my espionage career

Chapter 380 Check the meter

Chapter 380 Check the meter

Listening to Bai Zeshao's words, Yamaguchi Ryuichi just smiled slightly, and then strode away.

Bai Zeshao, who was in the same place, didn't want to stay any longer, and drove away directly.

On the road.

Mr. Bai Ze's brows were furrowed tightly because this time he met with Yamaguchi Ryuichi, but not only did he not get the information he wanted.

On the contrary, Yamaguchi Ryuichi's own situation has become a bit crisis.

And according to Yamaguchi Ryuichi, they are not only investigating their own internal problems, but they are also not relaxing at all in the investigation of Bai Zeshao and others.

What Mr. Bai Ze didn't know was that the Japanese were pursuing them more closely than he imagined.

All this is because of the big thing Chishang EF said, and because of this, when Bai Zeshao returned to the small villa, there were many more obstacles on the road.

When Bai Zeshao went back, the others hadn't come back yet.

at this time.

Inside the Japanese Army Intelligence Department.

Yoshimoto Teiichi appeared again in Ikegami Sakurako's office.

"Your Excellency, there are two things I need to communicate with you," Yoshimoto Sadaichi said directly.

"Oh, tell me"

"The first thing is about the arrest of Bai Zeshao and the others. Our current momentum seems to be very large, but it will not be of much use to Bai Zeshao and the others."

"You're right, in such a big city of Beiping, it's more than enough to hide a single person, even an operation team."

While speaking, Ikegami Sakura sighed.

She has seen the problems that Yoshimoto Zhenichi said a long time ago, but now there is no good solution.

But since Jeongichi Yoshimoto brought it up, there must be some countermeasures, so she asked directly, "What do you want to do?"

"What I mean is that when we are searching, we can use radio detectors to capture their radio signals and lock their location."

After Yoshimoto Seiichi finished speaking, he looked at Sakurako Ikegami expectantly.

Sakurako Ikegami finally knew why Yoshimoto Seiichi was looking for her, but she just shook her head.

"I understand what you mean. It's just that the radio detector is very large and inconvenient to transport. Now that there are wars everywhere outside, the detector can't be transported in at all."

"Then we can only take stupid measures, but that will consume a lot of manpower and material resources, and the efficiency is still very low," Yoshimoto Teiichi said with some disappointment.

"You mean there is a power outage in the zone, and you also need to check the meter," Sakurako Ikegami was stunned for a moment and said.

"That's right, the Telecommunications Department has roughly figured out the power generation rules of Mr. Bai Ze and others. Using the existing equipment, we should be able to locate their general area."

"At that time, when the power is cut off, check the electricity meter to truly determine the location of Bai Zeshao and the others."

"That's right, I'll let the people in the telecommunications department do their best to cooperate with you, and strive to dig out Bai Zeshao and the others as soon as possible," Ikegami Sakura ordered.

"Yes, my subordinates will do their best to catch these rats out," Yoshimoto Teiichi said loudly.

"Well, tell me another thing about you." Sakurako Ikegami asked, thinking about Yoshimoto Teiichi's words when he just came in.

"The other thing is about our internal problems." When Yoshimoto Teiichi spoke, his expression was a little angry.

"There are clues so soon?" Ikegami Sakura said with some surprise.

She really didn't expect that only an hour or two had passed, and Yoshimoto Teichi had discovered it.

"It's just that I have some clues. I need your authorization now." Yoshimoto Sadaichi made a request to Ikegami Sakurako.

"Issues related to our internal stability, as long as the authorization you want is not endangering the safety of the empire, I can agree to you, but you must first talk about your discovery," Ikegami Sakura said in a deep voice.

"According to my preliminary judgment, there should be a traitor among us."


Listening to Yoshimoto Teiichi's words, Ikegami Sakura patted the table angrily and cursed in a low voice.

Yoshimoto Sadaichi watched Sakurako Ikegami calm down completely before speaking again.

"I had people look through the files of everyone in our Intelligence Department before, and found that some people had dealt with Boss Dai's Secret Service before entering the Intelligence Department."

"I even doubt that these people are still related to Boss Dai's Secret Service even now."

"Don't let me catch this person, or I will never let him have a good time." Ikegami Sakura said a little annoyed.

"So what authorization are you looking for now?"

"I need your handwritten order. I can transfer people from our garrison or troops, because I don't trust people from the intelligence department," Yoshimoto Sadaichi said directly.

"I can give you the authorization, and I will even say hello to the army, but do we really have so many internal loopholes?" Sakurako Ikegami said with a frown.

"Your Excellency, you should remember the press conference held because of Yang Huping," Yoshimoto Teiichi said suddenly.

"I know, what's wrong?"

"At that time, the person in charge of the peripheral inspection was someone from our intelligence department, but according to my understanding afterwards, when Bai Zeshao came in, he should have been stopped, but someone rescued him."

"It's Mr. Bai Ze from our gang?" Yingzi Chigami asked suspiciously.


"who is it?"

"do not know"

"do not know?"

"I really don't know, because the soldier who was in charge of intercepting Mr. Bai Ze died in the conflict that day, so we don't know who helped Mr. Bai Ze," Yoshimoto Sadaichi said regretfully.


"I was shot from behind, but the people who helped Bai Zeshao were definitely our people, because when the guards were arranged, the Chinese were not allowed to appear anywhere for safety."

"I understand what you mean. If this is really the case, we should indeed transfer people from the outside, so as to prevent some people with ulterior motives from taking advantage of the loopholes." Sakurako Chigami nodded.

"Follow the clues and I will definitely catch this guy," Yoshimoto Teiichi said confidently.

Looking at the confident Yoshimoto Teiichi, Ikegami Sakura didn't feel that Yoshimoto Teiichi was exaggerating.

Because Yoshimoto Teiichi is really a very powerful person.

If it weren't for her own abilities and the recommendation of Eifu Ikegami, perhaps the current head of the Peking Intelligence Department would be Yoshimoto Seiichi.

Moreover, it had only been an hour or two since she asked Yoshimoto Seiichi to investigate internal problems, and Yoshimoto Seiichi had already discovered so many clues.

Therefore, she has great confidence in Yoshimoto Teiichi.

"Go down and get busy. Tell me directly if you need anything. My only request to you is to eliminate our internal problems as soon as possible."

"Understood" Yoshimoto Sadao saluted Ikegami Eifu, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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