my espionage career

Chapter 520 The Bloody Hand Reappears

Chapter 520 The Bloody Hand Reappears


After Bai Zeshao finished reading the telegram, he found that there was an untranslated paragraph at the end of the telegram.

He couldn't help but raise his head and look at Lao Wu: "This is it?"

"Look carefully again." The fifth child smiled mysteriously at Bai Zeshao.

Immediately, Bai Zeshao lowered his head and looked up, only to realize that it was a common code, and quickly translated the message.

"Understood?" Lao Wu looked at Mr. Bai Ze's appearance and asked with a smile.

"En..." Bai Zeshao nodded: "It says that Boss Dai will send someone to send me a big gift as a reward for me entering the special advanced course. Do you know what it is?"

"I'm not too sure, but it shouldn't be small, otherwise I wouldn't have sent a special message about it," said the fifth child uncertainly.

"That's right." Bai Zeshao showed a dazed look.

Then Gun Wound, whose eyes fell on the fifth child, asked with concern: "Now can we talk about your business?"

"It's not because I was targeted by people from Shanghai Station when I rescued you that day. When I went out yesterday, I happened to be met by them, so..."

"So the people from Shanghai Station did it." Bai Zeshao shook his head helplessly.

Like him, the fifth child was also not allowed to reveal his identity, so facing the pursuit of Shanghai Station, they could only escape.

"By the way, isn't it exposed here?" Bai Zeshao suddenly remembered that no one opened the door when he knocked on the door before, so he asked with concern.

"You can rest assured about this, absolutely not, but I can't act in my own face for the time being." Lao Wu sighed.

"That's good. I won't be out for a short time, so I have to go back first." After Bai Zeshao finished speaking, he got up and left.

the next day.

When the day was just lit, the whole city also woke up and began to become lively.

The flow of people on the street also slowly began to increase.

At this time, the newsboys also began to sell today's newspapers.

"Selling newspapers and selling newspapers, bloody hands reappear in the world"

"Reappearance of Bloody Hands"


Similar cries came and went on the street, and the terrifying memory brought by the bloody Bai Zeshao flashed into people's minds again.

No one expected that things would have such a big reversal.

It's just that they couldn't help but not believe it when they saw the pictures in all the newspapers and the large-scale reports.

Based on this, today's newspaper sales have also broken new highs, and many newspaper offices have to work overtime to rush to print.

Extra high class.

The secretary placed all today's newspapers on Ikegami Keiko's desk: "Search, this is today's report."

"Not bad." Looking at the eye-catching photo of Bai Zeshao shooting in every newspaper, Keiko Chigami nodded in satisfaction.

"Chairman, do you want to send some newspapers to Mr. Bai Ze?" asked the secretary.

"There's no need to make a fuss, he will care more about these things than you do," Keiko Chigami said shaking his head.

After hearing what Keiko Ikegami said, the secretary stopped insisting.

"By the way, how is the job arrangement of Young Master Bai Ze?" asked Huizi Chishang.

"According to your instructions, a separate office was arranged for him. The position is deputy captain of the action team, but in name only," the secretary explained in detail.

"That's right, his office and monitoring equipment are all installed," Keiko Chigami asked.

"Everything is fine." After the secretary finished speaking, she looked at Huizi Chishang with some doubts: "Section Chief, hasn't Mr. Bai Ze already surrendered? Is it still necessary?"

"And as far as I know, although our surveillance equipment is secret, it basically cannot escape Bai Zeshao's sight."

"You don't think it's necessary?" Keiko Chigami looked at her secretary with a smile.

"It's not that it's unnecessary, it's that it doesn't work"

"That's right, no matter how secretive we are, we can't escape Shao Bai Ze's attention. I just want to tell Shao Bai Ze openly that I am monitoring him," Huizi Chishang said with a smile.

The secretary didn't quite understand Ikegami Keiko's intention, but still asked worriedly: "Will Mr. Bai Ze protest or even resist?"

"Yes," Ikegami Keiko said with certainty.


At this moment, the office door was forcefully opened.

When Huizi Chishang and the secretary were about to yell at the visitor, they saw Bai Zeshao's figure and took back their original words.

With a gloomy face, Bai Zeshao drove directly to Chishang Huizi's desk, and shook a lot of things on it.

"Chief Chishang, what does this mean?" Bai Zeshao said with an angry face.

"It's just what you see," Keiko Ikegami said very bachelorly.

Although I didn't say it directly, but the meaning was so that I almost said that I did it on purpose.

"Chief Chishang, since you don't believe me so much, why should you keep me?" Bai Zeshao said with a gloomy face.

"Bai Zeshao, why are you so angry? You should know the reason why I did this. Based on what I know about you, you will never be so angry."

Looking at Huizi Chishang who was smiling sweetly in front of him, the expression on Bai Zeshao's face also returned to normal.

As Keiko Ikegami said, his anger was deliberately displayed.

But Keiko Ikegami said that, so there was no need for Mr. Bai Ze to pretend to be angry.

Then he looked at Huizi Chishang seriously and said, "Section Chief Chishang, I hope this is the last time."

Chishang Huizi didn't speak, just smiled lightly.


Mr. Bai Ze snorted coldly, glanced at the spread newspapers on Chishang Keiko's table, and turned around to leave.

After Mr. Bai Ze left, the secretary looked at Keiko Ikegami and said, "This Mr. Bai Ze is too arrogant."

"Hehe" Keiko Chigami smiled, and then threw the monitoring equipment to the secretary.

"Chairman, this... still needs to be installed?" the secretary asked with some uncertainty.

"Why not?" Keiko Chigami said with a smile.

"But..." The secretary didn't know what to say.

"Go, Master Bai Ze actually knows that I won't give up, so you can install it with confidence, and he will only make trouble like this once."

"How could he calm down so easily if he is such a proud and arrogant person?"

"And for someone like him who is not afraid of death, sometimes he takes dignity very seriously, so it doesn't hurt to let him make a fuss."

"If he doesn't care about all of this, I have something to worry about"

Listening to Chishang Huizi's explanation, the secretary nodded, and said, "I'll install it when I find a chance."

"En," Chishang Huizi said, but changed the subject: "How about the chess piece we scored in Shanghai?"

"Search, I was about to tell you about this," the secretary responded.

(End of this chapter)

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