Unless there is one person in the enemy army with her strength, it will be difficult to stab Liu Ji to death in a single battle.

But he is just a small civilian and has no value in being surrounded.

Then there are only two incentives left for him to die.

First, he was executed for being lazy and violating military discipline.

But his name is not on the death list, so this cannot be established.

Because all civilians who are executed according to military discipline will be recorded in the record. If the circumstances are serious, the three clans will be punished.

The entire Liu family is still doing well now.

Second, the body cannot die naturally.

He was exposed to wind and cold due to exposure to rain, and died of tetanus due to injuries.

But Liu Ji defrauded Erlang of his small treasury, which contained 390 eight cents. He could afford the medicine for common typhoid fever.

As for tetanus, seriously calculating, the probability is not 100%.

"Hiss~" Qin Yao rubbed her eyebrows. She didn't want to continue analyzing with the village chief, so she stood up and left.

The village chief watched her leave, feeling visibly relaxed.

Because after Qin Yao's analysis, he knew that Liu Ji was well prepared, so he was sure that Liu Qi would be with Liu Ji, and he was very relieved.

Qin Yao was lying on the narrow single guest bed, looking out the window at the dark night, frowning in confusion. If Liu Ji is not dead yet, then where is he now?


On the vast grassland, Liu Ji sat up in shock while he was dying, sneezed hard, and two sticks of snot flew out, falling squarely on the faces of Wang Wu and Liu Qi who were lying in front of him. .

Wang Wu: "."

Liu Qi: "."

Liu Ji raised the back of his hand to wipe the tip of his nose. He wiped the back of his hand on his clothes very naturally. He wrapped himself in a thick cotton coat and looked up, only to find that the fire had been extinguished.

He stood up and lit the fire again. Looking at the dancing firelight, several phantoms appeared in front of his eyes. He took a deep breath. His nose was so blocked that he could only suck in a big mouthful of cold air and coughed twice.

Seeing that he was fine, Wang Wu and Liu Qi calmly wiped the snot from their faces, wrapped themselves in straw mats, and went back to sleep.

Now they don't have to worry about enemy raids, because Mobei and Shengguo have negotiated peace, and Princess Huiyang, the daughter of the eldest princess, has actively agreed to make peace, and the fighting between the two parties has stopped.

In the vast grassland, they were the only light, and the surroundings were pitch black. It looked very intrusive, but the three of them were used to it.

Because they had been lost on the grass for a whole month, and they only reached the gate of Xuanyuguan today.

Speaking of which, the three of them didn't know whether they were lucky or unlucky during this trip to the common people.

The man did not die, and the mission was successfully completed under the leadership of Shangguan Lie.

Moreover, as soon as the mission was completed, Mobei and Shengguo entered into a truce and peace talks, and the subsequent food transportation mission was directly cancelled.

However, because the mission was canceled in advance, they, the peasants, had lost all the return money they could have received.

After each person received a bag of grain, they returned home together.

At first, Liu Ji and the other two people left together with the large army. Who would have thought that they would encounter a pack of wolves on the way, and everyone would scatter and run for their lives. As they ran, they actually got separated.

The unlucky three of them wandered around the unfamiliar grass for a month.In the end, under the leadership of Liu Ji, a half-hearted scholar, they walked in the opposite direction where the North Star was lit, and then they reached Xuanyue Pass in the south.

The good luck disappeared since the mission ended. I finally walked out of the grassland and arrived at Xuanyue Pass. I missed the time to enter the city, so I could only stay overnight under the city and wait for dawn the next day.

What was even more unexpected was that Liu Ji, who had been fine after being trapped in the grass for a month, suddenly got high fever.

He slept in a coma all afternoon, relying entirely on Liu Qi and Wang Wu to take care of him. Now he was woken up by the cold in the middle of the night. The temperature on his forehead had not dropped at all, and his nose was still blocked by mud. He was cold, hungry and faint. It was simply worse than It’s still hard to die.

Previously, Liu Ji would have sweet dreams of going home from time to time.

Now his expectations have been defeated by reality, and there is only one thought in his mind - to leave the grass.

In Mobei in October, the temperature at night can freeze people into popsicles. Liu Ji burned the fire vigorously and wrapped himself tightly in the cotton jacket. He was still shivering from the cold and almost fainted and lost consciousness.

They were trapped in the grassland for a month, and the food they originally received had long been eaten up. In the past few days, it was their turn to chew the turf.

Liu Ji has money in his arms, 390 salmon.He wanted to spend it, but where could anyone sell food on the grass?
He stared at the city wall of Xuanyue Pass, hoping that the sky would light up soon and the city gate would open quickly so that he could go in to buy medicine and cure his illness.

With this breath, Liu Ji stayed awake for the rest of the night and stayed by the fire until dawn.

The moment soldiers appeared on the wall of Xuanyuguan, he immediately woke up Wang Wu and Liu Qi, and the three of them ran towards the city gate like wandering beggars.

Fortunately, the documents were still there, which could prove their identities and allow them to enter customs smoothly.

After entering another three miles from Xuanyue Pass, we finally saw people.

Liu Ji's body had reached its limit. He put a bunch of coins hidden in his underwear into Liu Qi's hand and fell down with a "thud".

Liu Qi exclaimed: "Third uncle, please don't die! How can I explain to third aunt if you die!"

Wang Wu looked at the copper plate in Liu Qi's hand in surprise. He was very shocked. He didn't expect that Liu Ji still had money.

But now is not the time to be surprised. Seeing Liu Qi, a young boy, in a panic and not knowing what to do, he hurriedly stopped him and asked him to carry Liu Ji on his back and go to find the doctor.

When Liu Ji woke up again, he saw a broken Taoist temple in front of him, with a fire beside him, and Wang Wu and Liu Qi were resting on a pile of straw.

A bitter smell of Chinese medicine filled the air above the Taoist temple, and the medicinal juice boiled in the clay pot gushed out.

Liu Ji knew that he was alive again.

But he was so weak now that he called Liu Qi. Unexpectedly, his voice was also mute. He didn't wake him up for a long time, so he just grabbed the small stone at hand and threw it at him!
"Oh!" Liu Qi sat up in shock and saw Liu Ji with his eyes open, and said in surprise: "Uncle, you are alive!"

Liu Ji rolled his eyes speechlessly and turned to the surging clay pot. Liu Qi followed his line of sight and found that the medicine had overflowed, and he was in a hurry again.

Wang Wu woke up from the torment and breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw Liu Ji regaining consciousness.

But after Liu Ji finished drinking the medicine, the three of them fell into a bigger dilemma - they had no money to go home.

This place is at least half a month away from Kaiyang County, and food and drink for this half month are also a big expense.

Wang Wu patted his pockets, but they were empty.

Liu Qi shook her whole body and dropped a notched knife. No one would accept it even if she took it to a pawn shop.

Liu Ji secretly glanced at his chest. He still had two coins, which was enough to rent a car.

Just help Liu Qi. They are from the same village and are related by ancestors. They can still make amends with the village chief later.

But why should he help Wang Wu pay?

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