Chapter 143
The severe pain still continues

But for some reason, he felt that his consciousness was extremely clear.He heard the blood in his body gradually lose power, and heard that his originally energetic heart suddenly seemed to be tightly grasped by someone, and its beating became extremely weak.

"Cardiac arrest?" This was what he thought when he fell to the ground.

But vocal cords can't make a sound?

Cheng Bin opened his mouth

Like a person sinking to the bottom of the sea and about to drown, he strives hard to survive.

The activation of the ability is like taking off out of thin air.

All that is consumed is his mental energy.

At this time, due to the consumption of mental energy, his brain nerves felt like explosive pain, and the vision in front of him began to turn from gray to black. Although he had no body, Huan still felt a strong feeling of nausea and vomiting physically.

at last
he let go
He let go before he was on the verge of being 'offline'.

Cheng Bin is no longer breathing

There's no heartbeat either
Huan only glanced at it, and the ferocious expression was imprinted in his mind.

He slumped on the ground.

He raised his head and closed his eyes.

Can't tell what it feels like

The sounds around him seemed to be far away from him at this moment.


Huan heard the shouts.

he opens his eyes
Then they saw the iron door where Cheng Bin was being detained opened, and two policemen rushed in to check the situation.

"He's lost his vital signs, call 120!" a policeman shouted, then stepped on Cheng Bin and began to perform CPR on him.

Huan did not continue to use his abilities.

I stood up and watched the police working hard to save Cheng Bin's life. I leaned against the wall and my whole mind was emptied...

Luo Ji stood up from the cold ground, shook out his wind-soaked clothes, and returned to the entrance of the mourning hall.After hesitating for a moment, he didn't go in. He just took out a cigarette and came out.

"I did nothing wrong, dad?" he asked.

But then he shook his head and sneered, not knowing what he was laughing at.

Just wanted to laugh.

The voices of relatives in the hut next to it were still lively, but at this time Luo Ji didn't feel the noise anymore.After smoking out a cigarette, he threw the butt of the cigarette and most of the pack of cigarettes into the trash can outside.

He still doesn't like smoking very much.

Back to the hut

Luo Ji fell on the small bed, lying on his side and watching his relatives playing cards. Unknowingly, he also laughed.But he was indeed too tired.

So drowsily, he fell asleep.

police station door
Huan watched as the ambulance rushed over and took Cheng Bin away.There was no choice to follow.

It was enough for him to get things done here.

As for whether he will be rescued, Huan no longer cares.

Return to the police station

The mess caused by him has been basically dealt with.Several police officers who knew how to be an electrician gathered around the burning electrical box and discussed endlessly.

"This short circuit is too abnormal. Look here..." A policeman wearing insulating gloves used his fingers to pull out a few wires inside.Then he wiped the scorch marks on the line with his finger. .

"The burning position of this line is very strange. Have you ever seen this kind of situation where one section is burned and another section is burned?"

Although the electrical box initially exploded and caught fire, the police put out the fire so quickly that they were able to clearly locate the location of the accident.

"Hey, don't tell me, this is the first time I've seen him in so many years... Could it be that the circuit is aging?" Another policeman asked.

"If you have the guts to say this in front of Mr. Zhang, do you think he will give you a pestle? He has been responsible for maintenance for more than a day or two. I remember that he did the last major inspection. It seemed like three days Before, right? If this was really a problem of aging lines, it would have been impossible not to detect it at that time."

"Hehehe, this has nothing to do with me. This is Mr. Zhang's job scope."

All joking aside, no one took this matter too seriously.However, for safety reasons, they still called Mr. Zhang and explained the situation here.

Now, I'm afraid Zhang Gong is already on his way.

Waiting for him to come, there will inevitably be an overnight overhaul.

If it doesn’t work well, you may still have to be criticized.


One person screamed.

"Look, these marks..." he said, quickly stretching out his hand and comparing it with the burned position on the line.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone present, the policeman's fingers successfully overlapped with those positions after adjustment.

There was suddenly silence.

"A coincidence?"

"I also think it's a coincidence..."

Their conversation was clearly heard by Huan
Looking in the direction of several people, I also saw the traces.

Compared to those policemen, Huan knew better than the traces left behind when he activated his abilities.

Slightly meditative

Huan finally did nothing.

What can I do?

Use your ability to erase those traces again?It's unrealistic. People have already discovered the problem. If we try to deal with it now, it's just that there is no 300 taels of silver here.


"Who can connect this accident with me?" Huan shook his head.

Then he turned around and headed towards the interrogation room.

The door here is locked, but it can't stop Huan.

Walking in, Huan's figure stood where he stood during the day.Looking at the empty space, it was where Cheng Bin was sitting.

stand still for a long time
He walked over and sat down.

The spirit body did not allow him to feel any real touch, but the feeling of sitting here and the feeling of sitting opposite were two completely different and opposite feelings.


let out a sigh of relief
Huan got up

Leaving here step by step.

"Huh?" Zhang Cishun was stunned for a moment and said uncertainly: "Are you talking about me?"

Zhang Cheng smiled and turned to look at him: "I just saw that you were a little nervous, it's okay, just relax. I'm here mainly because I have bad news to tell you."

"But it might be good news for you."

Zhang Cheng explained, but he didn't know if it was to whet Zhang Cishun's appetite, so he stopped talking at this point.

The red light at the intersection ahead turns on.

Zhang Cheng slowly stopped the car and waited for the traffic light. "You don't seem to be curious at all?" Zhang Cheng said, reaching out to touch his pocket, but after searching up and down, he couldn't find what he wanted, so he reached out towards his apprentice behind him: "cigarette."

Zhang Cheng's apprentice was very obedient and handed him his cigarette.

After Zhang Cheng took one out, he handed it to Zhang Cishun.

"Curiosity killed the cat, especially when the police wanted to tell me bad news," Zhang Cishun said.

"Indeed. What our ancestors said has always made sense." Zhang Cheng rolled down the window and exhaled a puff of smoke outside the window.

"Something happened to Cheng Bin. He is in the intensive care unit of the hospital now. I don't know if he can be rescued." He said, turning around and looking at Zhang Cishun again.

"Cheng Bin? I have an impression of the driver who caused the accident." Zhang Cishun said.

"You don't seem surprised at all?"

Zhang Cishun clicked his tongue: "What's so surprising? God is watching what you do, maybe it's retribution?" After saying that, Zhang Cishun also turned to look at Zhang Cheng: "Why, Officer Zhang doubts me?"

"No, the file has been transferred to our team. I saw your news in the file, and I wanted to come and see you on a whim."

green light on
Zhang Cheng stepped on the accelerator

The push pushed Zhang Cishun to lean against the back of the seat.

"You don't know, then when I read the case, it was like reading a novel, and it was a suspense novel. I...I don't even know how to describe it." Zhang Cheng raised one hand and gestured in the air I'm trying to describe something.

"Do you think it's your father who has a ghost?" Zhang Cheng said.

Zhang Cishun looked complicated: "You won't believe this, right? This is not scientific at all."

Zhang Cheng nodded when he heard this: "It's quite unscientific, but I've seen a lot of unscientific things in the past two days, so I can't help but think about it too much."

"Huh?" Zhang Cishun blinked.

I wanted to ask something else, but I saw Zhang Cheng turning the steering wheel and slowly parking the car in front of a 4S store.

"Okay, we won't delay you when we get to the place. We have to stop by the hospital to check on Cheng Bin's condition. See if there are any clues or anything."

Hearing this, Zhang Cishun nodded, no longer wasting their time, got out of the car, and watched the vehicle go away at the intersection, and finally disappeared from sight around the corner.


"Master..." In the police car, Zhang Cheng's apprentice Yang Liangcai grabbed the chair in the front seat and stuck his head over, trying to ask the questions he had been holding back in his heart.

But before he could say anything, Zhang Cheng stretched out his hand to stop him.

He took off the walkie-talkie on the police car and his words were transmitted through the walkie-talkie.

"Xiao Zhao, you followed Zhang Cishun's car to death."

"Liu Heyang, go check his recent call records and ask for the records of all the phone cards in his name, as well as those of his sister. Also, go to the bank to check whether there are any abnormal transfer records on the cards in his name."

"I think there's something wrong with him."


"Copy that, Captain Zhang."

Two replies came from the intercom.

Yang Liangcai was shocked when he saw this scene.

"Master, this, this, this... how did you tell that there was something wrong with him?"

Zhang Cheng raised his head and glanced at Yang Liangcai in the rearview mirror.

"Intuition." Zhang Cheng opened his mouth and slowly explained: "The intuition of a veteran policeman who has been in the industry for 30 years."

Yang Liangcai was speechless.

"Master, you...aren't we allowed to use evidence when doing things?"

"Evidence? To put it lightly, it's not like you haven't read the files. Judging from the circumstances at the time, even if I conclude that Cheng Bin's death was caused by a myocardial infarction and natural death, it is all reasonable and legal."

"But you have also seen the autopsy, and the conclusion of Zhang Gong's inspection of the circuit has also come out. The latter was obviously man-made damage, and the former's death was caused by continuous external force squeezing the heart, which caused the heart to be unable to beat on its own."

"The surveillance video from the police station was also sent over. Did you read it too?"

Yang Liangcai nodded.

"When I read it for the first time, I thought it was nothing. When I looked at it again after the autopsy, I just felt hairy all over."

"I really can't imagine how this is done?"

"I didn't expect it, so I checked his recent contacts. It's a good luck." Zhang Cheng said, took out his mobile phone and searched Ziyang Pavilion.

"Oh! I understand!" Yang Liangcai clapped his hands and said excitedly: "I have also read the investigation of Cheng Bin's recent actions! If there is anyone he has offended the most recently, it is Zhang Cishun. That night The scene where his father was killed in a car accident made my teeth itch watching it."

Zhang Cheng nodded and said, "That's right, you are itching to see it, let alone Zhang Cishun. Considering his family situation, is it possible for you to say that he doesn't hate Cheng Bin?"

"But you saw his performance just now. It was very dull. When I heard that Cheng Bin was in trouble, he didn't have any mood swings at all. Then I said that Cheng Bin was being rescued in the intensive care unit, and he was also very dull."

"This is not right. This is not how a victim should react to hearing something like this."

"Even if I saw a hint of resentment in his eyes, I would never doubt him as much as I do now."

"It's been three days since my father passed away. What kind of things happened during this period to make someone who dared to shout 'one hundred thousand' at Cheng Bin in the interrogation room so calm now?"

Yang Liangcai was thoughtful.

"So, do you think..."

"Look, you've already said it and thought it. In the end, it's just speculation. We don't have much time left in this case. We have to make a breakthrough before the people from the special case team come down from above."

As the topic continued, the topic came to the special case team.

Yang Liangcai was also very curious about this special case team and couldn't help but ask:

"Master, who organized this special case team? Why have I never heard of it? Is it similar to the serious crime team?"

"I don't know, not only don't know, I have never heard of its superior department." Zhang Cheng replied: "The above only told me that this is the latest action department established, subordinate to...'Relevant departments ’, the power is quite great.”

"I heard that the police team over there made a conclusion on this case because they called it back, otherwise they wouldn't have handed it over to us to handle it and do the preliminary work."

"Looking at it this way, these people have very good professional skills. Master, do you think it is possible for me to be transferred to work in the future?" Yang Liangcai asked.

Zhang Cheng chuckled.

"You still have time now, so hurry up and sleep for a while, you will have everything in your dreams."


His consciousness shifted to Zhang Cishun's true body.

Taking advantage of the traffic light, he pressed down the window, adjusted the rearview mirror, and glanced at a black car without trace.

This car had followed him all the way from the 4S store. Although there were many lane changes, Huan couldn't help but get the news that a car was following him in Zhang Cheng's car first.

是 的

Originally Huan was not with Zhang Heng, but since he saw Zhang Cheng at the door of the funeral home, he immediately controlled Huan to the 4S shop after getting in the car.

Then when he got out of the car, he let Huan get in the car.

Huan, who could not be seen, became Zhang Cishun's ears and eyes for obtaining information.

"A 30-year veteran policeman..." Zhang Cishun couldn't help but sigh.

After listening to Zhang Cheng's analysis, he realized that he had suppressed his emotional fluctuations in the police car and ended up exerting too much force.

Instead, it was met with serious suspicion.

"But the most important thing is the evidence. They have no evidence and can't find any evidence." Zhang Cishun knew this.But he is also worried about the special case team mentioned in the conversation between Zhang Cheng and Yang Liangcai.

(End of this chapter)

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