Chapter 539
The scene remained as it was, since Ding Ermiao, Li Qingdong and others chased after Lu Liwen, they hadn't moved.Yue Shuaicai was still sleeping in the old place, but turned into a skeleton.

"Mr. Yue, the demon has been punished, please rest in peace." Ding Ermiao sighed and saluted Yue Shuaicai.

The police officers who stayed at the scene had received orders to focus on Ding Ermiao in all actions, so they all stood still, not knowing what to do.

"All of you stay back, I'll take a look at the situation here." Ding Ermiao told the police officers to back away, then took out the compass, held it in his hand and searched around.

Ding Ermiao was worried that there were other unclean things in Lu Liwen's residence, so he decided to check it.

Sure enough, after turning around, Ding Ermiao fixed his eyes on a well in the northwest corner of the small courtyard, and said, "There is something down the well!"

The police officers became nervous, drew their guns again, and slowly came closer.

Li Qingdong also noticed the changes in his compass and said: "There is a demonic aura! Uncle Master, there seems to be something alive down there. Could it be some kind of spirit?"

"Nonsense, it's hidden in the well, how would I know?" Ding Ermiao glared at Li Qingdong.

The well was covered with a cement prefabricated board and a large lock was added, so the situation inside could not be seen.

"Open this big lock for me." Ding Ermiao said.

A policeman with good marksmanship stepped forward, aimed at the lock, and fired.There was a flash of sparks, and with a loud sound, the big lock had been shaken open.

Ding Ermiao lifted up the cement board on the wellhead and found that there was a steel pipe as thick as an arm hanging across the wellhead.In the middle of the steel pipe, an iron chain as thick as a little finger leads down to the well.

"Come here, two brothers, pull up this chain and take a look." Ding Ermiao ordered.

Two strong police officers came over, put on their gloves, and began to pull up the iron rope.

Ding Ermiao pulled out ten thousand people and beheaded them, and stood ready to prevent any accidents.Other police officers, some used flashlights to shine down, and some raised their guns with both hands, pointing their guns at the well, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The well was very deep, and the two policemen did not dare to pull up too fast, lest a monster suddenly burst out and they would not be able to deal with it.Two minutes passed and there was still nothing visible under the chain.

However, the movements of the two police officers were a bit difficult, so it could be seen that the things in the well should have some weight.

"Hurry up a little, I'm here to watch, it'll be okay." Ding Ermiao urged.

The two policemen nodded and sped up.Another minute passed, and the flashlight turned downwards, finally revealing a pair of scarlet eyes!

"Monsters, there really are monsters!" A brother pulling an iron chain began to shake involuntarily.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm still here, there are monsters, and you don't need to deal with them." Ding Ermiao shouted: "Stay still and pull up slowly."

Kang Xinyi was not afraid. She got into the circle of people and pointed the camera down the well, feeling terrified.

While speaking, Ding Ermiao grabbed a flashlight, bent down, and carefully checked the contents of the well.I saw those two eyes, still moving, dazzling like infrared rays.

If you look away, you can still vaguely see that the thing is waving its hands like a human being.The head, slightly smaller than a human head, kept twisting.

What the hell is this?Ding Ermiao watched while on guard to prevent this thing from spraying poisonous mist and venom.

The chain was pulled higher and higher, and the things underground finally became clearer.

"Is it a big turtle?" Ding Ermiao bent down and said, "Look, is that thing a turtle head?"

"It's the glans, it's the glans, it's such a big turtle!" Li Qingdong shouted: "It turns out that this thing has become a sperm. Mom, such a big turtle, if you make soup to drink it, it must taste good and it must be a great tonic. nice one!"

The police officers gradually saw it clearly, and they all exclaimed: "What a big turtle. The glans is almost as big as a human head!"

Kang Xinyi put down the camera, glared at everyone and said, "Hey, can you speak a little nicer? Are you nice?"

Ding Ermiao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that this was wrong, and laughed casually: "That's right, from now on you are not allowed to talk about the glans, just the turtle head!"

The big turtle's neck was tied by an iron chain, and its body was suspended in the well. Although its head twisted and its limbs struggled, it could not escape the shackles of the iron chain.

Everyone saw that the turtle had no offensive power, so they naturally relaxed.

Amidst the laughter, the big turtle was lifted to the mouth of the well, and under the light, everyone finally got a glimpse of the whole leopard.

A turtle's head is slightly smaller than a human's, but about the size of a football.The body is bulging, like a big fat pig.The limbs are thick and the body is brown.

The strange thing is that this big turtle is missing one important thing.

It doesn't have a turtle shell!

"Strange, why does this turtle not have a turtle shell?" Everyone noticed the strangeness, and several people asked at the same time.

The turtle was still hanging at the mouth of the well, its body dangling in the air.Everyone still doesn't know its magical power, so they don't dare to drag it out and put it on the ground immediately.

Li Qingdong frowned and stared for a long time, then suddenly looked at Ding Ermiao and shouted: "Uncle, I understand, this is a molting turtle!"

"Shedding turtle?" Ding Ermiao blinked and asked, "Shedding turtle, what is it?"


Li Qingdong was about to answer, when suddenly, the big tortoise hanging from the mouth of the well opened its mouth suddenly, and shot out a stream of red mist, immediately bursting with bloody smell!

Judging from the force of the blood mist, it was even more ferocious than the blood sprayed by Ding Ermiao when he was fighting ghosts.

The two police officers holding the chain were caught off guard and were sprayed with blood mist. They each shouted and released their hands at the same time.

There was a clatter of chains, and then a plop, and the big turtle fell into the well again!
Ding Ermiao was taken aback and quickly asked the two police officers, "How are you doing? Are you okay?"

The two brothers wiped their faces with their hands and said, "It's okay, it's just a bit spicy..."

Li Qingdong rushed over, his expression changed, and asked: "Don't rub your face with your hands! Is there any damage to the skin on your body?"

"It doesn't seem to be there..." The two police officers were stunned, and then said.

"It's fine if you don't have it. If you have it, you're dead." Li Qingdong breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered the other police officers to bring water to wash the two brothers.

Afterwards, Ding Ermiao personally pulled the old turtle out of the well again.

This time, Ding Ermiao lifted the old tortoise directly from the mouth of the well and tied it to a camphor tree in the yard with an iron chain.

The big turtle lying on the ground is about the size of a square tabletop.It raised its head and looked at everyone, struggling hard, and the iron chain was rattled, but it could not break free. It let out a roar from its mouth, and its eyes seemed to be spitting fire...

Ding Ermiao ordered everyone to get out of the way, took out a handful of copper coins, and prepared to use a cross copper coin awl to kill the old turtle.

"Uncle Master, no!"

However, Li Qingdong stopped in front of the big turtle and stopped Ding Ermiao's actions.

(End of this chapter)

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