With a loud cry of "Wow", the child came to life.

Yun Niang hugged the child and kept calling his name. It was not until she heard the child calling out "Mother" in a low voice that her heart dropped. She couldn't help holding the child, and they both cried together.

In her excessive panic, Yun Niang completely forgot to thank the child's savior.

The mother-in-law, who woke up from a coma, also rushed over. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law hugged the child and hurried home to find the doctor.

Qin Yao watched them leave, turned around, and glanced at Yin Le, who was lying on the ground, soaked but still breathing. She took off her short-sleeved jacket and covered her, and motioned to Awang to look at it. .

Turning around, he calmly arranged the messy stationery factory.

After the workers resettled, He and Qiu also returned home with lingering fears. Only then did they remember that the children had gone to school this morning, and Da Mao was also being carried by Zhang to the watermelon field.

But the rest of the young men were in misery. They were severely punished by their parents and dragged to Yun Niang's house to apologize to them.

Little Laifu also received a spanking from Li, but since he knew how to call an adult, Qin Yao stopped him in the middle of the spanking.

"Take him home first and drink some hot soup to go away the shock. I think he is quite frightened." Qin Yao ordered.

Mrs. Li glared at her son. The boy didn't cry out when he was beaten, but tears fell down. He looked like he knew he was wrong, so he didn't resist, and was silently punished.

"Alas~" Mrs. Li sighed and nodded her son's head, "You guys are lucky today, if you really cause trouble." Thinking about what would happen if it was a little Laifu who fell into the river today, Mrs. Li felt in her heart When I tightened my grip, I was terrified.

He nodded to Qin Yao and led his son home first.

Song Yu was not at ease. He arranged for the workers in the factory to resume production, asked Qin Yao for instructions, and quickly caught up with the mother and son.

When it finally calmed down, Qin Yao walked up to Yin Le. Awang had already helped her up, and she was kneeling on the ground, holding her husband's chest, shivering.

Qin Yao frowned and asked, "Can you swim?"

Yin Le shook his head, lowered his eyelashes, and stared at the ground, "No."

Qin Yao immediately became angry and shouted coldly: "You can't save anyone!"

"I didn't think about it that much." Yin Le said softly, twisting his wet trousers.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was going to die, Qin Yao really wanted to kick her into the river, there was something wrong with her brain!

He asked impatiently: "Can you still get up? Looking at how embarrassed you are, go back and change clothes quickly."

Yin Le nodded, she felt she could still get up.

But in fact, just when he wanted to get up, he couldn't find the strength and sat back down again.

She herself was surprised and a little scared, but she had no regrets.

If it happened again, she would do it again.

She just didn't expect that just half a cup of tea in the water would exhaust all her strength.

It seems that he is still too weak.

Seeing Yin Le's disappointed look, Qin Yao felt like she was a very sinful person.

He weakly raised his head and exhaled a breath of depression, and waved the hand hanging by his side quickly.

Awang's lips twitched slightly, and he understood what she meant, and squatted down in front of Yin Le, "Come up, I'll carry you back."

Yin Le swallowed, a little embarrassed, but also knew that now was not the time to be pretentious. He closed his eyes and put his hands on the generous back in front of him.

Awang picked him up and followed Qin Yao to Yin Le's rented house.

Because he didn't have any belongings, the door was simply tied with a piece of cloth to keep it closed.

Qin Yao opened the door and saw that the furnishings in the room were so simple that one could see it at a glance.

An old wooden bed, a table, a bowl and a clay pot, that's all.

Yin Le was afraid of soiling the bedding, so she struggled off Awang's back after entering the house and sat on the only wooden post in the house.

Qin Yao handed the clay pot on the table to Awang, "Go and boil some hot water."

Nga Wang responded, carrying the clay pot and going out.

Liu Dafu's old house has a kitchen, and the tenants cook their own meals there.

Qin Yao closed the door, asked Yin Le to take off her wet clothes, and helped her find a change of clothes. As a result, I walked around the room and found nothing that could hold clothes.

Qin Yao asked in disbelief: "This is all you wear?"

"I have one more suit. I washed it and hung it to dry outside under the eaves, but it's been raining for the past few days and it's not dry yet."

It was obviously nothing wrong, but facing Qin Yao's cold face, Yin Le felt weak in his heart, and his voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke.

"You are so tough!" Qin Yao opened the door and strode out.

Yin Le asked hurriedly: "Master, where are you going?"

The person outside the door suddenly poked his head in, stared at her coldly, and warned: "Don't call me master!"

Yin Le quickly changed his words: "Benefactor."

"I'll go find you some dry clothes, and you just stay here."

He reluctantly explained, turned around and left.

It has been raining heavily for several days and the weather is slightly cool. Even though the sun has emerged now, the dim old house of Liu Dafu's family does not get much sunlight and is still a bit cool.

Yin Le rubbed the tip of his itchy nose, quickly took off his wet clothes and got into the bed before he sneezed.

I don't know if it was because of the quilt, but my whole body felt warm, even my heart felt warm.

Qin Yao returned quickly and brought Yin Le some of his old linen clothes to put on.

Awang's water was also boiled. He poured it into the wooden basin according to Qin Yao's instructions, put a handkerchief on it and handed it to her.

The door of the room was closed again, and Yin Le was pulled up. Facing Qin Yao, his face was red, he wiped himself and washed his hair.

As soon as he cleaned up, Yin Le immediately got into bed and buried himself completely.

"They are all women, what is there to be ashamed of?" Qin Yao was speechless.

If it weren't for the fear that she wouldn't have the strength to fall to her death in the house, she wouldn't have stayed here.

"But you are so skinny, how do you get meat where it should be?" Qin Yao asked curiously.

Yin Le opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe what he heard, but when he met Qin Yao's serious eyes, he answered in a strange way:

"Maybe it's innate."

Qin Yao nodded, suddenly feeling that the atmosphere was a bit strange, and quietly changed the subject, "How do you feel? Can you still go to work in the cafeteria today?"

Yin Le was afraid that Qin Yao would drive him away if he said he couldn't, so he nodded quickly and said, "I'm fine. I can go back to the cafeteria right away."

Afraid that she wouldn't believe it, Yin Le sat up from the bed, raised his arms, and clenched his fists and waved them in the air twice.

However, the fist was soft in Qin Yao's eyes, and it was too light to scratch her own itch.

She felt that Yin Le might have misunderstood something. She just wanted to understand her physical condition so that she could make arrangements.

But since Yin Le said it was fine, let’s go to work!

Qin Yao nodded: "Then you pack up and go back to work. We'll leave first."

After that, open the door.

Before leaving, he looked back at her and scanned her up and down, raising his eyebrows. She didn't cough even after this, so her physical condition was pretty good.

But she wanted to give her a piece of advice.

Qin Yao said: "Yin Le, you have to have a little conscience as a person, but you can't be too conscientious."

Yin Le was startled. Did he not want her to take risks to save people?

Or is the benefactor actually worried about her?

Realizing this, the corners of Yin Le's lips curled up, and a large warm sunflower bloomed in his heart.

She smiled, immediately got out of bed, picked up a towel to cover her face, and went to work happily!

She is full of energy now!

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