Infinite spooky game

Chapter 133 Grand Performance "Oedipus the King"

Chapter 133 Grand Performance () "Oedipus the King"

Ziss is undoubtedly preparing for the voting session.

This is completely outside the scope of Charlie's quiz game, but it provides players with new ideas——

The one that needs to be thrown out does not have to be the most damned one, it can also be the one that the players are least willing to face...

Hansen clenched his fists and wanted to stand up from his seat, but was held down by a force.

He had to sit upright in the chair, stare at Qiss and shout loudly: "If the person who poses the most threat deserves to die, then you are the one who deserves to be eliminated! You are a perverted murderer who talks so much truth, no matter how you look at it, You are the most dangerous!"

He looked at the other players and argued very quickly: "I can promise that I will not use force against you. I also want to live, and I know that I am not good at using my brain. I don't want to conflict with you just for a quick moment!"

"Let's vote for Zhou Ke together. He is obviously very good at playing this kind of language game. If the guaranteed death toll mechanism is to be triggered, he must be the one who survives to the end! If he survives, none of you will survive!"

Qisi said calmly: "I have no grudges with anyone except you, and because I am good at language games, maybe I can work with others to crack the worldview and let more people survive."

He paused for a moment and changed the topic: "And it is obvious that you hate Ms. Cynthia because she has repeatedly testified against you. If you have the chance, can you really put aside your personal grudges and not attack her?"

Cynthia looked calm and noncommittal.

Although Zis also questioned her statement, the young man later took the initiative to point out that "everyone is a murderer", which explained well that the previous doubts were not deliberately aimed at her, but just to collect more clues.

But Hansen is different. Not only is she full of swear words, but her disgust for politicians like her is revealed between the lines...

Hansen couldn't say anything to refute it, because that was exactly the truth, and no one would believe it no matter how much he tried to quibble.

He could only look at Charlie: "You can't use force to harm people in this theater, right? I just wanted to stand up and beat someone, but I couldn't move. No matter how strong my force is, what does it matter? This is a puzzle game. With my IQ, I don't have Any advantage!"

He does not hesitate to debase himself in order to escape the spotlight.

Charlie said enthusiastically: "In this round of the game, you really can't attack other characters. But I have prepared many interesting games for you. I can reveal that there will be an exciting battle royale session in the future. It will be absolutely rich." Conflict and drama!”

Battle Royale, as the name suggests, must compete with physical strength and force. Except for Hansen, the strengths of everyone present were obviously not here.

Players may not be good at keeping themselves alive in competition, but they are very willing to be the first to kill the person who is most likely to seize the survival spot. Hansen basically didn't survive.

Qiss chuckled lightly and said: "Look, as long as we pass this round of the game, Hansen's force value can completely knock us all down and pass the level using the guaranteed death toll mechanism."

This weight is not heavy, but it is enough to be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Hansen's palms were sweating, he was extremely nervous, and his brain was running at an unprecedented speed.

He looked at Dong Xiwen and shouted eagerly: "Boy, join me in voting for that old woman! She is from the Federation, and those officials are all the same thing! I can see that you hate those in power. Do I have anything in reality?" You are a small force, I can help you take revenge after the dungeon is released!"

He can be convinced that one is one, and as long as the players can choose to collect votes for another person, he will be saved.

Dong Xiwen was suddenly called upon and hesitated.

It is true that he hates the federal government, and even joined an anti-government cult in reality, but that hatred is abstract most of the time, and is only specific to the few people who killed his brother.

Facing a kind old man like Cynthia, he really couldn't find any reason to hate her. And Hansen is indeed a scumbag who killed his father and his mother.

No, not only Hansen, that "Zhou Ke" is also a perverted scumbag. He was able to commit such brutal murders at a young age, and now he seems to enjoy killing people...

Cynthia couldn't be said to be innocent. He had heard about the incident forty-six years ago on the dark web. Not all of the dead were terrorists who deserved their punishment, but most of them were civilians and students...

In Dong Xiwen's view, except for him and He Hui, the remaining three people can be called "human-like orangutans." How could he be able to sit at the same table with these people?

"I'll vote for Hanson," Cynthia said.

Now that Hansen has made it clear that he has ill intentions towards her, she doesn't have to continue to pretend to be a good person.

At this moment, she looked at Hehui and said: "Even if I don't consider the development of this copy in the next few days, I will vote for Hansen. Among the five of us, he was the only one who killed people without any grudges. My own parents have committed the most serious sins and deserve to die."

Hansen angrily said: "Old woman, I have killed no more people than you can with one decision!"

Qisi lowered his eyes at the right time and said in an indifferent tone: "Actually, it's not impossible to vote casually. After all, everyone is a murderer. The most unlucky situation is that everyone votes equally and dies together. That's okay, right?"

Dong Xiwen's eyes darkened.

It is impossible to vote casually. Regardless of the result, voting randomly is the most irresponsible option. If the vote is tied, not only will he die, but he will also drag everyone with him to hell...

So, who should he vote for?

While he was struggling, Charlie urged loudly: "Gentlemen and ladies, I believe you have almost communicated. Now write down your choices on paper! I have designed many interesting ways to die, just waiting for your votes. The result!"

He was extremely excited and obviously couldn't wait to execute the players.

The players did not dare to neglect and picked up their pens one after another.

Cynthia was relatively calm, but her slightly trembling right hand betrayed her restless heart; Hansen glanced at everyone irritably, with a hint of unrealistic hope in his eyes.

Dong Xiwen and He Hui both lowered their heads, hesitating whether to write down a name and sentence a certain player to death.

Finally, everyone made a decision. The only sound left in the silence was the rustle of the pen tip rubbing against the page.

Qisi wrote the word "Hehui" one stroke at a time. He believed that this girl had no sense of existence and no one would vote for her.

And as long as Hansen convinces Dong Xiwen, Cynthia and Hansen's votes will be two to two, and these two threats can die together.

After everyone put down their pens, wisps of black smoke came out of everyone's head, condensing into an Arabic numeral.

The number above Hansen's head is 2, the number above Cynthia and He Hui's head is both 1, and the number above Dong Xiwen's head is 0.

Qisi looked up at the top of his head, where there was also 0.

Someone abstained, or...?

"Two to one to one! The result is clear. Congratulations to Mr. No. 2 for being selected as the murderer of this round!" Charlie shouted excitedly, and the word "congratulations" sounded particularly gloating.

Hansen's face turned pale the moment he saw the numbers above his head. After hearing Charlie's announcement, he shouted in despair: "This is not fair! I have not killed the most people, and I am not the least." Why should you vote for me? This is unfair!"

"This world is inherently unfair." Cynthia shook her head pitifully, "I'm sorry, but there is no other way. After leaving the dungeon, I will try my best to solve your worries within the scope of my authority."

The subtext of her words is nothing more than that: with her ability, she can investigate Hansen's real-life information, thereby warning Hansen not to use the last half hour to seek revenge. Hansen didn't know whether he understood what she meant, but he still yelled in vain: "You all believed Zhou Ke's lies, be careful you don't even know how you died in the end!"

He screamed and struggled violently, but he was nailed to the chair, and no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't leave the confines of the chair.

The corpses hanging above their heads suddenly turned into blood-colored light spots and scattered down, pouring on the heads of the players as if they were bathed in a bloody rain. The black smoke and blood droplets intertwined and disappeared into the air, as if they had never existed, or perhaps they had seeped into people's skin, flesh, bones and blood.

There is only an inverted cross wrapped in black cloth hanging above the round table, hanging heavy and lifeless. The religious metaphor behind it makes people feel uncontrollable.

Charlie held the mask on his face, turned his back to the player, bowed into the void, and said loudly: "Next is the much-anticipated execution. How will Mr. No. 2 die? Let's wait and see!"

He spoke the program host's words as if facing thousands of viewers.

For a moment, Qiss had a hallucination in front of his eyes.

Countless dark shadows surrounded the small table in the center of the stage, almost blocking the dazzling lights and casting the scene into a dark tone.

Scarlet cracks opened on their heads, their eyes projected blood-red gazes, and they burst into warm and crazy cheers the moment Charlie bowed.

Hansen is still struggling, but now he can no longer make a sound. His mouth was wide open, and his throat seemed to be strangled by a giant invisible hand, and he could only cough out meaningless short syllables.

A bloody thread stretched down from above him and pierced into his head. The next second, his eyes turned into two pools of blood, gurgling down his face.

The painful screams echoed on the stage, almost shattering every player's eardrums. The executions continued.

Dozens of malignant sores sprouted up from under Hansen's skin like mushrooms, blooming like flowers into huge ulcers, which soon became a patchwork of yellow and white, with thick pus dripping down.

Hansen's skin and flesh were like heated ice cream, squirming and melting into a slippery liquid. They were spread out layer by layer on the high-backed chair, like a thick-skinned balloon that had been deflated, paralyzed with weight and powerlessness.

The blood and bones fell apart, covering the high-backed chair with human skin. From a distance, it looked like a strange shape formed from the chair.

And the scary thing is that the screams never stopped. Even if the head and body were separated and hung feebly on the chair, even if all the organs turned into a mixed suspension, Hansen's shrill screams still lingered. It lingered on the stage for a long time, like a ghost trapped in the body.

Most of the players' faces turned paler than paper. Dong Xiwen looked constipated, and He Hui covered her mouth and retched.

The corpse that suddenly dropped from the top of the head was just the worst jump scare. Although it was a little unexpected when it first appeared, it frightened people physiologically, but it did not cause much panic in them later.

After all, that was the person they killed with their own hands, and the way of death was still vivid in their minds. If they were not afraid of the living, why should they be afraid of the dead?

But at the moment, although Hansen went to the end of his death after everyone voted, no one expected that he would die so miserably and painfully.

Hansen is certainly not a good person, but that's not the extent of his crime. Those present, whether they voted or abstained, bore part of the responsibility for Hansen's execution.

The bloody scenes and strange death scenes are enough to arouse the discomfort written in human genes, and there is also a fear of harming others - will they die so miserably in the future?

Zeiss stared at the chair left by Hansen who was still screaming for a while, and then looked away without interest.

At first, when he heard that Charlie would design an artistic way to die for each player, he was a little excited and wanted to see what this fellow artist thought.

After seeing Hansen's mistakes, he lost interest for a moment. Charlie's aesthetics didn't suit him, and he didn't want to die so disgustingly ugly.

Chiss looked at Charlie and raised his eyelids: "Mr. Charlie, that chair is a bit noisy. Can you make it quiet for a while?"

"Of course no problem!" Charlie seemed to be in a good mood.

He nodded sharply, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the high-backed chair covered in flesh and blood immediately stopped making noise.

"Thank you." There was a sincere smile on Qisi's lips. "When will this performance end? Maybe knowing the length of the play can help us better interpret the plot."

Charlie turned his face to Zeiss and said with some sadness: "My script has three acts in total. One act is performed one day, and everything will be over by the third day."

The players listened to the conversation between one person and one NPC, and they were all separated from the shock caused by Hansen's death.

The main mission has not been refreshed yet. Combined with the current plot of the dungeon, it should be related to the "last performance" that Charlie said.

After the script is performed, the copy is probably over, right?

Three days is the time limit for this copy. If you survive for three days, you should be able to clear this dungeon, right?

Dong Xiwen asked after careful consideration: "How do I count a day? I don't seem to see a timing tool."

He didn't know if the length of a day in this copy was the same as twenty-four hours in reality, but he hoped not.

Only two hours had passed, and one person died tragically. Could a newcomer like him, who knew nothing, really survive three days in a game with this table of humanoid apes?

Charlie seemed to see his worries and said with a smile: "I won't make you too tired! The end of one scene is the end of the day. This scene is only a part of the nighttime plot. You can go back to your respective rooms. Waiting for the new game to begin!"

"Excuse me... where is our room?" Hehui frowned slightly.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she appeared on the stage. There was nothing around but the stage. She didn't notice that there were any cubicles or anything like that.

Charlie snapped his fingers again.

Only six door openings appeared on the originally smooth wall at the edge of the stage. Each door was carved with strange patterns, and there was no difference in appearance.

"You are free to choose the room you will live in for these three days. Once selected, it cannot be changed! Here is a little reminder for you, there is an evil ghost hiding in every room."

Charlie put his index finger to his lips and said in a secret-telling tone: "Each of you is guilty. Your sins turn into the most terrifying ghosts in the world, lingering in the shadows, just waiting to deliver a fatal blow to those who pass by."

"You will not be hurt by your own sins, nor by the sins of the dead; as long as you choose the right room, you will be able to spend these three days in peace. If you choose the wrong room - it will be really unfortunate. Got it!"

When Charlie said "unfortunately", his tone did not contain any regret, but was filled with palpable expectations.

Looking at the ugly expressions on the players' faces, he said with a smile: "Of course, you don't have to worry too much. Someone has already died from sin today. The sinners have filled their stomachs, and there will be no more killing tonight..."


[Note] "Oedipus the King" is a play written by the ancient Greek writer Sophocles. It is based on the story of Oedipus who killed his father and married his mother in Greek mythology. It shows the tragic relationship between man and fate. conflict.

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(End of this chapter)

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