Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 442 Capture the Sword (asking for a monthly ticket)

Chapter 442 Capture the Sword (asking for a monthly ticket)

In the cave, Ding Ermiao and Gu Qinglan were both stunned. They didn't expect Wu Zhanzhan to be so impatient!
Ding Ermiao dropped the short-barreled musket in his hand, killed thousands of people with a shake, and then rushed over.Gu Qinglan picked up the small revolver and dragged the engineer shovel, and ran towards the savage high priest sitting on the ground.

Now that Wu Zhanzhan has launched, there can be no further delay.Fight quickly to avoid chaos.

The savage high priest couldn't help but be shocked when he saw three people suddenly emerging from the cave.He held on to the soul-calling flag in his hand and stood up staggeringly. Just as he was about to run away, Gu Qinglan had already rushed in front of him.

Gu Qinglan, who was running, jumped up and put her foot on the high priest's chest.

"Ouch!" The high priest screamed and fell down.

Gu Qinglan kicked away the barbarian high priest's summoning flag again, dropped the engineering shovel, snatched the bell from the high priest's hand and threw it far away, then put the revolver against his head and shouted: " Don't move, or I'll shoot you!"

Gu Qinglan didn't know what the high priest had to do, so he first removed the tools for his method.Facing Gu Qinglan's stormy movements, the high priest had no power to resist and resigned himself to it, moaning and groaning in pain.

Unexpectedly, the high priest was so easy to deal with. Gu Qinglan was so happy that she turned on her headlight and wanted to search the high priest.

But when she turned on the light, Gu Qinglan realized that it was not necessary at all.Because the high priest, like other savages, was shirtless and barefooted, with only a circle of rags around his waist to cover his shame.

Putting the high priest's arms behind his back and pressing him to the ground, Gu Qinglan tore off the rag strips from his waist and cut off his hands.After ordering him not to move, Gu Qinglan raised her head and attacked Wu Zhanzhan and Ding Ermiao, who were fighting zombies.

Before that, two zombies and Wu Zhanzhan and Ding Ermiao also fought together.While Wu Zhanzhan was running, the black and white bracelet in his hand had shaken into an iron rope, whizzing towards the zombies.

Countless ghost figures floating in the air immediately drifted away as soon as they saw Wu Changsuo and Ten Thousand Killers.

These savage souls were not afraid of the Ten Thousand Killers and Impermanence Suspicion when they were alive, but after death, they were as afraid of Taoist ghost-hunting magic weapons as tigers.

After all, the zombie's reaction was a step too slow, and it wasn't until Wu Zhanzhan rushed in front that he knew how to attack.

With a whoosh, the whip shadow passed by, and one of the zombie's arms was whipped by Wu Zhanzhan, making a snapping sound.But the zombie was not afraid of pain, and still strode forward in the original direction.

Wu Zhanzhan knew from the feel and sound just now that this whip did not cause any harm to the zombies.

Sure enough, it’s copper skin and iron bones!

Wu Zhanzhan retracted the impermanent rope, changed his footwork, and kept running around a zombie. The iron rope in his hand controlled the length, and only passed over the zombie's arm bit by bit!
Although the flesh of the zombie was strong, it could not withstand Wu Zhanzhan's peeling. The layer of iron-hard dead muscles on the skin was peeled off little by little by the impermanence rope, and it was broken into dumpling fillings and flew into the air bit by bit.

After Wu Zhanzhan ran down a dozen laps, the zombie's two arms became much thinner.

At the same time, Ding Ermiao was also fighting another zombie.

Ding Ermiao's footwork is more elegant, advances and retreats tends to avoid, and is calm and measured.The zombie lost the control of the high priest, and moved even more slowly. It could only rely on its brute strength and invulnerable dead muscles to pinch Ding Ermiao.

But Ding Ermiao struck out with his sword several times in a row, and he knew something was wrong.Because even with the sharpness of thousands of people, it could only make a shallow and short cut on a zombie!

Turning around and looking at Wu Zhanzhan's playing style, Ding Ermiao thought he could give it a try.So he also moved with ease with his sword, using speed to control slowness, and slashed away at the zombies.

With the dance of Ten Thousand Killers, the flesh and skin on the zombies were also sliced ​​all over the sky by Ding Ermiao.However, the zombie was too thick-skinned. Every time Ding Ermiao slashed it with his sword, he could only cut off a thin slice as big as a fingernail.

For a moment, figures were flying, Ding Ermiao and Wu Zhanzhan surrounded the zombies, fighting like a revolving lantern.One uses Wu Changsuo to make dumpling fillings, and the other uses ten thousand choppers to make knife-shaped noodles...

But manpower is limited, and zombies are not tired.After fighting for about ten minutes, both Ding Ermiao and Wu Zhanzhan were sweating profusely.

How long will it take to defeat these two zombies?I guess after cutting the zombies into white skeletons, I was also exhausted and turned into a dead corpse!
Ding Ermiao felt irritable and decided to try the peach wood sword.So he took a few steps back, took out the peach wood sword he had prepared in advance from his pocket, and rubbed himself up again.

"Monster, try my peach wood sword!" With a loud shout, Ding Ermiao glanced at an opening and stabbed the zombie's heart with the peach wood sword in his left hand.

That part is the softest part of the zombie's body. As long as the peach wood sword penetrates, it can cut off the circulation of corpse blood in the zombie's body, thus controlling the zombie.But when Ding Ermiao thrust out his sword, there was only a crisp sound, and the mahogany sword broke into two pieces.

"Roar... ow!" The zombie roared, waving its arms and grabbing Ding Ermiao's left shoulder with a sound of wind.

In his hurry, Ding Ermiao swung his sword before he could escape, forgetting about the invulnerability of zombies.

After slashing with the sword, the zombie opened his big hand and grabbed the sword that had killed thousands of people.Next, the zombie tried hard and tried to break ten thousand people!

Ding Ermiao was shocked. With his transport power withdrawing, he felt as if the zombies had taken root, sticking to the zombie's hands and not moving at all.In order to save the lives of thousands of people, Ding Ermiao had no choice but to grit his teeth and let go of his hand.

At any rate, this sword was forged by the patriarch with painstaking efforts, and it has been with the master for decades.Now that it is destroyed in his own hands, wouldn't he become a sinner through the ages?
So Ding Ermiao had to let go temporarily.

But after letting go, Ding Ermiao discovered that zombies are determined to destroy swords!
I originally thought that when I let go, the zombie would casually throw the sword to the ground.Think about it, he doesn’t know Tai Chi Sword, Wudang Sword, let alone Dugu Nine Styles, so what is he doing with Ding Ermiao’s sword?
But the zombie seemed to have developed his intelligence. He held the sword horizontally, grabbed one end with one hand, and used the strength of both arms to break and kill thousands of people!
"Destroy my sword and I'll fight you!" Ding Ermiao was anxious and angry. He jumped up and kicked the zombie in the head!

It seems that this zombie has made up its mind and will not give up until it destroys thousands of people.He turned around, showed his back to Ding Ermiao, and continued to fold the sword with both hands.

After all, Ya was still a little stupid. If he didn't turn around, but pointed the sharp edge of his sword at Ding Ermiao's kicked legs, he would have cut off both of Ding Ermiao's legs.

With two bangs, Ding Ermiao kicked the zombie in the back of the head with both feet, but like a stone, the zombie remained unmoved.But the Ten Thousand Slasher in the zombie's hand has been bent into a half circle and is about to break!

With a whoosh, an iron rope was drawn from the air and hit the zombie on the back of his left hand.But it was Wu Zhanzhan who saw something was wrong and took time out of his busy schedule to provide support.

The iron rope was pulled out, and the zombie's left hand shook in pain, and he let go of the sword tip. With a clatter of ten thousand people, it returned to its straight state, and the sword tip was still shaking up and down!
(End of this chapter)

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