my espionage career

Chapter 1341 He is going to die

Chapter 1341 He is going to die

Gao Xiaoying's words were really surprising, so whether it was Wang Gang or Wen Xiaowan, they all looked at her in bewilderment.

"The team leader's injuries were very serious. He could get better treatment in a Japanese hospital."

"If we rescue people, it will not be conducive to the treatment of the team leader"

"And once we do rescue, the identity of the team leader will be completely exposed, which will be even more dangerous," Gao Xiaoying explained.

"But we are still not sure whether the team leader has been exposed," Wang Gang said.

"So we can only wait and see what happens, and at the same time find a way to enter the hospital to get the latest situation of the team leader," Gao Xiaoying said.

Then, Gao Xiaoying explained their actions last night in detail.

"Fortunately, I hope Huizi Chishang won't link what happened last night with the team leader." Wang Gang breathed a sigh of relief and prayed.

"Probably not," Gao Xiaoying said with certainty.

"Be more careful in the future," Wang Gang said, "What we have to do now is sneak into the hospital."

“This is a bit difficult”

"Let me come." Wen Xiaowan, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly said.

Wang Gang turned his head and looked at Wen Xiaowan. After thinking for a moment, he shook his head: "No."

"Why not? I am a medical student myself, and I can speak Japanese well."

"I don't know who else is more suitable to sneak in than me," Wen Xiaowan defended.

"Ikegami Keiko knows you," Wang Gang only said, and Wen Xiaowan's expression froze.


Chi Shang Huizi knew her when she was in Shanning.

With Keiko Ikegami's ability and personality, once she meets her face to face, she will definitely be exposed.

At that time, not to mention rescuing Bai Zeshao, it would simply send Bai Zeshao to the guillotine, and even trigger a bigger crisis.

"What should we do?" Wen Xiaowan asked.

With this question, both Wang Gang and Gao Xiaoying fell silent.

Finally, Wen Xiaowan said: "It's better for me to go."

"Be careful and don't act rashly," Wang Gang could only say.

"En" Wen Xiaowan nodded emphatically.

Just as they were preparing to act, Chi ShangHuiZi also received the secretary's report on the conflict last night.

"What do you think?" Keiko Chigami asked while reading the report.

"Colonel, I have screened all the patients in the hospital and have not targeted them."

"So we can't tell the intentions of the group last night for the time being. The only thing that can be determined is that those people are definitely trained."

"The actual combat experience is rich, the decision-making is decisive, and the weapons they use are mixed, and the source cannot be determined at all," the secretary said in embarrassment.

Finally concluded: "So, they are either underground organizations of the Red Party, or people from Shanning."

"Well, pay more attention to this matter." Keiko put down the report and nodded: "Is there any news from Koichi Otsuka?"

"I'm sorry, Colonel, our insider has been discovered, so there is no news so far," the secretary said cautiously.

"What a pity" Ikegami Keiko sighed.

What happened last night was so obvious that it was impossible for Otsuka Koichi not to investigate, so this result was also within her expectation.

The only pity is that the insider did not bring back any new information.

On the side.

The secretary also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Then continued: "However, before the accident, our insider still sent out a clue."

"After we left last night, Otsuka-kun emptied everyone, and asked the secretary to guard the door, and met that person alone."

"The specific conversation is not known, but their meeting time is not short, about half an hour or so"

"Moreover, Otsuka-kun gave an order today. Without his order, no one is allowed to see that person, not even their insiders."

After the secretary finished speaking, she looked up at Keiko Ikegami.

"It seems to have gained something." Chi Shang Huizi looked at the secretary with a smile and said, "Shall we intervene?"

"Don't worry, Chief, I will keep an eye on that side," the secretary said.

"Just pay attention," Keiko Chigami nodded.

After he finished speaking, he paused for a moment before continuing: "Young Master Bai Ze... what's going on?"

The secretary, who had been prepared for this problem, immediately said: "Same as yesterday."

"Our people have been guarding, if there is a change, I will be notified in time"

"So far no news yet"

After speaking, he looked down at his feet and fell silent.

"If that's the case, according to the doctor, will he not be able to wake up?" Keiko Chishang said calmly.

It seemed like he was asking a question, and he seemed to be talking to himself.

The secretary standing there felt like his days were like years, and he didn't know whether to answer this question or how to answer it.

Just when he was thinking wildly, Keiko Ikegami's bold voice sounded in his ears: "Prepare the car, I want to go out."

"Yes, Colonel, are you going to the hospital?" the secretary asked.

"No." Ikegami Huizi shook his head.


Keiko Chishang, who left by car, came to Chishang EF's residence.

"Have you gained anything?" Ikegami EF looked at Keiko Ikegami and asked.

"No." Keiko Ikegami shook her head: "That person didn't say anything about what happened yesterday."

"No, but I am somewhat dissatisfied with the chaos in Shanghai," said Ikegami EF.

"Father, don't worry, the chaos will be settled soon," Keiko Chishang said firmly.

"Where do you get your confidence?" Ikegami Yifu asked curiously.

"Bai Zeshao is about to die, no matter what suspicions he has, everything will be over when he dies," Chi Shang Huizi said.

"Oh? It seems that you have not dispelled your doubts about him. Are you sure he will not survive this time?" Ikegami EF said with a smile.

"The judgment given by the doctor should not be bad." Keiko Chishang nodded and said, "At present in Shanghai, all resistance organizations have been weakened."

"Whether it is the underground organization or Shanning, their strength is almost lost, and the rest can't make a big wave at all."

"So these chaos will soon subside"

"As for Mr. Bai Ze..."

When talking about this, Chi Shang Huizi paused for three or four seconds before continuing: "Although there is no definite evidence, and the Shanning side still has not given up on chasing him."

"But I always have a hunch in my heart that the Mr. Bai Ze we see may not be the full version of him."

"These thoughts have been lingering in my mind, making us always a little timid when using him."

"Besides, there is no definite proof of his current identity, so we can't touch him rashly, so as not to chill the hearts of others."

"Maybe it's best for him to die like this now."

When talking about the last moment, Keiko Chigami's words were somewhat embarrassing.

After hearing this, Ikegami Yingfu chuckled and said, "It's a pity indeed. This person still has some abilities."

"Originally, I wanted to use him again, but now it seems impossible."

"Okay, then do as you said, and end this fluctuation as soon as possible"

"I will," Keiko Chishang nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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