Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 379 3 possibility

Chapter 379 Three Possibilities
Li Qingdong was about to speak when he heard footsteps outside the door, but it was the chicken farm owner who came back after putting up the charm.

In front of the owner of the chicken farm, there are some things that cannot be said, so everyone has to stop.

The eloquent Li Qingdong deceived the honest chicken farm owner with a few words, and drove Ding Ermiao and others to the village closest to the chicken farm in a tricycle that pulled feed.

The village is called Sanshan Village. It is already dawn, and many residents have already gotten up and started working or cleaning.

Wu Zhanzhan wanted to give the chicken farm owner 200 yuan, which was considered as fare money, but Li Qingdong stopped him.

Not only did Li Qingdong not give him a penny, but he also asked for money for the spell drawn by Ding Ermiao.

Watching the tricycle flying away, Li Qingdong kept complaining to Ding Ermiao, blaming him for not negotiating the price before drawing the talisman. He would not make money if he left it alone, and wasted the craftsmanship passed down by Master Maoshan.

It wasn't until Ding Ermiao kicked him in the butt that Li Qingdong stopped talking.

After changing cars at this village, the three of them rushed back to Mao'er Village.Fortunately, Chu Xiaoman stayed in the mother-daughter hotel and didn't go anywhere.

It was already bright and the sun was rising.

Ding Ermiao borrowed a mobile phone from Wu Zhanzhan and called Gu Qinglan.

No one expected that Gu Qinglan would be in Mao'er Village at this time!

After being separated from Ding Ermiao, Gu Qinglan led Zhou Laifeng and Sun Hong to walk in the mountains for several days, looking for a place to sleep during the day, and took them to find zombies at night.

However, Gu Qinglan's methods of dealing with zombies were relatively limited and backward, and he had two weak girls with him.

So several zombie lairs were found, but Gu Qinglan didn't dare to act.After contacting Ding Ermiao, it was discovered that Ding Ermiao's phone was in arrears and had lost contact.

As a last resort, Gu Qinglan had no choice but to take Sun Hong and Zhou Laifeng to the nearby village market, preparing to recharge Ding Ermiao's phone bill and take some rest.After rendezvous, go to deal with zombies with Ding Ermiao.

When Gu Qinglan received a call from Ding Ermiao in a hotel on the other side of the main street of Maoerzhai, she was naturally very excited and hurried over to meet Ding Ermiao.

As soon as the two met, Ding Ermiao found that Gu Qinglan was rather haggard, and her face was full of wind and frost.

"Thank you, Sister Lan..." Ding Ermiao smiled and introduced Gu Qinglan, Li Qingdong, Wu Zhanzhan and others to each other.

Gu Qinglan was inevitably surprised when she saw that Ding Ermiao had another junior sister and a senior nephew who was a few years old.I thought to myself, this Ding Ermiao is very capable and popular, how come he has acquaintances, relatives and friends everywhere?

However, Gu Qinglan was still very happy about the appearance of Wu Zhanzhan and Li Qingdong.After all, they are both Ding Ermiao's classmates and can help him and Ding Ermiao deal with zombies.

Everyone sat down together in the hotel room.

Gu Qinglan first talked about his situation in the past few days, and marked the zombie nests he found one by one on the simple map he drew for Ding Ermiao to see.

Ding Ermiao smiled and said he understood, and then told Gu Qinglan that he had encountered the Thousand Arrows Ghost King.

Gu Qinglan was shocked and speechless.

"Haha, this girl, those zombies are really insignificant. After we eliminate the ghost king, I can wipe them out with a snap of my fingers." Li Qingdong put on the appearance of a worldly expert, stroked his long beard, and said :
"In the past few days, girl, you will stay in the hotel and take care of the other three girls. Don't go anywhere. After we kill the Ghost King, we will naturally come back to you."

"Then I will arrange Sun Hong and the others here, and I will go with you to help you, right?" Gu Qinglan looked at Ding Ermiao and said sincerely.

After all, Ding Ermiao came to Shiwan Dashan for himself, and now he has to face the ghost king, so he can't stand by and watch.I just don't know if I can help if I go by myself.

"I understand, if you go to help, you will only become more and more troublesome." Wu Zhanzhan said coldly: "Ghosts are different from zombies. They can change and escape at any time, and they can confuse people's minds. People who don't know magic can go to 1 It’s no use either.”

Gu Qinglan's face turned red and she stopped talking.

"Junior Sister, Sister Lan also has good intentions." Ding Ermiao hurriedly laughed, and then said to Gu Qinglan: "Anyway, the three of Chu Xiaoman also need to be taken care of. Sister Lan, you are kind enough to take care of the three of them here. And wait for the good news."

"Okay. I'll listen to you." Gu Qinglan nodded and stopped talking.

She is not a willful person, and naturally she will not mess around. She must follow him to fight the Ghost King.

Li Qingdong looked at the hotel room and said to Gu Qinglan: "Before the ghost king is eliminated, it is best for us not to live together to prevent it from affecting Chiyu and bringing disaster to you. Now either you live here, and we find another place to live. Or you Find another hotel..."

"Okay, I'll go and stay at the original hotel." Gu Qinglan nodded, greeted Ding Ermiao again, turned and went downstairs.

Ding Ermiao was sent downstairs to the hotel and said with a smile: "Sister Lan, take advantage of these few days to have a good rest. I see you have lost a lot of weight these days..."

"Thank you for your concern, you have to be careful, don't have any accidents." Gu Qinglan warned, with concern in her eyes.

Watching Gu Qinglan's back walk away, Ding Ermiao turned around and went upstairs.

In the room, Li Qingdong took out the celestial disk and placed it on the table. He pulled the beads on the abacus like an accountant taking inventory, looking attentive.

Ding Ermiao and Wu Zhanzhan didn't dare to disturb them. They stood aside and waited with wide eyes.

After Li Qingdong calculated for a long time, he finally raised his head, stretched his arms lazily, and lit a cigarette.

"Have you calculated it?" Wu Zhanzhan and Ding Ermiao asked at the same time.

Li Qingdong slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, stroking his long beard and said: "Of course I have calculated it. Is it true that my great fortune teller Li Qingdong has wasted his reputation..."

"If you dare to mention this again, I will kick you downstairs, believe it or not?" Ding Ermiao glared.

"Okay, okay, don't mention this, don't mention this. I'm telling you, my uncles, after my calculations, there are three possibilities." Li Qingdong did not dare to pretend anymore, flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said:

"The first way is that we go directly to the door and call the battle with the Ghost King. The winning rate of this method of play is only 90.00%. There is a [-]% chance that we will be destroyed by the Ghost King as soon as we fight. Because yesterday, the Ghost King We didn’t make any preparations, we all met unexpectedly. We took the initiative to come to the door. We have the right time, right place, and the right people, so we will definitely lose."

Wu Zhanzhan was dissatisfied and said: "Li Qingdong, I asked you to calculate the specific steps of action, not to destroy your own prestige and gain the aura of a ghost king."

"I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, just ask Uncle Ding. Back then, Master Qiu Sanpoor had to contact all Taoist masters in the world, carry the Celestial Master Seal of Longhu Mountain, and send a letter inviting my Master Lin Fengjiao, so he dared to follow Wan Jian The Ghost King declared war." Li Qingdong said:

"Actually, catching ghosts and subduing demons, ambition is worthless, and prestige is worthless. Winning is the most important thing, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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