director of the millennium

Chapter 377 "Twilight" is a hit in North America!

Chapter 377 "Twilight" is a hit in North America!

"Daniel! You are amazing!"

"How did you know that Twilight would be so popular after being adapted into a movie!"

"Oh my god, this is just a girl idol book!"

"I didn't expect American girls to support me so much!"

"Friday's midnight premiere revenue was as high as 700 million. Even though ticket prices on Saturday and Sunday suffered an inevitable sharp decline, the opening weekend also brought in a total of 7060 million. This is really crazy!"

Listening to John's excited words on the phone, Wu Yuan's tone was calm: "Do you believe my vision now?"

"Stephanie Meyer did a beautiful job."

"The Twilight Saga has been on the New York Times best-seller list for more than 150 weeks since its release, and has been awarded's Best Books of the Last Decade and the New York Times Best Novel of the Year. Big award.”

"What's more important is that almost every teenager in the United States, especially girls, has a copy of it. Everyone is proud to have read "Twilight", just like in previous years when "Harry Potter" was in the spotlight."

"It's so crazy." On the other end of the phone, John still couldn't understand: "I really didn't expect that a story about a girl and a handsome and charming vampire man falling in love on a bright meadow could be sold for so much money."


"Two years ago, "Dragon Rider," which was also adapted from a best-selling fantasy novel for teenagers, failed miserably at the box office. How could "Twilight" succeed?"

Wu Yuan smiled and said seriously: "John, you need to change your perspective, otherwise you will not be able to keep up with the times."

"Didn't you realize that times have changed?"

“Female power is on the rise in the North American film industry.”

"Since the end of last year, there have been some big changes on the Hollywood screen, which is mostly occupied by male films."

"'27', 'Mamma Mia', and 'High School Musical 3' are selling like hotcakes and have great stamina."

"The romantic comedy premiere record set by "Sex and the City" in May was 5 million, almost all contributed by women!"

"The weight of female audiences in the film market has already exceeded Hollywood's expectations, and they have huge box office potential that needs to be tapped."

"I believe that smart Hollywood producers have been alerted to this incident and have made a clear change in the direction of new productions."

"The emergence of "The Twilight Saga: Twilight" is an important manifestation of the increasing social status of women, and it also brings the power of women to the extreme."

"Believe me, the box office performance of the first part is just the beginning. The subsequent second and third parts will perform even better at the box office."

"Well, maybe this is one of the reasons. I should seriously think about the weight of female audiences in Hollywood." John sighed, but he still said with some disapproval: "But I think, "Twilight" Half of the credit for the box office performance of "The City" should go to Harry Potter."

"Warner has moved "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" originally scheduled to be released on November 11 to next July. This year's Thanksgiving and Christmas schedule will only leave "The Twilight Saga" as the only fantasy film. , we inherited the Harry Potter effect.”

Wu Yuan thought for a while and said with approval: "What you said makes sense. This is also one of the reasons why "Twilight" was such a hit at the box office."

After countless years of hard work on "Harry Potter" and other magical movies following suit, the winter schedule of North American movie theaters has long been inseparable from magical movies.

North American audiences are used to watching a fantasy-themed movie between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Just like domestic audiences are used to watching comedies during the Lunar New Year.

It seems like something is missing if I don't watch some movies with this theme at this time.

If "Harry Potter" is still around, then "Twilight" will definitely face the still-hot popularity of "Harry Potter" when it is released in three weeks. Not only will the number of viewers be greatly reduced, but the number of theaters it will be released in will also be reduced. will be ostracized.

At least it will never be able to reach the scale it is today - 3419 openings at the same time!

The large premiere range ensures that no matter you are in a big city or a small town, you can watch "The Twilight Saga" simultaneously on Christmas Day--this is undoubtedly an exciting good news for those female viewers who are looking forward to the future. information.

Moreover, these female viewers will also bring their boyfriends or best friends to watch it together, not just contributing a movie ticket!

They will definitely flock to the cinema as soon as possible. The competitive nature of girls was also taken advantage of by the Light Age here.

Who wants to be the loser who returns to class on Monday morning only to find that he's the only loser who hasn't watched "The Twilight Saga" yet?

Under the influence of these favorable times and places, the box office revenue of "The Twilight Saga: Twilight" was finally achieved.

Its premiere revenue at midnight on Friday was as high as 700 million, and its opening day revenue reached 3600 million. It almost recovered its cost in one day. It took 7060 million at the box office during the first weekend. The cumulative box office has now reached 1.19 million, John said. Laughing like crazy.

"Daniel, the production of "New Moon" is about to be put on the schedule. It must be in time for next Christmas. "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" has been adjusted to July next year. We can still stand out next Christmas! "

"Warner Brothers really did a good thing this time!"

"It is foreseeable that "Twilight" will grow into a new blockbuster series!"

"Perhaps, as you said, this movie will become the Star Wars and Star Trek in the minds of women!"

"It's crazy, but I love the craziness!"

“You don’t know, but Robert Pattinson is on Twitter right now and he’s got those teenage girls in a tizzy!”

“He fascinated the girls at Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and he went even better in Twilight. Not only did he make the heroine fall in love at first sight, but he also made countless fans fall in love with him. crazy."

"Whether it's the cute and affectionate puppy in "Lightning Dogs" or the sexy action man in "007", with the support of little girls, they are no match for the cool and handsome vampires."

"Damn it, why can't I feel his charm? Is it because I'm a man?"

John was probably too excited, so he kept chattering on the phone, saying whatever came to his mind, and talking nonsense.

Wu Yuan can also understand.

The box office result of US$[-] million in the first weekend is the best result among independent films produced by the Light Era. Even the dark horse IP "The Hangover" cannot compare.

John never expected that the movie that broke the company's first weekend box office record would be such a love story between a handsome vampire and an ordinary girl.

This was beyond his understanding, and after learning of such a result, his views were shattered.

Wu Yuan was very understanding and chatted with John for a while. After his emotions had almost calmed down, he ended the call.

Before hanging up the phone, Wu Yuan did not forget to ask John to discuss the global release of "Twilight" with Warner Bros.

The original work of "Twilight" is not only very influential in North America, but also a hot-selling youth book in Europe and South America. Especially in Europe, the Vampire Prince is also very popular.

But we cannot forget this aspect of the market.

"What's wrong?" After hanging up the phone, Liu Yifei, who was lying naked in Wu Yuan's arms, raised her head and asked.

Just now, the two of them were doing something to promote social harmony, but they were interrupted by a phone call from John.

"It's nothing, the company sold another movie in North America." Wu Yuan threw the phone to the bedside, turned over, lifted the quilt, and continued what he had not finished just now.

Although he acted relatively calmly during the call, Wu Yuan was actually quite excited and needed to vent his joy.

"Come on, let's continue, don't worry about John."

"Hmph, be gentle! You're pressing on my hair~"

 I modified it and re-uploaded it. The one that was reviewed will be blocked.



(End of this chapter)

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