Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 789 Incense, Paper Man

Chapter 789 Incense, Paper Man

Ding Ermiao looked out the dark window and said: "The more methods I see, the deeper my understanding becomes. It is correct to say that I am more certain. Because we know ourselves and the enemy better and better."

Zong Ruixiang nodded and turned on the headlights.Two beams of white light shot out immediately, penetrating the night and shining into the distance.

In the headlights of the car, the raindrops have gradually become sparse, no longer as fierce as before.

"It will be dawn soon, Ermiao, what should we do next?" Gu Qinglan looked at the time and said.

Ding Ermiao pondered for a moment and said: "After daybreak, the boss will work hard and go back to get some detonators. This thing will probably be used, so we will prepare it in advance. Then we will test it step by step to see the whole picture of this desert."

"Okay, no problem." Zong Ruixiang said: "I will return at dawn, and I will be back around three or four in the afternoon. We will meet here at that time."

Ding Ermiao nodded, opened the car door, opened the umbrella and walked out.

Light rain fell, rustling on the umbrella.The morning breeze blows, chilling all over my body.

I accidentally looked back and saw that there was a faint hint of skylight in the eastern sky, and the Chang Geng star was rising slowly...

Ji Xiaoxiao also jumped out of the car, hid under Ding Ermiao's umbrella, looked at the east and said, "It's weird, it's raining here, and there's a morning star over there, that's weird!"

"The sun rises in the east and rains in the west, so there is sunshine but there is no sunshine?" Gu Qinglan said as she poked her head in the car and saw this weird celestial phenomenon.

"Is the Tao ruthless but affectionate? Haha... Sister Lan Jiyan, I hope Liu Bowen will show some mercy to us!" Ding Ermiao laughed, but his heart was not at ease.

Obviously, the heavy rain and thunder just now came towards him and others. The off-road vehicle was the center of the storm.

The night was too dark to see the specific direction of the rain.But according to Venus, the scope of this rain is not large and will not exceed a radius of five miles.

The sky is getting brighter and the light rain has completely stopped.

Ding Ermiao and Ji Xiaoxiao got back into the car and ate something simple with Gu Qinglan and Ruixiang.Then I got off the car and saw that the sun had already revealed half of its face from the east.

Zong Ruixiang jumped down from the car, bent down and grabbed a handful of yellow sand, and said: "This place is a land of leaky sand, and rainwater cannot be stored. Look, these yellow sands will dry up as long as the sun shines and the wind blows. .”

Ding Ermiao nodded and asked, "Can your car be driven back now?"

"Let me try." Zong Ruixiang jumped into the car, turned the key and stepped on the accelerator, and the off-road vehicle immediately made a sound like a bull roaring.

The wheels rolled up the yellow sand and shot out far away. After a struggle, the off-road vehicle finally started and sped forward.

"Okay, you can drive back. The ground is not too wet." Zong Ruixiang said through the car window.

"Then let's drive back and get the detonator first." Ding Ermiao stepped forward and, together with Gu Qinglan, moved down the necessary equipment.

After the equipment was moved down, Zong Ruixiang nodded and told everyone to take care, then stepped on the accelerator, and the off-road vehicle drove crookedly into the distance.

Seeing Zong Ruixiang gradually walking away, Ding Ermiao and the others looked away.

Gu Qinglan asked: "What should we do now?"

Ding Ermiao looked around and said, "Let me get ready, and then we will move forward lightly and travel around the desert."

As he spoke, Ding Ermiao had already opened his treasure bag, took out white paper and small scissors, and skillfully cut out a dozen small paper figures.

The paper figure was no more than a foot tall, a vague human shape that could not even be distinguished from male to female.

Then Ding Ermiao pricked her fingertips and drew the nose, eyes and mouth with blood on the face of the paper man.Next, Ding Ermiao lit three more incense sticks on the ground, sat cross-legged, held a paper figurine and smoked it on the incense head, while mumbling something.

After the three sticks of incense burned out and all the paper figures in his hands were baptized by the incense, Ding Ermiao folded the paper figures in half, carefully stuffed them into the umbrella cloth sandwich, and then stood up and smiled.

"Is this... Li Dai Tao Zang? Replace us with paper figures?" Ji Xiaoxiao asked.

"Smart, that's right." Ding Ermiao patted the sand on his butt and said, "Let's go, Xiaoxiao, Sister Lan, let's go see the rocks and quicksand and the eight-door life-and-death array again!"

Ji Xiaoxiao and Gu Qinglan both smiled brightly, packed some necessary things, and prepared to set off.Those that were not in use for the time being were put in plastic bags by Gu Qinglan, buried in the yellow sand, and marked.

This is the edge of the desert, there is no quicksand, so there is no need to worry about losing these things.

The three of them started from the east of the desert, followed the edge of the desert, and turned north. They talked and laughed along the way, relaxed and happy, and seemed to have forgotten the thunder and lightning a few hours ago.

Because Zong Ruixiang was added to this operation, Ding Ermiao felt a little awkward yesterday.

This feeling is even worse when working separately.

If the four people were divided into two groups, then if the brother and sister Gu Qinglan and Zong Ruixiang were paired together, Ding Ermiao would feel a little sad.So if they work separately, Ding Ermiao has no choice but to partner with Zong Ruixiang.

In fact, Gu Qinglan also feels this way.Although Zong Ruixiang is his senior brother, in Gu Qinglan's heart, she still hopes that she and Ding Ermiao can be together.

It's just that this feeling is very subtle and is kept in the heart, so it's hard for anyone to say it out loud.

Just wait and see, after walking no more than two miles, Ding Ermiao felt the changes on the ground.

There was heavy rain last night when the off-road vehicle was there, and the sand was wet.But when we got here, the ground was already quite dry, and there was no trace of the rain at night.

"It's really strange, Ermiao. It seems that last night, where we were camping, there was thunder and rain, but other places were still sunny. Why is this?" Ji Xiaoxiao said.

"I don't know the specifics. Let me make a bold guess. It was my spying on the sky that triggered the ban here." Ding Ermiao said.

Gu Qinglan had mixed feelings and said: "That's amazing, Liu Bowen. I don't know what other institutional restrictions are waiting for us later."

Ding Ermiao chuckled and said:
"Sister Lan, Xiaoxiao, don't worry too much. No matter how powerful Liu Bowen is, he is just a dead ghost. I don't believe it. A few of us living people can't fight against a dead ghost. After all, these restrictions and mechanisms have been set up for hundreds of years. Yes, I think it’s the end of the line and there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Gu Qinglan nodded and said: "I believe in your ability, and I also believe in our luck. In the Savage Valley, it is so dangerous, but we can escape unscathed in the end, and we will definitely do it this time."

Ding Ermiao nodded and smiled, and continued moving forward with the two beauties.

(End of this chapter)

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