tokyo soulful legend

Chapter 429 That's Good

Chapter 429 That's Good

To Kitagawa Cheru's surprise, Morishima Yuki did not book a place to eat at an overly luxurious Japanese restaurant, such as Kaiseki cuisine, but chose a relatively affordable restaurant with a pretty good dining environment. Japanese restaurant.

He has always been very fond of Japanese food shops like this.

If the taste of this restaurant is good, then after this meal, this restaurant will be on his Top list.

"Long time no see, Ache."

On the second floor, in the private room.

Morishima Yukie, who got up from the chair, briefly shook hands with Kitagawa Cheru who opened the door and said this classic opening statement with a smile on his face.

"It's been a while, Aunt Morishima."

Kitagawa Che nodded, confirming Morishima Yuki's statement.

Although Morishima Yuki would chat with him through Line from time to time on weekdays, and take a look at Morishima Yukisa's current situation, but that kind of 'chat' was just text, and the conversation was very simple, and like This face-to-face communication was indeed the first time in nearly half a year.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that we have not seen each other for a long time.

"Didn't I say before, don't call me auntie." Morishima Yuki let go of Kitagawa Che's hand, took a step back, glared at him pretending to be angry, and corrected him in calling her, "Please call me auntie." aunt!"

On Line, she emphasized this to Kitagawa Che from time to time.

She hoped that in this way, she could subtly implant a point of view - as an elder, she would have a tacit approval or even support for the matter between him and Xuesha.

"Aunt Morishima."

Kitagawa Che didn't hesitate. Renmorijima Yuki said so, so he would just call it that.

It's just a title anyway.

As for why he called her aunt just now, he felt that it would be a bit rash to call her aunt after not seeing her for too long, but now it seems that he is thinking too much.

"That's right!"

Hearing this, Morishima Yuki nodded with satisfaction, then stepped aside and motioned for Kitagawa Teru and Morishima Yukisa to sit down.

After the two of them took their seats, Morishima Yuki returned to the head seat of the round table.

She felt that she still had to talk about this part of etiquette.

"How have you been lately?"

After deliberation for a moment, Morishima Yuki finally decided to use this classic statement as the official start of the topic.

This sentence sounds quite cliche, but the advantage is that it is basically error-free and it is easy for people to find the rhythm of chatting.

"It's still the same as usual, there are no significant changes." Kitagawa Che thought for a while and added, "Exercise when you should exercise, and study when you should study."

After time travel, what he was most satisfied with was the rules of life.

He no longer stays up late every day like he did before time travel, and his work has not affected his normal life. Although as a price for having to grasp both, his daily relaxation time is very compressed, even in theory, it is extremely tight. But he felt that compared with the first two, he could still afford this price.

"I'm afraid not?" Morishima Yuki blinked, with a hint of playfulness in her tone, "According to the information revealed by Yukisha who didn't want to be named, Ache, you often finished English when you were in Chinese class. Homework for class, writing homework for math class during English class, it’s out of the question... right?"

Yes, she didn't finish what she said, but the implication was quite obvious.

But ridicule is ridicule. When she heard her daughter mention this matter, to be honest, she was very surprised.

As a former senior, she knew very well how tight Shirakawa's studies were at high school. At that time, she was exhausted from taking care of both piano and studies, and her ability to listen carefully during class was already her limit.

As for Kitagawa Che's so-called multitasking, listening to classes and completing homework at the same time, she couldn't even think about it.

Not to mention that his precious daughter specifically mentioned that Kitagawa Che's learning progress far exceeded the school's teaching speed.

This also means that this young man's self-learning ability is terrifying.

The academic knowledge in high school is not as good as that in junior high school.

The span and difficulty of knowledge from the first year of high school to the second year of high school are visibly improving, including special nouns, derivative formulas, etc. that are not limited to some unique subjects.

She said she was not afraid of people laughing, and she was tortured by these things in the past.

"It can only be said that I am very good at arranging my time and allocating it reasonably."

Kitagawa Che responded shamelessly.

As for blaming Morishima Yukisa, that is completely impossible. Firstly, this kind of thing is a trivial matter, nothing to worry about. Secondly, Morishima Yukie also disclosed this matter to him before, which probably meant that she There were not many topics to talk about with Xue Sha, so from time to time, he could only be used as the topic to open up the conversation.

For both emotional and rational reasons, he would not take such teasing to heart.

"This can't be justified by just saying 'good at arranging time'." Yukie Morishima waved her hand, with a hint of sincere admiration on her face, "It is the indispensable result of talent and hard work. Of course, I say so. Seems a little weird?" At this point, she tilted her head, chuckled, and held the tea cup in front of her with both hands, "Anyway, if I had a talent like you, A Che, when I was studying, I could have dreamed of it. Wake up with a smile.”

This was half serious and half a joke.

At that time, she really didn't want to listen to the teacher's nagging from time to time. For her, the most gratifying thing was not her progress on the piano, but that one day her teacher didn't nag her during class.

Now that I think about it, she was really overwhelmed with blessings at that time.

There is a teacher who is really good to me and talks about him every day and worries about his own grades. That is really something that can only be met but cannot be sought. It is very, very rare.

"This sentence can also apply to me. If I had my aunt's piano talent..."

Kitagawa Che didn't finish his words, he just showed a longing expression.

The best way to resolve a topic like this is to compliment each other.

He understands this very well.

"Come on, your talent is much better than mine."

Morishima Yuki shook her head with a chuckle, adjusted her sitting posture, and sat on the chair with a more relaxed posture.

She knew very well the actual level of Kitagawa Che.

With the kind of learning ability he has shown, no joke, if he is willing to devote himself to the piano career in the future, he will definitely go very far.

For example, internationally renowned pianists and the like, it's just a matter of looking for something.


Just like he said himself at the beginning, this was not his intention.


Beichuan Che laughed and said nothing more.

He and Morishima Yuki have been dealing with each other for a long time, and they know very well what to say and what not to say at such a time.

Right now, silence is the best answer.

"Okay, let's talk about something else." Yukie Morishima coughed slightly and changed the topic, "Did Akutagawa Aoki tell you about the specific release time of "Initial D"?"

She has obtained a specific time for this matter through her own news channel.


Beichuan Che was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Akutagawa Aoki doesn't actually have much communication with him, but whenever there is any trouble in "Initial D", the former will share it with him.

A week ago, Akutagawa Aoki chatted with him about the official release date of "Initial D", which is the [-]th of this month.

Of course, this is only a tentative date. If something goes wrong, it may be postponed by a week, or about ten days.

"Did he say anything about the tickets for the premiere?"

Morishima Yuki looked at Kitagawa Che with a smile.

"Yes." Kitagawa Che nodded and gave an affirmative answer. Akutagawa Aoki had specifically talked to him about this, "He said that he would send me the tickets one week before the official schedule is set. come over."

According to Akutagawa Aoki, as a script reviser and half of the screenwriter of "Initial D", he should have participated in the premiere of the movie.

But for some reasons, he refused without hesitation, saying that he didn't want to go.

In the end, it was Akutagawa Aoki, the director, who chose to compromise.Akutagawa Aoki said that he would not force him, but it would still be a reward for inviting him to watch the premiere.

Kitagawa Che did not refuse such kindness, and accepted it happily.

After all, even if Akutagawa Aoki didn't take the initiative to mention this matter, he would still take the initiative to ask the former for votes.

Just like Akutagawa Aoki said, no matter what, this is the first movie that he, a butterfly, has participated in. For both emotional and reasonable reasons, he should go to see the premiere and commemorate it.

"Can you bring Xuesha with you then?"

Morishima Yuki smiled and stood up for her idiot daughter.

If you don't seize the opportunity for this kind of thing, then there is really something wrong with your brain.

"No problem, as long as Xue Sha has time..."

"I have time."

Morishima Yuksa rarely interrupted Kitagawa Che's speech and said what he had not finished.

My mother has given me assists for this reason, and as a daughter, I have no reason not to accept it.

She is no longer the person she used to be. She is stubborn and thinks that she needs to control her feelings by herself without anyone else's intervention.

"Then remember to answer my call then."

Beichuan Che readily agreed.

It was just a movie premiere, it wasn't anything confidential, and he had nothing confidential to hide.

What's more, events like this have always been more lively the more people there are.

All in all, pretty good.


Morishima Yukisha nodded extremely seriously.

She set a special ringtone for his call, and as soon as it rang, she would answer it as quickly as possible.

"Okay." Morishima Yuki clapped her hands and signaled the two of them to stop looking at each other. She felt so disgusting. Then, the conversation changed and they talked about another thing, "Speaking of which, I was thinking about it before. , will Ah Che have the idea of ​​joining the entertainment industry because of this movie, such as debuting as an actor, idol, star, etc. "

With Kitagawa Che's external and internal conditions, there is absolutely no problem whether he becomes an actor, an idol, or a star.


The waters in the entertainment industry are quite deep.

"In this case, Auntie, you are overthinking it."

Beichuan Che said such a sentence without even thinking about it.

God knows how Morishima Yuki came to think of this. Just like Nobuhiko Okayama in the recording studio, he began to worry about whether he would suddenly enter the entertainment industry.

With his personality, he would not be able to survive in the entertainment industry.

"Did I overthink it?"

Morishima Yuki blinked and asked meaningfully.

"Yes." Kitagawa Che nodded and gave an affirmative answer. "If you want to be an actor, or a star, you need to pay a lot of money." He paused and added meaningfully. Five words came out, "For example, freedom."

In such a circle, it is too difficult to want the pure to become pure and the turbid to become turbid.

"Yes." Yukie Morishima nodded, "Take idols as an example. The more glamorous they are, the more they look like products on the shelf." She paused, "Products cannot have emotions, but they can." Price, can be rented, bought or sold.”

This is a bit unpleasant to say, but it is the truth.

Once you get involved in that circle, it is difficult, or almost impossible, to protect yourself wisely.

Either you join them or quit, there is no third option.


Hearing this, Morishima Yukisha, who had been silent just now and had been listening attentively, finally couldn't help it and reminded her mother.

It's not that what she said was inappropriate, but from her standpoint, it was a bit too much.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Morishima Yuki shook her head, "I just subconsciously said so much. In short, it's better if you don't have those thoughts."

If Kitagawa Che had that idea, then she would try to persuade him no matter what she said.

With his talent and strength, even if he does not involve himself in the piano world in the future, he will definitely be able to carve out a niche in the music industry.

Even if those people used commercial means, it would be useless to deliberately smear and smear it.

Because you can’t cover something that is too dazzling.

Those unspoken rules in the music industry cannot restrain Kitagawa Che.

As long as he is still cooperating with the music network, as long as he can continue to output in his current state, no one can stop him from moving forward.


In order to reassure Morishima Yuki, Kitagawa Che reiterated it again.

For him, he has never been interested in the entertainment industry.

Whether before or after time travel, he has always been like this.

Yes, he does not deny that there are some good actors, good idols, and good stars in that circle, but that proportion is really too low, and he is not willing to get involved in that lot of crap.

Throughout, his ideas were clear.

While engaged in music, while engaged in literature.

That is, the publication frequency of the latter will be relatively low.

In terms of daily time allocation, he will still spend more time on music as he told Xuesha before.

In other words, the so-called center of gravity will not change.


He knew very well that in order for things to go smoothly in the future, he would have to spend a lot of time on literature.

He is bound to win those literary awards.

If nothing else, this year's "Love Letter" will win an award.

As for "Norwegian Wood", he doesn't expect anything more. After all, this book has already won an award.

There seems to be a similar unspoken rule here. After a certain book wins a relatively well-known award, other awards will selectively reduce the weight of the corresponding book.

"I can rest assured that."

Morishima Yuki nodded with satisfaction and blinked. Just as he was about to say something, there was a knock on the door.

thump, thump, thump
"Hello, guest, the food you ordered has been prepared. Is it ready to be served now?"

have to.

After giving Kitagawa Cheru a look that said, "We can only talk about it later," Morishima Yuki helplessly shook her head.

The next second, a slightly cold voice sounded in the room again, which was a response to those words.

"Please come in."

 4 in 4, [-]K[-] small chapter.

  Thanks to Super Electromagnetic Tag Hanabi Qingyin teacher for the reward, and thanks to 8180, Japanese light novel hero Da, Suangfeng Aoba I, Utoki, and Sauce Rice Noodles teachers for their monthly votes. Your support is the motivation for my writing.

  Everyone... I'll see you the day after tomorrow. I'll take a day off tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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