Chapter 187 Stupid
To be honest, this choice is very stupid.

This is the plot of the movie. Just imagine if this happened in reality, Uncle Jiu did this, and there were only two apprentices, Xiaoyue and A Xing.

So what if this thing succeeds in the end?

Who would know this?
Even if Xiaoyue and Asing went out to tell others in the future, who would believe them?
Besides, if he doesn't take the opportunity to suppress Father Wu and the others now, Uncle Jiu will be defeated in the future, unless this kind of messy things keep happening in this church.

Assuming there is no follow-up plot and life goes on like this day by day, then sooner or later Uncle Jiu will not be able to survive in this town.

A person has a face, and a tree has a bark. When the time comes, everyone will go to the priest. Firstly, Uncle Jiu has no business and cannot maintain his livelihood. Secondly, where does the face go?
In the past, everyone respected me so much, but then I saw other people's attitudes towards me changing day by day. Who could tolerate this kind of thing?
And once something like this happens, it's beyond anyone's control.

Everyone seems polite today, but after the priest succeeds in his struggle tomorrow, his followers will definitely come to look for trouble.

Even if Father Wu himself doesn't want to, he still can't stand the people below who are adding insult to injury and saying bad things about Uncle Jiu.

To put it bluntly, this is a kind of convert fanaticism, it depends on who is more pious after converting.

Needless to say, attacking Uncle Jiu is the best way to show your piety.

Thinking about how terrible this outcome is, it becomes clear why Shen Lipu disapproved of him doing this.

But the good thing is that the situation is good, Shen Lipu is still here.

As long as he is here, the final boss cannot escape his grasp, and there is no need to cooperate with that priest at all.

Shen Lipu had the confidence to go up and subdue it with a sword.

Even if the sword is not enough, Shen Lipu still has Thunder Pill. This Thunder Pill is different from Talisman Chicken Blood. It restrains all things with Yin attributes. That vampire will never be able to withstand this damage.

So, Shen Lipu doesn't care about the devil or the eight ghosts at all.

"Please graciously guide our prayers, and give us the confidence that your Son has risen from the dead, saith the Lord, that I should lose none of those which he has delivered to me, and that he will raise them again at the last day."

On one side, Uncle Jiu was casting spells, and on the other side, Father Wu was holding holy water in his hand and sprinkling it on the deceased while chanting.

At this time, the blood hole left by the vampire bite on the deceased gradually began to move, as if the blood was beating again.

Father Wu, who was holding a book and reciting scriptures, was startled when he saw the deceased's feet moving. He didn't understand much about these things at all.

Strictly speaking, Father Wu should be regarded as a theoretical sect, but in their Western religion, the theoretical sect is the majority, and only a few people are practical sects.

Therefore, Father Wu was certainly furious when he saw this thing.

After several other monks saw this, they were also frightened.

In the end, Father Wu suppressed the fear in his heart, dipped the branch in his hand into holy water and started frantically splashing it on the deceased.

On the other side, Uncle Jiu and Ah Xing Xiaoyue also controlled the sky lantern and flew over.

At this time, the body was shaking more and more violently, as if it was about to stand up again.

"Save your soul from Satan, save your soul from Satan..."

As Father Wu and others chanted, the deceased suddenly opened his eyes, and then, canine teeth that only animals can grow appeared in his mouth.

Then, the corpse who had opened his eyes suddenly turned his head away. You know, his body did not move.This scene was so frightening that several monks screamed, but Father Wu saw that he had no other choice at this time, so he had no choice but to hold out the cross in his hand to the face of the already transformed monk in an attempt to stop it from continuing. evil Dead.

But this method cannot be said to have been tried and tested, it can also be said to be ineffective. As soon as the cross was attached, the monster flew into the air.

After spinning around the bed, the monster opened its mouth and spat green water on Father Wu's face.

Then, several monks were also sprayed with green water on their faces. The water seemed to contain sulfuric acid, which made several monks cover their faces and scream.

On Uncle Jiu's side, after the monster flew up, all the pots and jars on the table fell to the ground, and A Xing and Xiao Yue were also directly interrupted from the state of practice and were forcibly shaken out. .

When Uncle Jiu saw this scene, he directly picked up a dart-like object from the table, sprayed a mouthful of magic water on it, and then nailed it to the ruler on the table.

Immediately, inside the church, the window suddenly shattered with a bang, and a small yellow sky lantern floated in from the outside.

Seeing that there was no other way, Father Wu stretched directly across the wall, holding a scripture in one hand and a cross in the other, and shouted loudly: "Please give me strength, Lord!"

At this moment, the Kongming Lantern happened to fly up.

What a coincidence, Father Wu and Uncle Jiu cooperated without knowing anything.

After the monster received this blow, it fell to the ground with a bang and never lived again.

Father Wu, on the other hand, looked at the former monster in confusion.

In the church, the monks who were shouting just now stopped when they saw the monster was subdued, and then started talking: "Thankfully he was subdued, otherwise we would be in danger!"

"Yes, yes, thanks to father!"

In fact, in Shen Lipu's opinion, Uncle Jiu had to do more to subdue this monster this time.

Father Wu was gesticulating just now, but it had no effect for a long time, but Uncle Jiu's sky lantern flew in and knocked over the monster. It was obvious which of the two was more effective!
However, if Father Wu saw the Kongming Lantern in advance and deliberately took the credit for himself, that would not be so dirty.

He must have been in desperation just now and had no other choice but to resort to this trick.

Because judging from the fight with the BOSS vampire at the end of the film, he is not the kind of pure stick who knows nothing.

Therefore, this time, Shen Lipu felt that it was not Father Wu who wanted to take the credit deliberately. He probably didn't see it clearly either. As for what happened afterwards...

This is hard to talk about!
"Master, you are so stupid!"

Axing had already sensed that the monster just now had made no sound, so he hurried forward and praised his master.

"Yes, yes! Master, you are so amazing!"

Xiaoyue also shouted loudly from the side.

Uncle Jiu was quite happy to hear what they said. Unlike Qiu Shengwencai, A Xing Xiaoyue rarely made Uncle Jiu angry.

Of course, this is also the result of comparison with Qiusheng Wencai!

(End of this chapter)

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