In Konoha, my ninja cat is invincible

Chapter 244: Will the Holy Fire Church become a monster?

Chapter 244: Will the Holy Fire Church become a monster?

"To take the elite ninja route, you must have enough time."

Uchiha Shisui's brows moved slightly.

"Shiraishi, you mean preschool?"


"Shiraishi, how far are you sure you can train them?"

Shiraishi said: "If Itachi has the chance to activate the Mangekyō Sharingan, he will definitely be able to step into the Kage level, and Sasuke's talent is not inferior to Itachi's. In addition, there is Naruto."

"Naruto is not doing well right now, but he has great potential."

"A single Kage-level ninja cannot change the situation of the battle, but if there are enough Kage-level ninjas, even if we in Konoha are hugely different from the enemy in terms of numbers, we can still gain an advantage."

Uchiha Shisui hesitated.

"Is this just going to take a long time?"

"A few years."

Shiraishi said: "War is a special environment for ninjas to grow up. Sasuke and the others are still young, but they will grow up quickly if they are in a war environment."

"It's like Kakashi-senpai, who has already become a chuunin at the age of six."

"And you, Shisui, also grew up very fast during the war, even at that time, it was already at the end of the war."

"In the past few years, I think our Konoha can completely sustain it."

"After all, we in Konoha don't just rely on preschool."

"Shisui, you and Jiraiya-senpai are both very strong."

"There are also strong beings among the ninja cat clan."

"In addition, just like what you said, Shisui, the actions taken by Kirigakure Village are very bizarre. There must be a reason behind such strangeness. Perhaps this reason is also one of the ways for us to break the situation."

Shiraishi guessed why Kirigakure Village acted like this.

However, no one would believe the matter about the Akatsuki organization and Uchiha Obito without clear evidence, so Shiraishi did not speak out directly.

Uchiha Shisui nodded.

"If the Fire Country really doesn't help at all, we can only deal with it according to the method you said, Shiraishi."

Saying that, Uchiha Shisui suddenly sighed.

"Why is it so difficult to want peace and a quiet life?"

"It used to be a problem between the Uchiha and the village."

"Now there's another problem between the village and other ninja villages."

Uchiha Shisui looked at Shiraishi.

"Shiraishi, fortunately you are here. Without your help, I alone cannot solve these problems. Now the whole village is in panic, but you are the only one here, Shiraishi, and the atmosphere is much normal."

Shiraishi shrugged.

"Wherever there are people, things like this are unavoidable. It is impossible for this world to be without disputes. Being able to maintain disputes to a certain extent is already remarkable."

"Man himself is a combination of desires."

"Once desire exceeds reality, dissatisfaction will arise."

“Once there is dissatisfaction, there will be disputes.”

"Such a person will be more terrifying than a beast."

"Therefore, if you want to make the situation better, if you want to make the world peaceful, you must guide people's spirits and have enough strength at the same time."

Uchiha Shisui glanced outside.

"Shiraishi, you mean the Holy Fire Cult?"

"Yes, the existence of the Holy Fire Cult allows believers to have spiritual pursuits. When they are working, they are busy with work, and in their free time, they focus their energy on the church."

"I don't have the energy to think about so many messy things."

"When life encounters difficulties, people will feel that this is a test from God." "If they work hard but fail to gain anything, people will feel that this is because they made too many mistakes in their previous lives."

"Under this situation, people will still be dissatisfied with the status quo and still have desires."

"But they won't blame other people for the problem."

"Instead, they attribute the problem to themselves."

"Recite more of the Church's scriptures."

"Do things more according to the rules of the church."

"The church is like a huge yoke on these people."

"Let them accept their current fate with peace of mind."

"If people all over the world became believers in the church, there wouldn't be so many disputes."

"However, strength is important enough."

"Without the restraint of strength, it is just empty talk after all."

“Not everyone’s spirit can be influenced by the church.”

Uchiha Shisui imagined that scene.

Everyone has become a believer in the Holy Fire Cult.

Indeed, as Shiraishi said, in that case, it would be difficult to have a war.

Church rules bind believers.

The desires of the believers were suppressed.

"It is very difficult to achieve this. Not many people in this world agree with the definition of church. Most churches are cults and are evil in people's eyes."

But then, Uchiha Shisui thought again.

If the Fourth Ninja War really breaks out.

No, in fact, the Fourth Ninja War has already broken out.

When the Kirigakure Village also chose to join the war and attacked the ninjas of Konoha, it involved a war between three major ninja villages. How could it not be considered the Fourth Ninja War?
The outbreak of the Fourth Ninja World War will inevitably make the situation in the Ninja World extremely complicated.

In turn, it affects the lives of many, many people.

In such an environment, the Holy Fire Cult seems to have the soil to take root.

Uchiha Shisui was silent for a moment.

After a while, he raised his head and looked at Bai Shi.

"Shiraishi, if the Holy Fire Cult really affects the entire ninja world, will it be a good thing or a bad thing? According to your description, Shiraishi, it can indeed stabilize the situation in the ninja world."

"But I vaguely feel like there's something weird about it."

"If human nature is suppressed, will it rebound?"

"Is this really a good thing for humans?"

"Shiraishi, will you release some uncontrollable monster?"

Uchiha Shisui could sense this, and Shiraishi was not surprised.

The power of faith actually exceeds many, many other powers. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a monster, and as long as this monster survives, it will be difficult to pull out.

"As long as the doctrine is not changed, I think the existence of the church is good for the world."

"Shisui, you don't have to worry about this."

"Whether it's a big country or a ninja village, in the final analysis, it's just a cluster that governs the people below."

"The existence of the church may have a negative effect on the current vested interests."

"But it's a good thing for the people down there."

"If you don't believe it, Shisui, you can go down and see for yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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