my espionage career

Chapter 177 Is It Her?

Chapter 177 Is It Her?

The next day.

It was just around seven o'clock in the morning.

Mr. Bai Ze and others were woken up in a simple and crude way, with a basin of water poured on everyone's face.

However, Master Bai Ze could easily avoid this link because of his previous experience in the military academy.

It was still the same training ground. The blood and brains on the ground yesterday had been washed away by the rain and disappeared.

However, there is still some shadow in everyone's heart.

"Start running with weight now, whoever comes last shall bear the consequences," Lei Zi said with a smile.

However, in the eyes of everyone, Lei Zi's smile was a bit more cold and fearful.

Because yesterday, when the dozen people who made small moves were shot, Lei Zi had this kind of smile on his face.


Following Lei Zi's words, a group of people all rushed out.

For weight running, Bai Zeshao is very experienced, and with his strength, he can easily get No.1.

However, Mr. Bai Ze did not seek the limelight because he did not know the current specific situation.

So in this round of weight-bearing running, Bai Zeshao's score was only around No.10.

The last person to run was a girl. When she saw Lei Zi coming, her face turned pale with fright, and her lips were trembling as she looked at Lei Zi.

"Although you are a girl, there is no distinction between men, women, and children in war, so I have to honor what I said before, are you ready?" Lei Zi said very gently to the girl in front of him.

"Ready...ready...ok..." the girl stammered, her teeth chattering out of fear of being bitten.

"Take off your clothes." Lei Zi's words stunned the girl for a moment.

However, thinking of the tragic situation of those people last night, I still endured the shyness in my heart and slowly took off my shirt.

As for the girl's body, Lei Zi's expression didn't change much. He took out the whip and whipped it hard.

In an instant, a deep bleeding welt appeared on the white back.

One whip after another, and soon the scars on the girl's back became criss-crossed.

"Okay, let's go eat." Lei Zi retracted his whip and said to everyone.

At this time, a person suddenly rushed out of the group of girls and supported the girl who had just received the whip.

Bai Zeshao looked at the girl who ran out, but was stunned for a moment, he never thought that he would run into her in this place.

Although the other party's hair was cut short and he was still wearing a hat, Bai Zeshao still recognized him at a glance.

However, before Bai Zeshao could take any further action, Lei Zi's voice rang in his ears: "You, follow me!"

Bai Zeshao didn't know what Lei Zi wanted him for, but he followed closely.

Inside the office.

Lei Zi looked at Young Master Bai Ze standing there, handed a document in front of him, and said, "Sign this."

Mr. Bai Ze took a look and saw that it was a life and death certificate. However, he did not sign his name immediately. Instead, he asked: "Why choose me?"

"Haha, you are indeed a rising star of the Secret Service. It seems that you have already guessed something. I chose you because you are good enough."

"What else?" Mr. Bai Ze was not distracted by Lei Zi's compliments, but continued to ask.

"There are also people above you who are optimistic about you, and you have no father or mother, so you are very suitable for this place. The key point is that what you learned in the military school before was conspiracy, and what you are taught here will be conspiracy. Conspiracy and conspiracy are combined into one." , you can survive long enough in future missions," Lei Zi explained.

Mr. Bai Ze nodded, without asking any more questions, he directly picked up the life and death certificate on the table and signed his name.

"Okay, you can go out now." Lei Zi waved to Bai Zeshao.

Bai Zeshao quickly left Lei Zi's office.

After Bai Zeshao left, Lei Zi went out directly to the innermost office on the third floor.

"Boss, the matter has been settled," Lei Zi said to the person behind the desk.

"How did that kid react?" the boss asked without raising his head.

"A very smart and rational person, he probably already guessed something." Lei Zi said calmly, thinking about Bai Zeshao's reaction before.

"Okay, I see, when training later, feed that kid more food," the boss ordered.

"I know, this kid's overall quality is very strong, and that's exactly what I mean." After Lei Zi finished speaking, he looked at the busy boss and gently left the office.


Bai Zeshao, who left Leizi's office, came to the cafeteria. After finishing his meal, he glanced at the restaurant.

When I saw that familiar figure, I walked over directly carrying the meal.

"Why are you here?" Bai Zeshao looked at Li Huihui who was opposite him and said.

Li Huihui didn't expect to meet Bai Zeshao here, and lost her mind for a while: "I saw the recruiting here, so I came to sign up, how about you?"

"My situation is a bit complicated, and I can't explain it clearly for a while," Mr. Bai Ze said perfunctorily.

Then he continued to ask: "By the way, Tian Yaopeng has been shot for colluding with the Japanese. But that time you disappeared after leaving the Secret Service. What happened?"

"actually, I……"

Before Li Huihui could continue to speak, the assembly whistle blew, and the two could only end their conversation and quickly walked outside.

Assemble, train.

In the following time, Mr. Bai Ze spent almost all of his time in this tense rhythm.

Every day is either about eating or training, and it’s training in a variety of ways.

Sure enough, as Lei Zi said, what you learn here is always how to save your life.

How can you survive, instead of being taught in a dignified manner how to layout and arrange troops like in the military academy?

In short, Bai Zeshao feels that he has improved a lot, or he has a more comprehensive understanding of the life of an agent.

This tense and rhythmic life once gave Mr. Bai Ze the illusion of returning to a military academy.

It wasn't until Lei Zi came again that this life was broken.

"Very good, you have done a good job in these ten days of training, I announce that the first round of physical training is over, and No. 1 is Master Bai Ze," Lei Zi said loudly.

Everyone looked at Mr. Bai Ze with a little more recognition, because in the past few days, Mr. Bai Ze's training was several times that of everyone else, but his results were still No. 1.

"No.1 is not rewarded, but the last one will be punished." As soon as Lei Zi's words fell, the guards pulled out the last one in the crowd.

The last one was the girl who was whipped on the first day of running.

Lei Zi ended the girl's life with a casual shot.

Then he said: "The next round of training is anatomy. I hope you can study hard. You have seen the end of the last place. Disband."

Everyone left the training ground with some heaviness.

(End of this chapter)

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