my espionage career

Chapter 462 Be careful recently

Chapter 462 Be careful recently

(Thanks for the monthly votes of 2019-2737)
Inside the hotel.

When Bai Zeshao woke up, it was already around five o'clock in the afternoon.

He hadn't slept so comfortably for a long time, and he looked very energetic.

As for Chishang Yingzi, of course he didn't know about it. He looked at the time and saw that it was not far from the point agreed with Sun Yanjie.

So Mr. Bai Ze also got up and left his room.

At this moment Yang Kang also walked out of his room.

"It's just right, I'll find you if you don't mind, come with me tonight" Bai Zeshao said with a smile.

"Team leader, I was just about to tell you about this, so I won't go tonight. This is my first time in Shanning, and I want to go shopping by myself," Yang Kang said with a smile.

After listening to Yang Kang's words, Mr. Bai Ze was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Okay, I will call you when I report to the Secret Service the day after tomorrow."

"Thank you, Team Leader"

"It's nothing. If you need anything, you can tell me." After Mr. Bai Ze finished speaking, he went downstairs.

Mr. Bai Ze, who was waiting for Sun Yanjie in the hotel lobby, shook his head gently.

For Yang Kang, he is more and more satisfied.

This is a person who understands the ways of the world and knows how to advance and retreat.

Yang Kang could have attended tonight's party, and Master Bai Ze didn't mind taking him for a ride, but Yang Kang himself refused.

Because Yang Kang knew very well that with his current status, he could not integrate into Bai Zeshao's circle.

Even if everyone looks at Bai Zeshao's face and won't neglect him, but after all, it's just a mirror image.

At this moment, Sun Yanjie walked into the hotel, looked at the dazed Bai Zeshao and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing, let's go" Bai Zeshao said with a smile when he came back to his senses.

"Where's the little brother you brought?" Sun Yanjie asked with a smile as he walked out.

"he won't go"

Sun Yanjie nodded, and didn't care too much, not everyone is Bai Zeshao.

The reason why he didn't show any airs in front of Yang Kang was just to save Mr. Bai Ze's face.

Rose Dance Hall.

When Bai Zeshao walked in again, he was stunned for a moment.

"Unexpected?" Sun Yanjie beside him joked.

"It's a bit..." Bai Zeshao didn't know how to describe his mood.

The current Rose Song and Dance Hall is really a little different from before.Not only the decoration style has changed, but even the layout and layout have some differences.

The only thing that remains the same is that there are still many people inside.Even more than before.

Seeing the people in front of him who were indulging in the riddles on paper lanterns, Mr. Bai Ze felt a little uncomfortable.

He has not been away from Shanning for long, but he has experienced a lot of life and death.

I don't know what's going on, but looking at these now, he suddenly felt a little bit more resistance and disgust in his heart.

The soldiers on the front line were fighting bloody battles with the Japanese invaders, but the people in the rear were feasting and feasting, as if they had no idea of ​​the suffering in the world.

The huge contrast made Mr. Bai Ze's inner disgust even deeper, but there was no trace of anything strange on the surface.

Soon, Sun Yanjie and Sun Yanjie came to the box on the second floor.

As soon as they walked in, they saw Wu Yangbing and Wu Zhijian, directors of the Munitions Department of the City Defense Headquarters, already waiting for them.

"Brother Wu, Boss Wu, long time no see." Bai Zeshao greeted first.

"Haha, if our Chief Sun hadn't informed me, I wouldn't have known you had returned to Shanning, and you'd have to punish yourself later." Wu Yangbing laughed out loud.

"No problem," Bai Zeshao said nonchalantly.

As their respective official positions have been promoted, their business has become bigger and bigger recently.

There are also more industries involved, such as arms, medicines, supplies in short supply, etc. It can be said that as long as it is a profiteering business, they are all involved.

Although Mr. Bai Ze is in Peiping, his relationship with the Secret Service still exists.

Some levels of their business require spies from the Secret Service. This is the role of Master Bai Ze.

So the few people welcomed Bai Zeshao very much.

And through these businesses, Master Bai Ze also transported a lot of supplies to the Red Party.

As long as they make money, Sun Yanjie and the others don't care who the buyer is.

This gathering of several people is not so much a reunion that they haven't seen for a long time, it's better to say it's a profit sharing meeting.

In the atmosphere of eating, drinking and having fun, several people also completed their year-end dividends.

After discussing the business, everyone completely let go.

Wu Zhijian directly called a few beauties from the ballroom to accompany everyone.

And Bai Zeshao originally wanted to see Ah Chen, but he didn't want to be told that Ah Chen had something to do these days.

Regarding this, Bai Zeshao could only shake his head helplessly.

By the time the party ended, it was already past midnight.

Originally, Sun Yanjie wanted to invite everyone to play cards together, but Master Bai Ze refused because it was too late.

The key thing is that his return to Shanning is very tight this time, and he needs to visit some people tomorrow.

The next day.

Master Bai Ze took the dividends he got at night and started his visit.

The first person chosen was Cai Hong. Of course he would not neglect Boss Dai's secretary.

Cai Hong looked at the "valuable" gift that Master Bai Ze brought and accepted it with a smile.

Then came some heads of the Secret Service, and Bai Zeshao sent his heart to everyone.

As for Boss Dai, Mr. Bai Ze did not give any gifts.

Because he doesn't know where Boss Dai is staying, and the gift he prepared for Boss Dai can also be given at the secret service headquarters tomorrow.

However, when visiting Liu Peiru, Mr. Bai Ze happened to meet Liu Xiaobing.

Former classmates and friends, this unexpected meeting was a bit more awkward and silent.

Moreover, at this moment, Liu Xiaobing gave Bai Zeshao a feeling that he was not in high spirits, but a bit more gloomy.

Although Liu Xiaobing's internal audit is now over, his job has not been restored, and he will not resume in a short time.

Regarding this, Bai Zeshao didn't know what to say.

After all, Liu Xiaobing's experience in Peking, if it weren't for Liu Peiru, I'm afraid Liu Xiaobing would still be in prison now.

After leaving Liu Peiru's house, Bai Zeshao went to Qian Huiwen's house for the last time.

It's the New Year's Eve, but Qian Huiwen's family can't feel a trace of the New Year's atmosphere, it's deserted.

For Qian Huiwen, Bai Zeshao was really grateful. As far as he knew, Qian Huiwen had spoken for him several times in internal secret service meetings.

Qian Huiwen was not too surprised by Master Bai Ze's visit. He glanced at the gift brought by Master Bai Ze and said lightly: "Xiao Bai, you should be more careful lately."

Qian Huiwen's words made Bai Zeshao stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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