director of the millennium

Chapter 308: China takes off, adding fuel to the fire!

December 2008, 7.

The last day of Gravity's second week in theaters.

15:35 pm, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Base.

At this time, a huge Long March [-]F Yaoqi carrier rocket has been erected on the launch pad.

Numerous space agency staff are surrounding the rocket for final launch inspections and fueling.

On the observation deck a few kilometers away from the launch pad, a special group of tourist guests were welcomed.

"Director Wu, our Shenzhou 21 is expected to be launched at 10:[-] Beijing time."

A young man wearing white overalls and a work cap was holding a work schedule and describing the situation to Wu Yuan.

"Nine o'clock in the evening? That's still early." After listening to his introduction, Wu Yuan nodded in understanding.

China's early manned space missions were very conservative.

The launch time at 21 o'clock in the evening is the safest launch window period determined after various precise calculations.

Of course Wu Yuan, a layman, would not have any objections to this. He accepted it happily and said with a smile: "The live broadcast has started now?"

It is different from the situation 15 years later when sending people into space and drinking water is as simple as sending people to space and no one pays much attention to the actual launch.

Now China's manned space mission can be said to be of national concern, and the entire process will be broadcast live, and the studio will specially invite experts to provide explanations.

Wu Yuan remembered that in his dream, he was waiting in front of the TV for more than two hours and watched the Shenzhou-[-] launch with his own eyes. Two days later, he watched astronaut Zhai Zhigang perform extravehicular activities in front of the TV. , completed China’s first spacewalk.

He still remembers that when he successfully completed the space walk, the community where he lived was filled with cheers and excited applause.

Now, he has the opportunity to be at the launch site and see the rocket take off with his own eyes.

The entire "Gravity" crew was invited to watch this important rocket launch ceremony.

This is also a very important promotion for the film.

They don't even need to say anything, as long as they have a few seconds of footage in the live broadcast, it is enough to impress the national audience.

Following the other guests invited to visit the launch, they stood in the first row of the observation deck. When the live broadcast camera swept over Wu Yuan, Gong Li and others, they all waved to the camera.

This scene was accurately captured and broadcast into the CCTV broadcast room.

An expert professor with half-white hair was chatting with the host about the aerospace industry in the broadcast room.

When the host saw Wu Yuan, Gong Li, Wang Xueqi and others, he immediately interrupted the professor and said with a smile: "The people who appear in our live broadcast are the ones specially invited to watch the launch of Shenzhou [-]. The cast of ‘Gravity’.”

"'Gravity' is my country's first space science fiction disaster movie. It is currently being screened across the country. Movie fans have high praise and reputation for this movie."

"This is not only a commercial film, but also a pseudo-science film that can help everyone understand and get in touch with the real space. If you haven't seen it, you can go to the cinema and watch it."

A CCTV host took the initiative to advertise a movie. Although he was not the host of "Xinwen Lianbo", the effect was already exaggerated.

And it’s not just the host, the old professor also took the initiative to say after listening to the host’s advertisement: “Yesterday, I went to the cinema to watch this movie with my family.”

"Although the movie has some designs that violate space physics in order to create some artistic conflicts, overall, this movie is still worth watching in the cinema."

"Not to mention anything else, just the space created with special effects in the movie is worth the price of admission."

In the eyes of experts and professors, some plots of "Gravity" are definitely full of loopholes.

For example, the satellite fragments at the beginning cannot have such high kinetic energy, nor can they reach the orbit of the space station.

The plot in the middle where the male protagonist chooses to let go in order to save the heroine is also ridiculous. The spacecraft was not rotating at that time, and there was no continuous external force or inertia for the astronauts to push them out. The male protagonist did not need to let go at all.

In the final ending, the heroine who has lived in space for so long can still have the strength to swim when she returns to the ground, and can still swim to the shore and get up. She is a typical Chinese superman.

In addition, there are many small BGUs scattered throughout the movie.

But these bugs all play a key role in the movie. It can be said that without these bugs, the movie story would not be valid, and the ending would not be shocking.

Real experts, even though they know these bugs, still think that "Gravity" is an excellent work.

Because they know very well that this is a movie, not a popular science documentary, let alone a thesis.

Only some people who think they "know a lot" and are eager to show off their "talent" will excitedly point out the so-called "low-level mistakes" of "Gravity" on the Internet after watching this movie, in order to gain undue recognition. People who understand science marvel and satisfy their own vanity.

On the contrary, the professor from northern Qing Dynasty invited by the live broadcast room did not deliberately mention the bugs in the movie and gave a good evaluation of the movie.

To be honest, ordinary people don't know the profound knowledge of physics and space physics, so there is no need to be picky.

It is more worthwhile to let them ignite their curiosity and enthusiasm for space exploration through this movie.

Of course, this is a live broadcast of a rocket launch for a national audience, and mentioning "Gravity" is already the limit.

After a few brief recommendations, the two continued to chat about today's rocket launch mission.

At the rocket launch base, Wu Yuan also left the observation deck with Gong Li and Wang Xueqi and went to have dinner first.

At 21 o'clock in the evening, the three of them came to the observation deck again.

The temperature difference between day and night in Jiuquan is relatively large. Everyone who is still wearing short-sleeved shorts during the day has already put on a coat at night, waiting for the rocket to launch in the cold wind.

Now is definitely a moment of national attention, and the attention may even be higher than that of the subsequent Olympic Games opening ceremony (domestic only).

Unfortunately, today's mobile phones are not as advanced as those of later generations. Wu Yuan could not watch the launch at the same time while using his mobile phone to watch the live broadcast and post on Weibo.

Otherwise, he will specify to take some selfies and videos and post them online!Unfortunately, now he can only stand on the observation deck and look at the launch pad with dim yellow light shining in the distance.

At this time, inside the command center, final preparations for takeoff were also being made.

On the big screen, all three astronauts were already sitting in the cabin, ready to take off.




The commander, who was very young and even had hair on his lips, calmly recalled the launch countdown.

His voice spread through radio to thousands of households in China.

The TV sets in every household were also broadcasting the images of the astronauts on the command center and the big screen at this time.




The three astronauts sitting in the orbital module saluted the camera in front of them.


"take off!"

Following the commander's order, the nozzle under the rocket burst out with a "boom", brilliant and hot flames, and tons of fuel burned violently, providing thrust for the rocket.

Standing several kilometers away, Wu Yuan felt as if he was right in front of the rocket, almost face-to-face watching the rocket take off.

When watching the live broadcast, I always felt that the rocket took off very slowly, like ants climbing a tree.

But at the scene, Wu Yuan really felt that he was not slow at all!

In just the blink of an eye, the rocket quickly rose to the point where he could only see the tail flames when he raised his head.

"Boom -" Along with the roar of the rocket taking off, bursts of fierce applause from the command center came to my ears.

"The rocket enters the expected orbit!"

"Successful launch!"

At this moment, the whole country celebrates!
The scenes described in the movie are perfectly combined with reality at this time.

Two days later, people all over the country will be able to see Chinese astronauts leaving the cabin on the Shenzhou [-] spacewalk on TV!

A small step for China Aerospace, a giant leap for mankind!

When the Shenzhou [-], which carried the hopes and expectations of all Chinese people, successfully took off and was still climbing according to the planned track, cinemas of various sizes across the country were already overwhelmed by the crowds of audiences.

There is no time more suitable than now to watch a movie related to China Aerospace.

"Gravity", which had been slightly less popular, has once again become the center of attention across the country.

Now, this movie is more than just a movie, it also represents the emotional sustenance of all Chinese people’s space dream!

Everyone lined up to walk into the cinema and looked at the Tiangong Space Station, the Sky Survey Telescope, and the new model of Shenzhou spacecraft more than ten years later. Everyone's eyes were full of expectations.

This is not a science fiction movie. In the not-too-distant future, everything in this movie will definitely become a reality!

China has the ability and confidence to become a major aerospace country, build its own space station, and occupy a place in extraterrestrial space!
A couple walked out of the cinema.

The girl held the boy's hand, raised her head, and asked with a bright smile: "Will we have our own space station in the future?"

"Will this space station really be called Tiangong?"

"Shenzhou, Tiangong, Xantian, these names are really romantic."

The boy nodded firmly: "Yes!"

"Xiao Li, what do you think of my college entrance examination choice next year, majoring in aircraft power engineering?"

"I didn't know what I wanted to do in the future, but after watching this movie, I know what I want to do."

"I want to build a rocket!"

"I want to turn the future described in this movie into reality!"

"The Tiangong Space Station, the survey space telescope, our lunar rover, and manned moon landings. I believe this will not be a dream and will come true one day sooner or later!"

The girl looked at her boyfriend, and she saw a dazzling light in his eyes!
"Well! I support you!"

"But you can't abandon me, I have to work hard with you!"

In this way, two young people, only 17 years old, made an important decision on this ordinary evening.

They don’t know now that ten years later, one of them will become the youngest developer of the Yuetu Mars rover, and the other will become a member of the design team of the Long March [-] heavy-lift rocket.

What prompted them to take this step was this movie that influenced a generation's understanding and perception of "space" - "Gravity"! (End of chapter)

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