Chapter 782

Monitoring points.

Liu Xiaobing and Wang Gang were all staring at the motorcade that suddenly appeared at the end of the street.


Just when Liu Xiaobing was about to give an order, Wang Gang suddenly said: "Wait a minute"

"What's wrong?" Time was tight and opportunities were rare, so Liu Xiaobing was very puzzled by Wang Gang's interruption of his order.

"We should make sure, there are curtains on the windows, no one knows if that person is sitting in it"

"Once we strike the grass and scare the snake, the loss of manpower is small, and the consequences of the failure of the plan are not something we can afford," Wang Gang explained.

At this moment, Liu Xiaobing also found that he was a little anxious.

Although I just received a report from the brothers outside, it has been confirmed that the person is above.

However, since that person can escape the pursuit of the Secret Service many times, it is obvious that he will not show up so easily.

Although the convoy in front of me was heavily guarded, it seemed a bit too obvious now.

Perhaps the convoy in front of us is really a target, an attractive target.

Just when Liu Xiaobing was deep in thought, Wang Gang suddenly said: "Here we go again."

Following the direction pointed by Wang Gang, Liu Xiaobing once again saw the same fleet of vehicles as before.

The previous convoy had already entered the embassy.

Because of the strange situation, Liu Xiaobing did not give the order to fight lightly, but fell into deep thought.

In an instant, another convoy appeared at the end of the street.

Looking at the three convoys not far away, Liu Xiaobing said with some worry: "Gangzi, do you think our plan has been known to the Japanese?"

"Probably not, but they probably also know that we will definitely assassinate. The trouble now is that we cannot determine the real whereabouts of that person."

"In other words, that person is not here at all," Wang Gang said worriedly.

"Don't bother, someone has already made the choice for us," Liu Xiaobing said with a smile.

"Oh?" Wang Gang didn't quite understand what Liu Xiaobing meant.

"Look there, Chishang EF has come out, then the target will definitely show up." When Liu Xiaobing spoke, he also pointed to the embassy.

In front of the embassy building at this moment.

Accompanied by Keiko Ikegami and the guards, Ikegami Eifu came to the front of the motorcade.

The door is open.

Three identical Wang Jinwei appeared in everyone's field of vision. This scene made Wang Gang and Wang Gang, who had been staring at this place, stunned for a moment.

Afterwards, he also focused all his attention on Ikegami Yifu, waiting for his choice.

Time seemed to become tense at this moment.

In the embassy, ​​EF Ikegami stopped in his tracks, just looked at the three people in front of him, and had no further plans.

"Actually, if I can kill Ikegami EF, Ikegami Keiko, and the three who don't know the truth"

"Then, no matter what plan the Japanese have, I'm afraid it will be of no use," Wang Gang said leisurely.

"I think so too, but it's not that simple. If I can, of course I'd like to kill Ikegami EF."

"However, even if Ikegami Hideo dies, Japan can still send other characters."

"However, once Wang Jinwei dies, everything will be invalidated, and it will be difficult for the Japanese to find a second such person."

"So our target is still Wang Jinwei," Liu Xiaobing said flatly.

"Yes, you are right, but what should we do in this situation?" Wang Gang asked with a frown.

"There is no other way, we can only attack by force, because the longer it takes, the worse it will be for us," Liu Xiaobing said regretfully

"Originally we were counting on Eifu Ikegami to show us the way, but now it seems that it is simply impossible. We thought things were too simple."

"At the same time, I also underestimated the veteran agent Ikegami Eifu."

At this time, Chishang EF also walked towards the building with the three Wang Jinwei.

"There is no time. Everyone, follow my orders and attack." After Liu Xiaobing finished speaking, he fired directly.

The gunfire alarmed the people inside the embassy in an instant, and the guards also quickly appeared in front of the target.

At this time, Wang Gang followed Liu Xiaobing out of the monitoring point.

However, I don't know if it was an illusion. When Wang Gang rushed out, he seemed to see Huizi Chishang glanced at their position.

There was even a meaningful smile on his face.

However, when Wang Gang looked over again, Chi Shang Huizi had already turned her head and walked towards the inside of the building.

In this situation, Wang Gang couldn't help but wonder if he had seen it wrong just now.

Afterwards, Wang Gang also retracted his gaze and focused on the war in front of him.

Wang Gang and Liu Xiaobing, as the vanguard, kept rushing forward. There were many guards along the way, but they fell to them.

However, when the two entered the gate, they had to postpone their advance, because the resistance of the guards was too strong.

Moreover, the firepower of the Japanese is very fierce, and they can't take the lead if they are suppressed.

"What should I do?" At this time, a member of the Shanghai station asked Liu Xiaobing.

When Liu Xiaobing listened to his subordinates' inquiries, he looked at Wang Gang and blurted out: "Do you still remember the method we used in the military academy?"

"Remember, you and I want to be together, but it's a pity that Xiaobai is not here, otherwise it would be more perfect." Wang Gang said with some regret.

"It's no pity. Even if Mr. Bai Ze is not here, we won't be able to succeed," Liu Xiaobing said with a sneer.

In this regard, Wang Gang just smiled wryly, but did not speak.

"Okay, are you ready?" Liu Xiaobing glanced at the situation on the other side and said in a deep voice.

"Ready," Wang Gang replied, his whole body was jumping tightly, as if he could run out at any time

"Then start, others will be responsible for covering" Liu Xiaobing ordered.

And at the moment Liu Xiaobing's words fell, Wang Gang also rushed out against the enemy's firepower suppression.

Liu Xiaobing, who was behind, stared closely at Wang Gang's movements, and after judging where he was about to land, he also rushed out of the bunker.

In front.

Just when Wang Gang was about to rest and land, Liu Xiaobing came and shouted: "Gangzi!"

At this time, Wang Gang had just landed, but without caring about anything else, he landed straight down and threw the bundle of grenades on his back.

Liu Xiaobing grabbed the grenade and threw it heavily towards the embassy.

The whole process can be said to be very dangerous, and if you make the slightest mistake, your life will be lost.

Fortunately, everyone cooperated pretty well, and the opponents of Shanghai Station who were covering behind were also very good.

Under the relay of Liu Xiaobing and Wang Gang, the grenade exploded in the center of the Japanese.

And the opponents at the Shanghai station in the back also took advantage of this to intensify their attack, breaking through the Japanese blockade at the gate in an instant.

Liu Xiaobing and Wang Gang took the lead again and rushed in.

Inside the spacious building, a fierce battle was going on between the enemy and ourselves, and people were dying at any time.

"Xiao Bing can't go on like this, we don't have so much time to waste." At this time, Wang Gang said to Liu Xiaobing beside him.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Liu Xiaobing asked while shooting.

"You and I divide the army, I will take a group of people, you will take a group of people, and then search separately, our goal is not these Japanese"

"So there is no need to get entangled with them. The most important thing first is to find Wang Jingwei and then kill him."

"Yes." Listening to Wang Gang's words, Liu Xiaobing agreed without much hesitation.


The two of them also took their own people and left.

While Wang Gang was looking for the target, he was also looking for traces of Bai Zeshao.

And this was also the reason why he and Liu Xiaobing separated, because if Liu Xiaobing saw Bai Zeshao, then Bai Zeshao might be in trouble.

However, there is an added danger when the two parties are separated, that is, Liu Xiaobing meets Mr. Bai Ze first.

However, Wang Gang believed that Bai Zeshao would not be found so easily.

Of course, Wang Gang will not forget his most important task at the moment, and he will not forget his task because of what happened to Mr. Bai Ze.

However, the embassy is really too big.

They didn't have a detailed map at all, and they didn't understand the security arrangements here, so the progress was not very great.

However, after sacrificing a small team, Liu Xiaobing was the first to discover a Wang Jingwei.

Without any extra words, he shot directly.

After a fierce battle, Wang Jingwei was killed, but Liu Xiaobing continued to search without any relaxation.

In the following time, Wang Gang also met a Wang Jingwei, who also killed him.

However, when they were looking for the last one, they did not gain anything for a long time. Instead, the two teams met again.

But when Liu Xiaobing saw the remaining number of people on both sides, he also sighed.

Although they completed part of the mission, the losses were really too great.

At this moment, it is really not suitable for them to separate, otherwise they will have no way to escape when they meet the Japanese.

"This is all chosen by the brothers themselves." Wang Gang patted Liu Xiaobing on the shoulder and said softly.

"I know, even I am ready to sacrifice, continue searching." After Liu Xiaobing finished speaking, he turned and left.

Wang Gang looked at Liu Xiaobing's back and sighed.

Afterwards, everyone started searching in silence, but for the next 10 minutes, they found nothing.

"Is the last one true?" Liu Xiaobing asked Wang Gang beside him.

"We don't rule out this possibility." Wang Gang nodded.

Then he said suspiciously: "Little Bing, have you noticed that we haven't encountered decent resistance for a long time?"

Liu Xiaobing immediately understood what Wang Gang meant: "You mean?"

"That's right, it seems that the Japanese want to complete their work in one battle, and perhaps the last moment is coming soon," Wang Gang said in a deep voice.

"I'm ready, are you?" Liu Xiaobing looked at Wang Gang and said.

"Of course, I even wrote my suicide note."

"Good brother, we must complete the task today"


Subsequently, the two also accelerated the speed and intensity of the search, and soon found the last target in the small square behind the building.

And when they discovered the third target, the Japanese also discovered them.

"I didn't expect that you really came here. It's great." Chishang Huizi looked at Liu Xiaobing and others who rushed over, and said with a smile.

However, Wang Gang and Liu Xiaobing ignored Chishang Huizi's words and stared at Wang Jingwei.

At the same time, they also discovered that Chishang EF was no longer there.

But they didn't think much about it, anyway, their goal was not Chisang Yingfu.

Then, the two looked at each other, then raised their guns and shot at Wang Jingwei at the same time.

However, when they fired, two guards stood in front of Wang Jingwei immediately, acting as scapegoats.

At the same time, a lot of Japanese suddenly poured out around them, and they were surrounded at this moment.

At this moment, Wang Gang and Liu Xiaobing suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts.

They seemed to have fallen into a Japanese trap.

"If I read correctly, you are Liu Xiaobing and Wang Gang." At this time, Chi Shang Huizi said with a smile.


Liu Xiaobing just snorted coldly, but didn't speak.

Ikegami Keiko didn't care about this, smiled faintly, and continued to speak.

"Actually, I have heard about you for a long time. I think you are very clear about your current situation."

"So, there is no need to resist fearlessly, otherwise your end will not be good."

"You want us to surrender?" Wang Gang asked back.

"That's right, your old classmate Bai Ze is here with us, if you come over, then you will be reunited again," Keiko Chigami said with a smile.

"Haha, before we make the final decision, can I ask the colonel a question?" Liu Xiaobing suddenly said at this time.

"Of course, please"

"Did you know our plan a long time ago?" When Liu Xiaobing spoke, he stared at Huizi Chishang.

"Almost, of course we don't know the specific plan, but we have already discovered your surveillance outside," Chi Shang Huizi admitted.

And listened to the words of Keiko Ikegami.Liu Xiaobing and Wang Gang's hearts sank.

In this way, everything they did today was just following the Japanese script.

Really ironic.

As for the purpose of the Japanese, of course it is to eliminate the resistance organization.

But Liu Xiaobing still said unwillingly: "Aren't you afraid that we will really kill Wang Jingwei? By then, no matter what plans you have, I'm afraid they will come to nothing."

"Not afraid." Keiko Chishang smiled confidently.

"Why?" Liu Xiaobing couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, you won't be able to get the answer to this question for the time being. Now it's time for you to give me your choice." Chishang Huizi said coldly, with the smile on his face gone.

Then he added: "Of course, if you become my own people, then I will tell you the answer you want personally."

"Okay, don't delay, give me the answer, I hope it is what I want to hear"

On the opposite side, Wang Gang and Liu Xiaobing looked at each other, and they all saw the will to die in each other's eyes.

They will never surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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