After all, X's reminder came a little late. Jing Zhongwen felt the strangeness in her body. Because the pain was completely invisible under the suppression of the medicine, her senses were now in a very strange feeling.

She could clearly feel the friction of the abnormally misaligned bones in her hand, as well as the vitality of the tendons beating in her body.

This made her feel happy because it was a special experience for her.

Looking at Jing Zhongwen's appearance, X knew that it was probably unrealistic to calm her down on his own, so he could only divert her attention.

Keep her eyes off reality.

But X won’t know that a person’s desire to explore reality is extremely strong.Even people in reality will be extremely excited and full of desire to explore when they go to a place they have never been to, not to mention that this is the first time for Jing Zhongwen to come to reality.

Everything here seemed familiar to her, but it was indeed a completely new and novel experience.

"Ms. Jing Zhongwen, Mr. Jing Zhongqi's resuscitation order has been waiting for a long time. Why don't you go and have a look."

X suggested.

"My brother!" Jing Zhongwen's attention was instantly diverted, as if he suddenly woke up a child who hadn't finished his homework.

"Where is it now?" Jing Zhongwen asked.

"In another dormant cabin." X said.

Then he guided Jing Zhongwen, who was still staggering, to walk out step by step.

Never underestimate the learning ability of an adult human being. Step by step, Jing Zhongwen also quickly got used to her current body. When she walked to the dormant cabin where Jing Zhongqi was, she was able to walk normally. There is no need for X to be around to keep an eye on her in case she falls.

"Do you need to operate the activation command?" X asked, standing in front of Jing Zhongqi's dormant chamber.

"I'll do it." Jing Zhongwen said.

Then, under the guidance of X, she woke up Jing Zhongqi from the dormant warehouse step by step.

Just like the scene when her dormant chamber is opened.

The condition of Jing Zhongqi in the cabin is much better than that of Jing Zhongwen, which can be seen from the condition on his face.

Jing Zhongqi's face had very clear blood color, but Jing Zhongwen's face was pale.Although the smile on her face was so bright, it gave her a sense of brokenness, making people feel heart-wrenching pain just by looking at it.

Gradually, Jing Zhongqi opened his eyes.

When his vision changed from blurry to clear, a familiar yet unfamiliar face appeared in front of him.

At this moment, an indescribable emotion hit his heart in an instant.

Hot tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

"We... succeeded." He said.

But they will never know that success is not earned by themselves.

"Yes, we succeeded." Jing Zhongwen said.

Jing Zhongqi struggled to sit up from the warehouse, and then came out. Under Jing Zhongwen's care, she almost didn't make any more mistakes.

"Let's go see the sun."

Jing Zhongwen said.

X on the side opened his mouth, but in the end nothing came out.It could only accompany the two of them silently, walking out step by step.



The second team of the Ascending Technology Special Operations Team finally walked up to Ru.

In the cold wilderness, the two sides were actually distinct.

Ru looked at them with great interest. In fact, when they walked into his biological force field, he discovered a particularly eye-catching problem.

That is - there is not even a trace of metal products on the bodies of these Ascension Technology Special Operations Team members.

But Ru could clearly see that they were equipped with weapons and guns!

Although these guns seem to be relatively primitive, they are still an extremely deadly threat to an unarmed person.

Especially...the bullets in the gun didn't even have any metal at all.

When such a scene occurs, anyone who is not a fool will know that the other party is likely to have bad intentions.

He has even studied his abilities thoroughly, and all the preparations he is making now are just to deal with him better.


If you feel scared?

of course not!
In a slightly tense atmosphere, Ru took the first step towards the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team.

"Everyone, it seems that you are here specifically for me. Is there anything you need my help with?"

For example, the mood when speaking is very calm, and there is no sense of worry that the other party is not good.The people of the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team present were infected by Ru, and their emotions gradually became much calmer.

The captain of the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team looked at Ru and spoke.His voice was slightly distorted by the conduction of the ceramic armor, which made his voice sound muffled.

"What should I call you right now?"

Although they had already prepared for a battle, the people of the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team were still willing to remain polite before actually taking action.After all, no one wants the conflict to actually happen.

Perhaps, you can also say they are naive.

"Just follow your habits and call me Ru." Ru said with a smile.

The members of the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team nodded and asked, "Excuse me, Mr. Ru, do you know the nature of the Lingshan you have been pursuing?"

If he didn't speak, he looked at the captain of the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team who was speaking.

"We have obtained the location of Lingshan, but we must regret to inform you that the Lingshan you have been pursuing is a by-product of your awakened qualified ability. According to all the information we have obtained so far in City No. [-] According to the information, all qualified people who have been in contact with the by-products have turned into doomsday beasts without exception. So... Mr. City [-] hereby implores you to stop. Stop your pursuit of Lingshan. You are beneficial to mankind now, but as a doomsday beast, you will have the ability to destroy any human numbered city in an instant!"

"You know. All human technological development is inseparable from steel. And your ability hits the weakest point of human beings."

He listened quietly to the other party's extremely sincere speech, and after the other party stopped talking, he still acted calmly.

This made the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team, which had been in a tense state, breathe a slight sigh of relief.

"Can I ask a few questions?" Ru asked, and then asked the question directly, regardless of whether the people from the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team answered or not.

"Since you are so worried about my contact with Lingshan, why don't you kill me directly? Other numbered cities may not have ultra-long-range strike capability. But City [-] must have it." When saying this, Ru even raised the question Started to look.

Although the sky was clear and clear, everyone present knew it.What was he referring to, what was he looking at.

"Because you are still a human being, and every human being today is a valuable asset to this world. We are not willing to use such a method unless necessary." The captain of the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team said sincerely.

Like nodding.

Then he asked: "Then if I give up going to Lingshan, how will you arrange for me?" After a period of silence, the members of the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team said: "If you are willing, we will place you in the [-]st City No. [-]. You will continue your normal life there. Of course, if you are willing to do anything for humanity, City No. [-] is also welcome."

"Going to City [-]?" He seemed to have heard some joke.

When seeing the smile on Ru's face, the faces of almost all the people in the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team became extremely ugly.

They probably guessed what Ru was laughing at.

After all, there were some things that City [-] did not choose to block information about at all.

Almost... these things can be found anywhere.

Especially... what happened to the people who were taken in by City [-] after they arrived in City [-].

Sure enough, what they said next seemed to prove what they thought and worried.

"So, has City No. [-] prepared a suitable force field restraint place for me? Are you sure that the place you prepared is reliable?" Ru said.

If so, all the people from the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team present would be speechless.

Just as he said, City [-] has prepared a venue suitable for Ru's abilities.

It's just that... the venue prepared for Ru in City No. [-] is still the venue they preset based on Ru's ability. No one knows whether it will have the effect they expected on Ru.

"So, I won't go with you, and I won't go to the paradise you have designed for me. As for Lingshan, do I know its nature? Where I want to go is never because of things outside. Me, I just go because I want to.”

At this point, both Ru and the people from the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team knew what was going to happen next.

"Presumably the long-range armed support of No. 110 City No. 110 is already being prepared at this time." Ru's eyes bypassed the people of the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team and looked into the distance, where is the location of No. [-] No. [-] City.

Ru's gaze briefly paused for a moment in 110 City No. [-], and finally took it back, falling on the people of the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team in front of him.

The members of the Ascending Technology Special Operations Team had already disarmed their weapons, and the black muzzles of their guns were pointed at Ru's location.

It was not clear whether the bullets in their guns were anti-personnel bullets, but even if they were not, he did not intend to use his own body to test whether their bullets were powerful enough.

His eyebrows were lowered, his hands were clasped in front of him, and he recited a Buddhist chant in a low voice in front of the people from the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team who were gradually approaching him with guns in hand.


A huge biological force field spread out from Ru's body in an instant, and almost everyone felt this power. It was a pressure that was completely different from the information collected before.

Immediately after...

The whole world seemed to be rendered with a color, with Ru as the center, spreading to all the surrounding space in the blink of an eye!

As everyone watched in stunned silence, the Great Wall of Steel stood up from the ground!Generals stand on it, and at the crenellations of the Great Wall, rough weapons protrude from the inside with ferocious muzzles.

"Namo Atuo Buddha!"

A Buddha's name exploded from Ru's mouth.

The sound was transmitted to an extremely far place in an instant, even... such a sound appeared inside the industrial aircraft viewed from high altitude.

next moment……

The gun barrels filled the sky bursting into brilliant flames!
In an instant... the people from the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team were submerged.

Most of the remaining muzzles are even pointed at the void high in the sky and the location of City 110 No. [-] in the distance.

But neither the former nor the latter have any plans to open fire for the time being.


Inside the industrial aircraft.

The atmosphere became unprecedentedly silent.The captain of the aircraft stood on the bow of the ship, his eyes fixed on the Great Steel Wall that appeared on the screen.

"This kind of power...and those muzzles!" The captain's face became increasingly ugly.

"Is he trying to intimidate us?"


The low voice echoed throughout the cabin, and no one spoke, because it is a consensus of everyone who lives and works on this industrial aircraft not to express any opinions when the captain is angry!
"Contact me the special operations team of 110 City No. [-] and ask them immediately! Immediately! Fire for me! Fire coverage! Fight to the death!"

"I want his blood to honor my soldiers!"

The captain's voice became a roar, a voice full of anger and even rage that echoed throughout the cabin.

The person in charge of communications began to quickly control the equipment and transmit the captain's instructions to the people of the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team who were underground in City 110 Four.



The consciousness of them.

Just like now.

X's opinions differed from those of the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team.

The Ascension Technology Special Operations Team, which received authorization from the industrial aircraft, hoped that the armed forces in City 110 Four could open fire immediately, but X believed that opening fire now was not a wise choice.

According to his analysis, Ru is obviously capable of pulling the industrial aircraft and City 110 No. [-] into the quagmire of war at the same time.

This is not good for 110 City No. [-].

But the people from the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team didn't think so.

In the end of the argument, X was defeated because the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team was authorized by the controller!
X does not have enough authority to stop them.



"It's broken." Wen Yan's expression suddenly changed.

Zhang Cishun saw the change in her expression and immediately understood that there was a problem on the battlefield.

"The people from the Ascension Technology Special Operations Team failed?"

Wen Yan nodded silently, and then continued: "Not only did he fail, but he also showed abilities that no one had expected."

"Not only can he turn steel into mechanical life, he can also generate...the Great Wall of Steel and endless guns out of thin air!"


Zhang Cishun felt that there was something wrong with his ears.

"Isn't he a Buddhist? What is this, Namo Six Gatling Buddha?" (End of Chapter)

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