my espionage career

Chapter 1338 Conflict

Chapter 1338 Conflict

Keiko Ikegami does not believe in miracles, she is a very realistic person.

The so-called miracle, in her view, is the inevitable result of all efforts.

The reason why Mr. Bai Ze can create so-called miracles repeatedly is because Mr. Bai Ze is strong enough and his will is tenacious enough.

Therefore, she basically didn't care much about what her subordinates said.

But even Ikegami Keiko herself didn't realize that her heart was not as calm as her appearance regarding whether Mr. Bai Ze could survive.

She hoped that Bai Zeshao would survive, but she didn't really want him to survive.

This contradiction is very secret but also very obvious.


Ikegami Keiko gathered her thoughts and walked into the ward. She looked at Bai Zeshao, whose breathing was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and shook her head gently.

Walking out of the ward, he said to the guard: "We must protect his safety and let the doctor closely observe his vital signs."

Speaking of this, he pondered for a while, and then continued: "Continuously change wards irregularly, and don't let people find out the situation of the hospital"

After explaining this, Keiko Ikegami strode out of the hospital.

under night.

Sitting in the car, Keiko Chigami not only didn't feel sleepy at all, but had a dignified expression on her face.

She kept reviewing everything that happened today in her mind, from the initial meeting to the scene just now.

With the keenness of an agent, she always felt that something was fishy, ​​but she couldn't grasp the clues. She was always one step behind, which was very powerless.

I didn't find this point until I got home.

Regarding tonight's actions, he was originally going to report to his father.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and EF Chishang had already fallen asleep, so she had no choice but to give up.

at the same time.

In a villa in the Japanese-occupied area, Otsuka Koichi and Otsuka Yunzi sat opposite each other, and the atmosphere was a bit solemn.

"Yunzi, what exactly do you want to do?" Otsuka Kōichi looked at his sister with a gloomy face.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to know what happened today," Otsuka Yunzi insisted.

Similar conversations have been repeated ever since Otsuka Kōichi returned home.

However, neither of them let go, so they have persisted until now.

In the end, Koichi Otsuka compromised: "I don't know if you are still the sister I know well."

"But I would rather you remain a dissolute person like before, instead of getting involved in those terrible political disputes."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

"I know, brother." Otsuka Yunzi nodded: "But I can tell you, I was not involved."

"I'm not stupid, I know what you and Huizi have done to me"

"So brother, tell me what's going on."

At the end, Otsuka Yunzi's words already contained a hint of pleading.

"Hey" Otsuka Kuoichi looked at his sister and sighed, his heart was complicated.

So far, although the suspicion on Yunzi Otsuka has been cleared a lot, it has not been completely removed.

Fortunately, when she stayed at home before, Otsuka Yunzi didn't do much.

Immediately he said: "You ask, I will try my best to tell you what I can tell you. If it involves some secrets, I can only say sorry."

"Brother, I know that your actions tonight should have something to do with me. Can you tell me more specifically?" Otsuka Yunzi said directly.

"Okay, Keiko Ikegami went to deliver things on your behalf." Otsuka Kuo paused and said, "Do you know what it means when you give something away?"

"I don't know," Chishang Huizi said with a normal face.

"The person who gave you the envelope has disappeared, and the person who planned to meet you has fled, and these people are all Red Party members," Kuoichi Otsuka said leisurely.

"So brother, do you think I am also a red party member?" Otsuka Yunzi said sarcastically: "That's why I will be under your surveillance and under house arrest all day today."

"So once I make some unconventional actions today, will I be beaten to death by you?"

"Even without evidence, even without trial"

Otsuka Yunzi, who was originally emotionally unstable, said at the end, almost roaring.

It seems that all the unwillingness and shouting will be released at this moment.

"That's enough, Yunzi, shut up," Otsuka Kōichi scolded with a cold face.

"I touched your true inner thoughts, so my brother became angry." Although Otsuka Yunzi's voice became softer, the sarcasm in her tone did not decrease but increased.

"So what is my brother going to do to me?"

Regarding Otsuka Yunko's "provocation", Otsuka Koichi finally lost confidence, slapped the table, stood up, turned around and left with a gloomy face.

Otsuka Yunzi was also taken aback by the scene in front of him, but he didn't make a sound.

Not long after, she returned to her room.

Although the brother and sister had a big fight, she also got the most critical information, that is, their operation was successful.

It also means that her first mission has been successfully completed.

Thinking of this, there is still a little excitement in my heart that is hard to detect.

However, after the excitement, a wave of worry came to my heart, what is the current situation of the injured person who was connected.

She knows her brother well, and also knows his behavior style, and she will never let him go so easily.

Although she has not contacted the outside world, she can imagine that a large-scale manhunt should have been launched in the city at this moment.

With a sigh, he couldn't help coming to the window, looking at the dark night outside, giving people a sense of oppression.

He shook his head and was about to turn around when he saw Otsuka Koichi walking out of the villa and his driver driving over.

Watching the car leave, the already worried expression became more and more uneasy.

It must be a very urgent matter to go out at such a late hour.

But he didn't know what to do at all, and the only person he could contact and know was Bai Zeshao.

But at night, she didn't contact the other party either.

Otsuka Yunzi was worried, and Otsuka Kōichi, who had just left, was also frowning.

"Just now our people said that we caught a suspected element, the suspicion is very high, others didn't see it, right?" Otsuka Koichi asked.

"No, it's very secretive when you act," the secretary replied.

"That's good, speed up, try to confirm the other party's identity as soon as possible, and then get what we want," Otsuka Koichi ordered.

After finishing speaking, he sighed.

On the one hand, he is so anxious, as he said just now, and on the other hand, it is also for Otsuka Yunzi and the Otsuka family.


His silly younger sister didn't understand him at all, and was even fighting against him, making conflicts.

Once something goes wrong with Yunzi, it will have a huge impact on the reputation of the Otsuka family.

Therefore, he must have first-hand information on this matter as soon as possible.

So even just now, he was ready to go to bed, and when he received the call, he still got up quickly and acted.

Converging his thoughts, he looked at the buildings passing by quickly outside the window and couldn't help but say again: "Hurry up."



(End of this chapter)

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