my espionage career

Chapter 464 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 464 Lead the snake out of the hole
The next day, when it was getting dark.

Chishang Yingzi came to Shanning, and Bai Zeshao was sleeping in the hotel at this time.

Under the arrangement of Shan Ning's lurking Japanese, Ikegami Yingzi settled down, but she didn't take action immediately.

Instead, they analyzed the activity rules of Bai Zeshao collected by the lurking Japanese in Shanning during the past few days.

However, when Chishang Yingzi read this analysis, she frowned because Bai Zeshao's traces were so regular.

Except for the first and second days, when I often ran outside, the rest of the time I only stayed in the Secret Service and the hotel.

And those two days were when she was on the road.

Seeing this, Chishang Yingzi couldn't help but sighed, she wanted to quietly and unexpectedly assassinate Bai Zeshao, but it might be difficult for her to succeed.


The news of her coming to Shanning may have been leaked, otherwise Mr. Bai Ze's activities would not be so regular.But she didn't know which way it was leaked.

Moreover, now is not the time to pursue these.

Mr. Bai Ze didn't know when Chishang Yingzi arrived in Shanning, but it didn't stop him from becoming cautious. Besides, he didn't stay in Shaning for a long time.

Because the stinger plan would not be implemented for some time, he just had to make sure to be careful these days.

However, Bai Zeshao thought very well, but things were always full of surprises.

In addition to investigating the whereabouts of Master Bai Ze, Chishang Yingzi also did not lose sight of his interpersonal relationships in Shanning.

During the investigation of him, Achen fell under the attention of Yingzi Chishang.

Because except for Ah Chen, everyone else who has a relationship with Bai Zeshao is not easy to move at all.

And one very important reason is that the relationship between Bai Zeshao and Achen is well known throughout Shanning.

In particular, Mr. Bai Ze once fought with people from the Party Affairs Office because of this Ah Chen.

Although I don't understand why Mr. Bai Ze cares so much about such a promiscuous woman with his shrewdness and government, it is enough to know that Mr. Bai Ze cares about this person.

However, based on the information they have, it seems that Chen is not in the Rose Song and Dance Hall, or even in Shanning. As for where he went, they haven't investigated clearly yet.

In order to assassinate Mr. Bai Ze, Sakurako Chigami certainly didn't have just one plan.

In her plan, using Ah Chen to kill Master Bai Ze was just an alternative.

Her own preference is to assassinate the target directly, but this is a bit difficult.

For the current Sakurako Ikegami, no matter what the method is, as long as it can kill Bai Zeshao, she doesn't mind trying.

The next day.

Mr. Bai Ze, who was resting in the hotel, received a call from Boss Dai, informing him clearly that Yingzi Chishang had sneaked into Shanning, and the exact whereabouts were being investigated.

After listening to Boss Dai's call, Mr. Bai Ze also fell into deep thought.

Although he didn't know where Sakurako Ikegami was, it was very inconvenient for him to have such a potential enemy.

And in order to guard against Ikegami Sakurako, he is destined to consume too much energy.

The only way is to be proactive.

However, this requires the cooperation of the Secret Service, but before taking action, he must arrange for Yang Kang.

The existence of Yang Kang is a fatal weakness. Once Chishang Yingzi discovers Yang Kang, she will definitely think of him with her intelligence.

Thinking of this, Bai Zeshao went directly to Yang Kang's room.

After entering the room, without saying anything, Bai Zeshao said directly: "Let's go back to Beiping now, I've made arrangements for the journey."

"I know the team leader." Yang Kang responded directly without asking further questions.

Soon, Sun Yanjie's people came to the door of the hotel and took Yang Kang away.

But Bai Zeshao waited for about half an hour after Yang Kang left completely, then left the hotel and walked towards the Secret Service.

On the road.

Young Master Bai Ze also paid special attention to what was behind him, but found nothing.

Although he found nothing, but with his intuition, he can be sure that someone is following him, so it can only show that the person following him is of a very high level.

Not long after Bai Zeshao entered the Secret Service, a car slowly stopped not far from the Secret Service.

The person sitting in the car was Ikegami Sakurako. The driver next to him looked at Ikegami Sakurako with some admiration. If Ikegami Sakurako hadn't told him just now, they might have been discovered long ago.

Ikegami Sakura didn't speak, but her gaze was fixed on the door of the Secret Service.

Sakurako Ikegami attaches great importance to Mr. Bai Ze, and she will not take action without absolute certainty.

Because she only has one chance, if she can't hit it with one hit, then she will never have another chance.

Inside the Secret Service.

Bai Zeshao went straight to Boss Dai's office.

Boss Dai was not surprised by the arrival of Mr. Bai Ze.

"Chishang Yingzi is your old opponent, and now she has sneaked into Shanning, so, do you have any plans for this person?" Boss Dai looked at Bai Zeshao and said lightly.

"Virgo, this Japanese is really arrogant and came to Shanning. Then I will let him come and go," Mr. Bai Ze said with murderous intent.

"Tell me about your plan." Boss Dai looked at Bai Zeshao with interest.

"Although this is our territory, it is still very difficult to find Ikegami Sakurako, and it can even be said that it is almost impossible."

"So, instead of being wary of guarding against him all the time, it's better for us to take the initiative"

"Taking the initiative? It's a good idea." Boss Dai nodded upon hearing this.

"Ikegami Sakura's target is me. If that's the case, then I'll give her a chance to assassinate me, and just lure him out."

"Furthermore, if Ikegami Sakurako wants to operate in Shanning, she will definitely need the help of the Japanese lurking in Shanning."

"Maybe we can use this plan to capture Ikegami Sakurako to follow the clues and destroy their stronghold in Shanning in one fell swoop."

"Very well, write your plan and report it to me as soon as possible, and I will send someone to assist you when the time comes," Boss Dai said directly.

"Thank you, Virgo. The report can be written in an hour. I have even determined the time for action. It will be tomorrow," Mr. Bai Ze said quickly.

"I won't talk about the rest for now, you give me the report, and I'll see and talk about it later"

"Yes, Virgo"

Then Bai Zeshao also left Boss Dai's office.

But he didn't go far, and started writing the report directly in Cai Hong's office at the door.

"I said you really know how to find a place, and you actually wrote a report here," Cai Hong said, somewhat dumbfounded.

"Your place is suitable, besides your place, I can't find a suitable place." Young Master Bai Ze replied without raising his head.

"You..." Cai Hong shook his head and stopped talking, busying himself with the matter in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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