said, opening his arms. Blocking the approaching scales, it acted as funny as a hen.

"If it doesn't work out for the two of us, death roll and Thomas' maneuver, I don't believe that those evil ones would dare to take the risk of hurting their corresponding players and attack us..."

[Escape time 00:27:59]

"Kill me." Hehui's voice was mixed with sobs, but he repeated without any doubt, "I am the protagonist, and I have the 'Protagonist's Law of Immortality' and can be resurrected once. You only need to kill me once, and when your value is greater than After the ghosts are gone, get rid of those ghosts and we can all survive."

Dong Xiwen was stunned: "Are you also the protagonist?"

He replayed Qisi's words over and over in his mind, as well as Hehui's movements since entering the dungeon, gradually becoming messy in the wind.

Who should he trust? However, in this situation, He Hui is more believable...

In a few seconds, the mirror-like and scale-like ghosts also swapped places, facing Dong Xiwen and He Hui respectively, pressing closer and closer.

Dong Xiwen looked solemn and immediately stepped in front of He Hui.

However, the next second, he felt a pain in his lower back as a sharp object penetrated him. Hot blood gurgled out and soaked a small piece of fabric, followed by a cold feeling as if his strength had been drained away.

He slowly turned around and saw He Hui pulling out a bloody dagger from his waist.

The girl's tears fell down her cheeks and her voice trembled: "I'm sorry, but it's too late... I'm really sorry, there's no time... I'm not a good person, I lied to you from the beginning..."

The scene in front of him seemed to be consistent with the warning given by Qisi's words, but Dong Xiwen had an intuition that something was wrong.

He was stunned, and the character card in his jacket pocket felt faintly hot.

[Character Card-Audience-"Alien World" effect has taken effect]


"I've tried it again, and none of the props can damage the cage. This is a puzzle dungeon. I've heard that puzzle dungeons usually have lower force requirements, so it's not advisable to use brute force to pass the level."

"Not necessarily. If players are opposed to using brute force, why bring Hansen in?"

"What you say makes sense, but I still think that Hansen only exists to die in the first round and demonstrate the mechanism of the copy to us."

On the other side, Zeiss and Cynthia sat cross-legged opposite each other, and in the cage next to them was Hansen, who was jumping angrily.

After the two realized that the idiot could not offer constructive suggestions, they directly blocked the noise coming from him and continued to discuss countermeasures.

Zeiss took out the chips from his pocket and twisted them between his fingers: "One of the notes on the wall is [The gun that appears in the first act will definitely go off in the third act]. What else do we have in the first act?" What about the clues that were never used?”

"The gun has been fired," Cynthia said. "We are actors and audiences at the same time. Now that we have finished the play, we can get out of the theater."

"Is the play really over? Which theater would put the audience in a cage?" Qiss sneered, his eyes falling on the system interface, "The main mission has not been refreshed yet, which means that there is a high probability that the scene we are in is not a real scene. It’s something like the space of consciousness. The top priority is to find a way to advance the plot and trigger the main mission.”

Cynthia smiled knowingly: "It seems we have to find a way to ask Mr. Charlie to condescend to come and meet us."

In the second act, the two were still at loggerheads, fighting each other to the death; once the environment changed, they became allies who talked happily.

Most human beings like to use their sensibility and intuition to drive themselves, advocating "tit for tooth, blood for blood" retaliation with high losses and low returns. In contrast, talking to rational people is easy. There is no need to consider useless factors such as emotions and moods. You only need to divide camps according to interests.

"Do you think, if we kill someone now, will Mr. Charlie come out to stop us?" Zis raised the corners of his lips and smiled maliciously, "The gap between the cages should be enough to do something. "

Hansen moaned for a long time, but he was not stupid enough to understand people. He naturally understood what the two old bastards next to him were plotting loudly. He took a closer look and saw two eyes staring at him eagerly.

He hurriedly looked at Cynthia: "Old woman, Zhou Ke is right, let's kill him together! This insidious Longjun man, it's not enough to kill me, he also killed you, what else is there to hesitate about?"

Cynthia was noncommittal, with a half-smiling look on her face. She "died" once and sat next to the noisy Hansen in the cage for a long time. She had calmed down and naturally knew who to cooperate with and who to kill would be most beneficial.

Zeiss looked at Hansen, who was still trying to persuade Cynthia, and sighed seriously.

Being locked in a cage and unable to do anything else, he explained very patiently: "It is unknown whether Dong Xiwen and others can come out of the show and whether they are willing to cooperate. This is a puzzle game, and information determines whether the copy can be The key to clearing the level is that both of you died so early, so why would you want to kill someone who died later and knew more information?"

Hansen yelled viciously: "What kind of information is this? I've seen it a long time ago. You're not a good guy! If I keep you, all of our lives will depend on this!"

"You still don't understand." Zis looked at Hansen with pity and shook his head regretfully, "You are going to die no matter what. If Ms. Cynthia kills me, she will definitely lack the clues needed to pass the level through the normal route. Then I can only kill you and trigger the guaranteed death toll mechanism. In this case, it is better to kill you early, explore the clues, and bet on a wave of TE to pass the level."

Hansen finally understood the stakes and looked at Cynthia with a look full of despair: "Don't believe what that guy says! You've also suffered a loss in the show. Don't you think he has tricked us enough? You will definitely keep him. Something will happen!"

The pale appeal was unconvincing. Qisi suddenly opened each of his pockets, raised his hands, and showed his blank palms.

He arranged his clothes slowly and gave Cynthia a bitter smile: "To be honest, after coming to this scene, I knew that I had no advantage, so I thought of cooperating with you."

"You also know that with my personality, my favorite way to solve problems must be to hide clues and clear the level on my own. But I didn't do that. Just because I know better, I have a slightly better mind in terms of force and prop reserves. , I am completely at a disadvantage.”

"I know nothing except solving puzzles, and the proportion of puzzle dungeons in the dungeon pool is very small. The five dungeons I have experienced in the past were all survival-type, and my ratings were all so low that I have only saved up so far. Three props were placed.”

After Qisi finished speaking, he twisted the rose heart pendant around his neck to show Cynthia, and then raised the watches and bracelets on his left and right hands.

"I don't have a guild background, so I naturally don't have life-saving tools. Once I encounter a link that requires fighting, I will be the first to die. So in the third act of the battle royale, I died in front of He Hui and Dong Xiwen..."

Qisi's tone was sincere and his logic was completely self-consistent and consistent with Cynthia's common sense. She herself looked down on manual labor when she was young, thinking that she could calculate everything with her wisdom, but when she got older and wanted to train, it was already too late.

She knew the value of her force, and she could almost estimate what kind of useless force Zis was who was in the same situation as her.

What is different from Qiss is that as a high-level member of the Federation, she can also speak in the Kyushu Guild led by the Bureau of Investigation. Her reserve of props is unmatched by ordinary people, and she can even enable many to clear more than fifteen dungeons. The envy of veteran players.

Cynthia made a decision and gave Qiss a kind smile: "Even if the puzzle copy requires less force, when Mr. Charlie appears, a battle will probably be inevitable. I will do my best to use props to help you survive the crisis. , and I hope you can provide useful information."

Qisi heard the implication of her words and smiled crookedly: "Then... I wish us a happy cooperation."

Hansen was burning all over the cage and jumping around in the flames, while he listened without any explanation as the two old bastards reached a false alliance, which was almost a sentence of death for him.

With a ferocious look on his face, he grabbed the iron bars of the cage and shook it wildly: "Bitch! Bastard! You can't do this! When I come out of the game, I will definitely issue the highest bounty, and I will spend all my money to kill you!"

Qisi turned around and looked at him seriously: "Well, do you know what I look like?"

Cynthia also smiled and said: "I am very confident in the federal security."

Hansen: "¥#%&!"

After talking nonsense for a while, the scene still did not change. Trying to kill one person to break the situation is imperative.

No matter whether things are developing for good or for bad, it is better than stagnating at a certain moment and being stagnant like stagnant water.

What's more, no matter what, the two of them planned to kill Hansen, an unstable factor, before Dong Xiwen and He Hui arrived.

He has superior force value, and was jointly eliminated by Zeiss and Cynthia in the first act. They did not believe that he was also a rationalist who would let go of their grudges.

If you don't kill him while he's in the cage, do you have to wait for him to be released for a fair duel?

Cynthia unbuttoned her blue gown to reveal the hidden compartment underneath.

The cloth bag wrapped with some large and small objects was tightly attached to her withered skin. From a distance, it looked like a part of the old skin hanging down.

She deftly opened the bag and took out a pistol.

[Name: A sure hit gun]

[Type: props]

[Effect: Maintain the posture of holding the gun and pray devoutly to the Lord of Destiny for five minutes. The bullets fired will definitely kill the target]

[Note: One shot, yes, it can only shoot one shot. As for what to do after ejaculation? It might be a good choice as a souvenir. 】

Similar to many dungeon props, this prop also exudes a strong aura of cheating.

If Dong Xiwen were here, he would definitely complain: "How funny is five minutes of pre-attack shaking? Which idiot is standing straight and waiting for you to accumulate strength and pray for blessings?"

But obviously, in this copy, the existence of the birdcage provides a natural boost for the props to be effective.

The players are separated by the birdcage and cannot interrupt the chanting - ah no, praying; unless Hansen also has a long-range attack item that can kill Cynthia from a distance.

But unfortunately, he didn't.

Hansen stared for a long time, thought of something, and quickly threatened: "Old woman, I have a life-for-life tool! If you dare to shoot, I will kill you too!"

His words were almost like a desperate struggle to seek medical treatment, and he soon received looks from both Zeiss and Cynthia that looked like they were mentally retarded.

Nonsense, with his character, if he really had this prop, he wouldn't have delayed taking it out until now.

The five-minute waiting time was prolonged. After Hansen realized that he could not persuade the two of them, he began to utter obscene words again.

The two of them automatically blocked each other and turned a deaf ear.

At the last minute, this man who had always been extremely vicious finally showed a hint of fatigue. His face twitched violently, as if he was trying his best to suppress his fear of death, but could no longer maintain his composure.

He is afraid of death. Recently, he has always dreamed of falling into endless hell after death and being killed by the souls of the victims. He is afraid of seeing the face that belongs to his father in his memory...

He didn't want to die, but what could he do?

At the last second, Cynthia pulled the trigger without changing her expression.

The "bang" gunshot exploded in the silence, and the moment the silver light of the bullet flashed, Hansen fell backwards.

The splashing blood quickly mixed with tongues of fire, and the leaping flames licked the dead man, burning away the cortex and leaving a scorched corpse, chewing it into scattered ashes in a matter of seconds.

[Cannon fodder "Hansen" is dead]

A line of white characters was quickly written in handwriting in the void. The characters did not belong to any country, but they could be read by the players.

Hansen was finally truly dead.

In the stagnant air, Zeiss and Cynthia stared intently at the ashes left by Hansen.

Time passed minute by minute, and from beginning to end, nothing happened.

Is the guess wrong?

Qisi narrowed his eyes, and then heard a muffled sound beside him, and a black shadow fell from the sky and fell into the empty birdcage on his right.

It's Dong Xiwen.


[Note] "Paradise Lost" is the work of Junichi Watanabe, which presents the Japanese concept of "death" and the aesthetic pursuit of "material sorrow".

 Thanks to book friends 20210929215103927 and Prison Rabbit for the 100-point reward! (Cumulative reward progress: 7947/10000)



(End of this chapter)

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