director of the millennium

Chapter 382 "Ghost" is finished!

Under the morning light.

Liu Yifei, wrapped only in a bath towel, sat at the counter in front of the window, holding her chin with one hand and raising her other hand high, looking at the diamond ring on her ring finger in the sunlight.

"Hehe." Liu Yifei raised her head and smiled stupidly. She couldn't get enough of this ring, and waved one hand back and forth in front of her eyes.

Wu Yuan walked out of the bathroom wiping his head. He saw Liu Yifei's posture at a glance and said with a smile: "Why are you so silly?"

"You've been watching it all night, haven't you seen enough?"

Yes, Liu Yifei rolled her eyes angrily: "Isn't this the time for you to kneel down and propose?"

"If your feet are not trembling, your mouth is trembling."

"I think I agreed too lightly last night."

"What the hell!" Wu Yuan's expression immediately changed, and with a flattering smile, he came up behind Liu Yifei, and gently rubbed her shoulders: "If our Sissi can agree to marry me, that's something I can't ask for in eight lifetimes. blessing."

"What does this ring mean? When we officially hold our wedding, I will customize a larger and more beautiful diamond ring for you!"

"Hey." Liu Yifei chuckled, reached out and slapped Wu Yuan's hand away, and asked: "Hey, there were so many things going on last night that I forgot to ask. The song you sang when you proposed was quite nice, but it seems like Never heard of it before.”

"Is that a new song you wrote?"

"Hehe." Wu Yuan raised his eyebrows proudly: "'marry you', I recently borrowed the marriage proposal song secretly prepared for you by the music department of CJ Group."

When he was preparing to propose, Wu Yuan thought of this marriage proposal song by Martian Brother and thought it was very suitable, so he brought it here.

In fact, the effect is really good, at least Liu Yifei is deeply impressed by this song.

After just listening to it once, she remembered it firmly and could even hum it.

"Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you~"

"Hmph, it's so disgusting."

Liu Yifei said she was disgusted with the disgusting words, but her face was already full of smiles.

No matter how low his emotional intelligence was, Wu Yuan wouldn't get into trouble with her at this moment. He just nodded with a smile and said, "What's wrong with this, it's all my sincere thoughts."

"From now on, you can't run away. When we find a suitable day, we will get the certificate. From now on, you will be able to work with the certificate."

"Ah?" Liu Yifei was stunned: "Are you in such a hurry?"

Wu Yuan thought about it, and it was the same.

Anyway, she agreed to marry him, so there seemed to be no need to worry too much about proving it.

He thought for a while and said: "Next year, let's pick a good day to get the certificate, and then we will prepare the wedding ceremony the year after that, and then announce the wedding news to fans and the public."

"You will be 24 years old the year after tomorrow. Although you are still young, getting married at this age is considered normal."

"Your fans all know that we are in love. Maybe by then, if we don't take the initiative to announce it, they will urge us to get married."

Fans of domestic entertainment are still less extreme than those in Japan and South Korea.

At least in the non-idol field, fans of actors and powerful singers are relatively open to idol romance.

Even if some actors have been single for a long time, fans will take the initiative to find sisters-in-law or brother-in-law for them.

Actors with stable and long-lasting relationships are sometimes urged to get married by their fans, urging them to get married as soon as possible. Of course, this category is limited to actors and capable singers who are not idols.

The kind of idols who become famous purely because of the support of fans, and whose stage opportunities are obtained by fans, cannot engage in love. After all, what they sell is the fan economy, which is the template that satisfies fans' ideal boyfriends and perfect girlfriends. , cannot fall in love.

Of course Liu Yifei is not this kind of idol, although she is really beautiful.

In the two years since her relationship with Wu Yuan was made public, fans had some complaints at the beginning, but now they are basically supportive.

Fans of her boyfriend who regard Liu Yifei as his "wife" have either made a good psychological preparation and accepted Wu Yuan as her real boyfriend, or they have already stopped being fans of Liu Yifei and are no longer fans of Liu Yifei.

In two years' time, even if the news of their marriage is made public, it will not have much impact on Liu Yifei's reputation.

After all, it's nothing new for two people to fall in love. Those who can accept it will accept it early, and those who can't accept it will leave early.

Wu Yuan's only concern is that Liu Yifei is indeed too young. If she gets the certificate before she is 22 years old, it is indeed not enough to "marriage late and have children later", and she will still have to delay it for another two years!

"Okay." Liu Yifei didn't think too much. She had no other thoughts except happiness. She leaned on Wu Yuan's shoulder obediently: "I will listen to you."

"Yes." Wu Yuan hugged his fiancée with his backhand and said with a smile: "I guess you are not in the mood for filming today. The crew will have a holiday today. You must also have a lot of things to talk to your besties."

"I also want to see Kuner and Brother Xun off. "Painted Skin 2" is about to start filming, and they don't have time to stay in Korea any longer."

In order to witness the proposal, their relatives and friends flew from China to South Korea, and Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei had to entertain them.

No longer bored, the two of them changed their clothes and went to entertain their relatives and friends.

Liu Yifei had a lot of things in her heart that she wanted to talk about at a sorority meeting with Wang Jia and Su Chang, and she also wanted to show off the diamond ring she was wearing.

As for the crew?

Wu Yuan is not a director, but his words are more effective than a director!

The next day, the crew of "Ghost" resumed production.

Liu Yifei and Wu Yuan are in full condition, every look and every movement is full of love.

All the problems that originally worried Song Yang were solved.

The two acted sweeter than the ghost uncle and ghost bride in the script, and the whole set was filled with a sweet smell.

Song Yang didn't know what happened to the two of them during the two days they took leave, but they were undoubtedly in a great state.

After a bumpy half-month of filming, the crew of "Ghost" finally got on the fast track and everything went smoothly.

From the metropolis of Seoul to the seaside of Incheon, to the seaside pier in Gangneung County, South Korea, and the Yongpyong Resort Ski Resort in Pyeongchang County.

Various romantic head-butts and back hugs, these classic scenes in the script, were all successfully filmed by Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei.

Just because it was too sweet, the two of them couldn't feel sad when they were filming the sad scene where the ghost drew the sword, which made Song Yang distressed again.

This couple is really weird. They are so cold when they are in a relationship, but they are so sweet when they reconcile. They mainly go to extremes.

Fortunately, as long as the two of them didn't lose their temper, they could always work out some of the difficult parts of the performance through frequent communication.

After filming in South Korea for nearly 2 months, most of the plot of "Goblin" was successfully completed.

After the crew finally moved to Canada to shoot scenes in Quebec, at the end of March 2009, "The Lonely and Brilliant God: Ghost" was successfully completed in Canada! (End of chapter)

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