Awang came back from town.

Previously, she and the coachman had discussed the money to take the children to school, but because of Ngawang's arrival, Liu Ji had shamelessly asked for it back.

Now Awang drives his own carriage to pick up and drop off the family's four elder brothers and sisters, plus Jinbao. Since they don't have to transfer cars, the children can sleep an extra quarter of an hour.

Saburo always couldn't wake up. He could lie down in the cushioned carriage on the road and fall asleep again.

The children are happy now, and the feeling of being picked up and dropped off by a private car is simply too good.

"Madam, you want the fat meat." Awang stopped the carriage at the door and delivered the meat to Qin Yao first.

The problem of the refugees has been resolved. Although there are still many refugees left in Kaiyang County, the situation is completely different, and shops in the town dare to open.

Awang was late when he arrived at the meat stall because he had to send the elder brothers to study with the Ding family first. He only bought five kilograms of pork belly and three kilograms of pure fat meat.

The fighting power of the aunts is amazing. They haven't had fresh meat for so long. As soon as the butcher's stall was set up, half of it was bought.

Fortunately, Awang was able to squeeze in and grab this bit of meat.When he returned, there was still a long queue in front of the meat stall.

Qin Yao took the meat and couldn't help but swallowed secretly when she saw the fat and thin pork belly.

Previously, the big guy followed her to clean up Wang Mawu. When she came back, she promised to treat the big guy to meat and to be honest. Qin Yao couldn't bear to give up and asked Awang to cut off half a catty and keep it at home to add food to dinner, and gave away the rest. Go to the factory and ask Mr. He to add meat and vegetables to everyone. It will be regarded as paying interest first.

The next solid meat dishes will have to wait a little longer.

Right now the butcher shop has just opened and it is impossible to order a large amount of meat.

Awang agreed, looked at the three kilograms of fat meat in Qin Yao's hand, and asked, "Madam, are you ready to boil it in oil?"

Qin Yao shook her head, "No, I kept it for making soap. By the way, where are the clam shells that Dalang and the others picked up from the fields of the old house a few days ago?"

This year, Old Man Liu got a bucket of clams from nowhere. He raised them in the field, not for eating, but just to see how strange they were. The family members, Mr. Jinbao, ate them all.

Several children stuck their buttocks out in the fields all day long, picked up two large buckets of clams, and brought them to Mrs. Zhang to prepare them for meat.

Seeing how pitiful they were, and being troubled by the refugee issues these days, they didn't get anything good to eat, so Zhang took out the clam meat and fried it with the help of half a can of rapeseed oil that Erlang brought from his home. With three large plates of clam meat, the two families gathered together for a tooth ceremony.

Dalang asked Dalang to bring all the clam shells back, wash them, and put them away.

The family had little land and little farm work to do, so Awang basically followed behind his four children.

He can climb trees and dare to go down rivers. He also knows how to hunt and make various interesting tools. Now he has become the favorite big friend of the four brothers and sisters.

The parents may not know what the four siblings are hiding, but Awang must know it.

Even if he doesn't know clearly, he can still find it out for Qin Yao by following the clues.

"Professional." Qin Yao jokingly took the large bag of clam shells that Awang pulled out from under the bed in the children's room and gave him a thumbs up.

Awang's facial muscles twitched, indicating that he didn't like such teasing.

However, I was still very curious and followed Qin Yao to the courtyard to watch her making soap.

There was no one else at home, so Qin Yao no longer hesitated to speak, and curiously asked Awang: "What does the prince wash with?"

"Fragrant pancreas." Awang pointed to half a piece of white soap on the window sill of the shower room, "It's similar to the ones at home, with more spices."

But the fragrant pancreas in the palace are all tributes from the royal family, and their shapes and colors are much more exquisite.

"Is it expensive?" Qin Yao asked while baking clam shells.Awang nodded, there was no doubt about it, so he was more curious about how Qin Yao knew the secret recipe of fragrant pancreas.

Unfortunately, she had no intention of explaining, so she asked him to deliver the meat and turned around and entered the kitchen.

Qin Yao was already familiar with the process of chopping up fat meat and boiling it in oil. There wasn't much fat this time, so she planned to save more and make more soap at once, so that she wouldn't have to be busy every two or three months.

Today I only prepared the necessary raw materials and finished it in one afternoon.

Awang did not come back immediately after delivering the meat. Qin Yao was wondering if he had wandered off somewhere to be lazy, when he saw Awang walking quickly with a handful of small yellow flowers picked from the foot of the mountain in his arms.

Qin Yao was a little surprised. She couldn't tell that Awang knew how to live!

Qin Yao smiled and reached out to pick it up, out of sheer sentimentality.Awang walked straight past her and went to the backyard to tinker around. He picked off all the flower heads, dipped cotton into the stamens to get the powder, and collected a small bowl of pollen.

"What are you doing?" Qin Yao picked up the flower head that was ruthlessly thrown to the ground, and wanted to give him the title of a ruthless flower destroyer.

Ngawang replied: "Make fragrant powder and add it to the soap you make, madam, it will have a fragrance."

He looked at her seriously, his eyes bright, "This is expensive, it can be sold for a lot of money."

Qin Yao waved her hands and said, "You can't sell it. If you sell it, you will be in big trouble, but you can still use it for yourself."

"Besides, our family is not poor. We can support you, so don't worry about making money."

Qin Yao looked at Awang up and down with some satisfaction, but she didn't expect that not long after he came to the house, he was already thinking about making money for the family.

Comparing it with Liu Ji, a shameless waste, I can only say that the world is so different!

Awang didn't expect that the money-making idea he finally thought of would be rejected so quickly. He was stunned for three seconds before he lowered his head and continued to take his pollen, saying "Oh" in response.

There was not a word about loss, but there was an atmosphere of loss all over him.

Qin Yao said with a smile: "Make more. This time we will make real soap. Tell me what you need. Madam, I will fully support you."

"Then give me five hundred coins."

Awang stretched out his hand. His thick palm was covered with thick calluses and there was a long scar on his wrist. Just looking at this hand, you can imagine how dangerous it was at that time.

Qin Yao looked at his ordinary face. There was no desire for money on it, but the hand he extended was so confident!

"I'm really guilty!" Qin Yao complained through gritted teeth, took out a piece of silver from her arms, pinched half a tael and put it on her palm covered with thick calluses and scars.

I don't know if it was her misunderstanding, but I always felt that the corner of Awang's mouth curled up as he took the money, and his dull eyes became more lively.

"I'm going to make lunch, and then I'm going out soon." Go buy other ingredients for making fragrant powder.

Awang picked up the pollen he had prepared and walked towards the kitchen. His steps were brisk and silent like a cat. In the blink of an eye, he was ten meters away.

Sure enough, after the showdown, he stopped pretending at all.

But the premise is that this happens only when Qin Yao is at home.

As for his handsome, dashing, and suave eldest man, it is better to wait until he finds out on his own without fear.

If you ask, you just don’t know martial arts!

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