Transporting food is not a simple job.

This is a large-scale mobilization that requires tens of thousands of manpower and material resources.

If you want to transport a hundred loads of grain to the border, you must first account for the consumption of cattle, horses, people, etc. during the transportation.

Adding this up, for every [-] dans of grain sent to the border, at least [-] dans need to be prepared in advance.

If you want to transport [-] dans of grain to the border, you need to prepare at least [-] dans of grain.

The grain transport team is composed of a team of twenty vehicles, led by an officer and soldier, and ten soldiers are responsible for escorting order.

Each cart is equipped with six folk men, one horseman, one tail rider, and two guards on the left and right sides.

Six people are responsible for one cart. Excluding their own food, the rest of the food in the cart is the military rations that must be delivered to the military camp as scheduled.

If there is any damage to the military rations, six people will sit together and deal with it according to military law.

Therefore, the six people must unite and protect their own cart of food to ensure their own safety.

With such a joint relationship, six people in the same group will naturally form a small group to work together and supervise each other.

Because of her thin skin and tender flesh, and the fact that she could not carry her shoulders or lift her hands, Liu Ji was disliked very much.

He wanted to ride in the carriage once in a while, so he actively applied to be a coachman. The leading soldier raised his eyebrows and arranged for him to be the driver.

Ever since, Liu Ji began to follow the carriage and eat ashes every day to transport grain.

Sometimes the road was not easy to walk, and the carriage bumped and dropped the grain bags. He would immediately bend down to pick up the grain bags that fell on the ground. Forget about choking on the dust in his nose, a spray of fresh horse manure sprayed down, that's it. Kill me.

If you move a little slower, the soldier on horseback will come roaring with his whip.

If Liu Ji hadn't reacted very quickly, his back would have been beaten to pieces just like the second-to-last civilian husband behind him.

It's sad to say that such quick reactions were all trained at the hands of the evil woman at home.

His reaction was so quick that even the leading soldier couldn't help but glance at him.

Every time he thought of this, Liu Ji couldn't help but look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, bright and sad.

"Hiss~" The sun was too dazzling, and after staring at it for two seconds, his eyes couldn't bear the pain. Liu Ji felt sad for less than two seconds, and decisively lowered his head, pretending to be honest, and followed the car with his numb legs.

Sure enough, he had offended the officer who escorted them there, and placed him under the fierce soldier Shangguan Lie. There were so many grain transport teams, but he was the only one who could move as fast as his mother could.

If he was a little slower, he would continue to urge him to death. As a result, the first pair of shoes was scrapped before he had been walking for three days.

Liu Ji felt very resentful and hated Shangguan Lie to death.

As for Qin Yao, who reported his name to the recruitment order, was he afraid, guilty, and hateful?I don’t dare at all!
After licking his lips, which were so dry, Liu Ji took off the bamboo tube on his waist to take a drink of water. He was shocked to find that the bamboo tube was empty and the water in it had been finished at some point.

It has been sunny since the day we set off.

At the end of autumn, the heat in the day makes people dizzy. A bottle of water is quickly finished. Every time the team stops for a break, those who are not on duty will immediately grab the bamboo tubes of their teammates and grab them. Fetch water.

It's okay when there are wells and large streams and springs, but if you encounter the kind of ravines that are more dilute than urine, the time to rest is simply not enough.

If you encounter someone with an impatient temper, occasional physical contact and verbal quarrels are inevitable.

As the most agile person in his group, Liu Ji was the first to draw water every time.The remaining four guards were standing in the way to prevent others from grabbing it. A tacit agreement had already been reached.

But even so, I was unlucky to encounter a mountain spring today, and I only had time to fill two bamboo tubes.

It’s good to have something to drink. The six of us shared it together, which relieved the heat a little.

Those who haven't had time immediately have to follow the team and continue to move forward quickly, just hoping that God will rain heavily soon.

Then, the heavy rain really fell.

As soon as the rain fell, there was a sudden rush in the team.

Those covered with oilcloth, those hurriedly rummaging for bamboo hats and raincoats to put on, and those comforting frightened horses.

While he was busy, Shangguan Lie suddenly gave the order to move forward quickly!
The food delivery team suddenly burst into mourning, and they refused to let anyone live!
Liu Ji deeply suspected that the leader of the team had a tormenting quirk and did not want them to be better off.

However, the cool rain fell and the heat disappeared completely. Liu Jizhao had been tortured by the scorching sun for a long time. At this moment, he only thought that it would be better if the rain fell harder.

Many people thought the same as him. If the rain got heavier, Shangguan Lie would definitely have to stop the team to repair, and then they could rest.

But when the heavy rain really fell, everyone realized that they were naive.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. At first, everyone just felt cool and happy, but soon after they started walking, the road was soaked by the rain, and in an instant it became muddy.
The wheels of the carriage carrying heavy grains were sunk deep into the mud. Previously, I could just follow the carriage, but now I have to push it.

Liu Ji didn't have the same strength as Qin Yao, so the heavy wheel seemed to be firmly absorbed by the mud, and he almost had to use all his strength to push it.

The soldier rode his horse back and forth in the team, cracked the whip in his hand several times, and shouted:
"Go forward quickly, faster and faster!"

Liu Ji didn't want to be beaten, so he gritted his teeth and used all his strength to fight.

In this way, it took only half an hour for the grain transport team, which consisted of twenty cars and more than 100 people, to reach the post station twenty miles away.

There were so many carriages and horses that there was no room for them at the inn, so everyone had to unload the horses and carriages separately, hurriedly pushed the grain carts into the hay shed, and barely piled them together.

At this time, Liu Ji was extremely glad that he was not a coachman. Otherwise, he would be the one standing outside the inn in the rain pulling the horse that kept licking its hooves.

At least he could still stay by the grain truck, with a straw shed above his head to provide some protection from the wind and rain.

As for Shangguan Lie and the ten soldiers, they had already gone to rest in the lobby of the post house.

The sky was overcast at noon. Not only did it not show any signs of clearing up, the rain was actually heavier than half an hour ago.

Many civilians were dumbfounded and wondered, had this day slipped through the cracks?How could you just pour the Tianhe water down directly?

In Liu Ji's memory, this rain was the biggest he had ever seen in his life.

The rain continued from noon to the evening of the next day without any break in between. The entire ground of the inn turned into a pool and depression, with mud and water mixed together, making it extremely turbid.

Liu Ji tentatively stretched out his foot, and the water was deeper than his calf.

Shangguan Lie walked out of the gate of the post house and saw Liu Ji's retracted feet. He frowned and said a few words to the soldiers beside him before returning to the post house.

After a while, the soldier gave the order to rest for another day and set off as soon as the water recedes tomorrow morning.

Everyone was happy that they could take a break.

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