my espionage career

Chapter 378 Shameless

Chapter 378 Shameless

Facing Liu Xiaobing's curiosity, Chishang Yingzi smiled lightly.

After a while.

Ikegami Sakura stopped smiling and said meaningfully: "I don't think you want to hear the answer."

"Let's talk about it," Liu Xiaobing said confidently.

"Well, I hope that after listening to it, you will still be as confident as you are now"

Ikegami Sakurako said directly without any hesitation: "There are two reasons."

"First, since you and Master Bai Ze are old classmates in the military academy and are now comrades in arms, he did not look for you after your accident."

"Don't you feel a little lost and unwilling?"

"You may not know that a few days ago, the day you were taken out, your uncle Liu Peiru led people to attack this place, but unfortunately it failed."

While talking, Chishang Yingzi also paid attention to the changes in Liu Xiaobing's expression.

Liu Xiaobing didn't seem to have changed at this moment, but Chishang Yingzi smiled silently.

Then he continued: "Secondly, although you and Bai Zeshao are close, according to our understanding, you have never been convinced by him. Now that you have an opportunity, you can't not take it."

"You are wrong. Although I am very dissatisfied with Bai Zeshao, I will not betray Bai Zeshao," Liu Xiaobing said lightly.

"Really?" After Chishang Yingzi finished speaking, she giggled.

That unscrupulous laughter made Liu Xiaobing very agitated, as if all the secrets deep in his heart had been exposed to the other party's eyes.

As if aware of Liu Xiaobing's inner irritability, Chishang Yingzi's smile became even brighter.

I have to say that Ikegami Sakurako is really a very powerful person.

Just relying on some information on paper and the short contact now, he guessed Liu Xiaobing's character.

This is a man who is determined but somewhat sensitive.

The reason for the sensitivity is related to his life experience, and also related to his uncle, and of course the role of Bai Zeshao is indispensable.

It was precisely because of grasping this that Sakurako Ikegami told the so-called facts.

And what Sakurako Ikegami said is indeed true.

Master Bai Ze did not come here to find Liu Xiaobing that day, because they were assassinating Yang Huping that day.

But Liu Xiaobing, who was in the intelligence department of the Japanese army, didn't know the outside news at all.

So Chishang Yingzi was very sure that Liu Xiaobing would say it in the end.

Of course.

If it was Bai Zeshao, Ikegami Yingko would not be so sure, because that guy is really confusing.

Finally, Yingzi Chishang stopped her smile, and then looked straight at Liu Xiaobing.

"Come on, anyway, this is not a betrayal of your faith," Ikegami Sakura said very seductively.

The interrogation room fell into a deep silence.

"He is a shameless person"

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Xiaobing's voice rang out in the interrogation room.

After saying this, Liu Xiaobing closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to talk.

However, regarding Liu Xiaobing's words, neither Ikegami Sakurako nor Yoshimoto Teiichi were a little inexplicable.

The two of them didn't quite understand the meaning of Liu Xiaobing's words.

Ikegami Sakura took a deep look at Liu Xiaobing, then stood up and left the interrogation room with Yoshimoto Teiichi.

"Your Excellency, do you want to continue interrogating him?" Yoshimoto Teiichi asked.

"No need, just throw this guy into the prison and take good care of him. The rest depends on Liu Peiru's reaction. He is not a big shot anyway, his value is only that great."

"Your Excellency, what did Liu Xiaobing mean when he said Bai Zeshao was a shameless person just now?" Yoshimoto Teichi looked at Ikegami Yingzi with some puzzlement.

"His answer was really beyond my expectation. How should I put it?"

Chishang Yingzi frowned, organized her thoughts and said: "Liu Xiaobing is not stupid but he will not be too threatening. He is a bit paranoid."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Yoshimoto Sadaichi understood or not, he stopped talking about this topic.

Then he asked: "Has there been any progress in the search for Master Bai Ze and the others?"

"Not yet, I have to say they hide very deeply"

When Yoshimoto Zhenichi spoke, his brows were also tightly frowned, and then he said very cautiously: "And I have some doubts, we have internal problems"

"Are you saying that we have an undercover agent inside, or that our people have rebelled?" Ikegami Sakura said a little irritably.

The two are different concepts.

Undercover agents and traitors are completely different, the damage they cause is also different, and the direction of search is also somewhat different.

"There are not many clues and evidence yet, it's just my guess," Yoshimoto Teiichi said uncertainly.

"Let's see, the matter will be done in two steps. On the one hand, the search for Mr. Bai Ze and others cannot be relaxed. If necessary, Chen Guodong and his gang members can take action. After all, they have a large number of people and complex social relations."

"On the other hand, start looking for our internal problems, and you must pay great attention to this issue."

"It's even more important than catching Bai Zeshao. If the internal problems are not resolved, even if Bai Zeshao is caught, there will be problems next time."

"Understood." Yoshimoto Yoshimoto himself knew the priorities of the matter, so he nodded seriously.

"In addition, in order to facilitate your internal investigation, I will ask the telecommunications department to cooperate with you. You can monitor all our internal calls, including mine," Ikegami Sakurako added.

"Do you want to monitor your phone?" Yoshimoto Teiichi said with some surprise.

"Of course, because we are not sure whether this person exists, and if so, what is his identity. In order to reduce some loopholes, these methods are necessary," said Sakurako Ikegami indifferently.

"I'll arrange it right away." Yoshimoto Teichi left directly after finishing speaking.

On the other hand, Sakurako Ikegami returned to her office.

Sakurako Chigami, who was sitting on the chair, was in a daze, and she didn't know how long it took before she picked up the phone and made a call.

The call was quickly connected.

"Yingzi, what's the matter on the phone?"

"Teacher, when I was interrogating a prisoner today, I encountered an interesting question. He said that I look very similar to another person." Sakurako Ikegami asked her own question.

"what do you think"

"I don't know either, so I came to ask you...Father" Ikegami Sakura called out with some hesitation.

The teacher she calls is also his father and her guide, guiding her on the path she is on now.

"Sakura, don't think about it, things are not as complicated as you think, the world is so big, it's not surprising that two people are very similar"

"I understand." After Chishang Yingzi finished speaking, she breathed out softly.

(End of this chapter)

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