my espionage career

Chapter 1372 I Ask Him Personally

Chapter 1372 I Ask Him Personally

Everyone focused on Wang Gang.

Lao Wu silently raised his pistol and pointed it at him. This time Qian Huiwen did not stop Lao Wu's actions.

"Our purpose tonight..." Wang Gang changed the subject as he said, "Shouldn't Da Zuo also show his sincerity?"

Everyone was caught off guard by Wang Gang.

Many people who secretly took aim at Wang Gang with their guns almost went off.

"So you think you have the capital to bargain with me?" Keiko Ikegami expected to be full of disdain.

"Yes," Wang Gang said with confidence, "why we are here tonight is my bargaining chip."

"You know, you look very much like a human being," Keiko Ikegami said quietly.


"Bai Ze Shao"

After finishing speaking, Ikegami Keiko glanced at Qian Huiwen inadvertently.

He continued: "With so many people present, you may have forgotten that if you don't say it, but others may not."

"After all, not everyone is a tough guy."

"Indeed, what the colonel said is right." Wang Gang nodded: "But the colonel should be able to see that I am the core of this operation."

"So many things only I know"

Looking at the eloquent Wang Gang, Keiko Chigami felt more and more like facing Shao Bai Ze directly.

Immediately he said: "Okay, I promise you, tell me the sincerity you want me to show."

"Don't worry, before I tell you, I'll give you a piece of news for free. There is indeed Master Bai Ze in the opposite car."

"But his condition is not good, maybe he will die in the next second"

After Wang Gang finished speaking, he casually looked at Huizi Chishang.

They look relaxed on the outside, but they are panicked on the inside.

"Your free information is very sharp," Keiko Ikegami instantly understood Wang Gang's meaning and retorted.

"I don't know what the chief is talking about." Wang Gang looked puzzled: "Could it be that Mr. Bai Ze is not one of you?"

"Haha, do you think he is?" Wang Gang pretended to be confused, and Keiko Ikegami didn't bother to expose him.


"Then why wasn't I the one trading with you tonight?"

"I do not know either"

"Okay, we don't need to fight this kind of lawsuit here, just say something I'm interested in right away, otherwise I don't mind killing some people to add to the fun," Keiko Chishang said impatiently.

"The one who traded with us tonight is the military commander, and the exchange is Bai Zeshao and one of our comrades."

"The leader of the military commander is the fifth child, and he still has money..."

Wang Gang was speaking like a bamboo tube, but was interrupted by a burst of gunfire.

"It seems like what you said is true." Keiko Ikegami on the other side looked at the gun in her hand and Lao Wu who was shot in the wrist.

"Of course, the situation I have grasped will definitely not disappoint the colonel," Wang Gang said with a smile.

"Go on, what else is there money for?"

"Qian Huiwen." After Wang Gang said this, he instantly felt that he was being targeted by some people again.

But for the ultimate purpose, I don't care about these at all, I looked up at Huizi Chishang: "So can you give me some water, sir?"

"Okay," Keiko Ikegami signaled to the guard, "but I want to hear something in-depth."

"You can rest assured, Colonel, but I hope we can change places," Wang Gang said.

"Don't worry." Chi Shang Huizi shook his head, then looked at Qian Huiwen and said, "Director Qian, long time no see."

"It's been a long time indeed. I didn't expect seeing you again would be like this." Qian Huiwen also saw Keiko Ikegami's intention to capture a few people alive, and simply stood up from behind the car.
"It looks like I was the winner, but I didn't expect you guys to do it so cruelly."

"Bai Zeshao is such an outstanding person, yet he was thrown out as an undercover agent," Chi Shang Huizi said with emotion.

At this point, there is no way to conceal Mr. Bai Ze's identity.

In other words, it couldn't be concealed at all, and everything that happened tonight can be said to have come to light.

Despite this, Keiko Ikegami still couldn't help but feel a little sad in her heart. It was a pity for Mr. Bai Ze.

At the end of the day, he ended up in such a fate.The body is mutilated and life is dying.

Otherwise, with the merits and experience of Mr. Bai Ze, once he returns to Shanning alive, he will definitely be in a high position.

of course.

Deep in her heart was a bit of bitterness and heartache, even heartache, that she herself did not want to admit.

And this complex emotion more and more aroused the murderous intention in her heart.

This kind of killing intent is contained but not leaked, induced but not released.

Just wait for the strongest state to burst out at the last moment, tearing up all the rebels in front of you.

"It's not cruel or not, it's all for this land, to drive you away, and he did it voluntarily," Qian Huiwen said calmly.

"Did he really volunteer?" Keiko Chigami asked.

"Of course." Qian Huiwen replied firmly.

"Hahaha" Ikegami Keiko couldn't help but burst out in anger: "He has a bad reputation and almost stepped into hell many times. Do you think he really doesn't have any resentment?"

"What are you angry about? I know Xiaobai better than you." Qian Huiwen didn't seem to understand why Keiko Ikegami's emotions fluctuated so intensely.

"I will ask Mr. Shirasawa personally," Keiko Ikegami calmed down instantly and said calmly.

"So how are you going to end this farce tonight?" Qian Huiwen asked directly.

"There are many ways, it depends on how you choose," Keiko Ikegami said dullly.

"Oh, it seems we still have options tonight," Qian Huiwen raised his eyebrows.

"Of course, the best way is to be like this person from the underground organization"

"Or I will take you back directly, of course I can accept some casualties"

"The worst result is that I will kill all of you rebels here"

"But there are enough killings tonight, I hope you can think clearly before making a choice." Chishang Huizi turned to look at Wang Gang after speaking.

And Wang Gang also happened to look at Huizi Chishang.

"Be careful" before she could finish shouting, there was an explosion all around.

Along with the explosion there were messy gunshots.

In an instant, crackling bullets started flying around.

At this time, Wang Gang glanced at where Lu Xuanwu was sitting, and then suddenly jumped out and flew toward Keiko Ikegami.

At this moment, Ikegami Keiko couldn't care less about her anger. As soon as she had time to order the shooting, she started fighting with Wang Gang.

The scene was instantly chaotic.

"Rush out, take Mr. Bai Ze out quickly," Qian Huiwen glanced at Wang Gang not far away and said decisively.

"Yes" Lao Wu responded in a low voice.

Although they didn't know why there was an explosion when surrounded by Japanese people.

But the explosion provided them with an opportunity to escape.

A small group of people left outside by the military command cooperated with Lao Wuli and took action quickly.

At this moment, the people from the underground organization and the military commander had a tacit understanding to break out in the opposite direction.

But on the underground side, although Wang Gang was still fighting with Keiko Ikegami, he was surrounded by soldiers, and the outcome was predictable.

On the Juntong side, because of Bai Zeshao, casualties are also increasing rapidly.

In short, tonight is destined to be a bloody night.

(End of this chapter)

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