Chapter 287
Ding Ermiao looked up at the high steep wall on the roadside, muttering and shaking his head with a look of compassion on his face.

"Get out of the way—!"

At this moment, Gu Qinglan suddenly pushed Ding Ermiao away, dragging Ding Ermiao several steps away.

Ding Ermiao was stunned for a moment and looked away, only to find that the headless corpse on the ground had stood up and was rushing towards him with its arms spread out!

I'll rub your uncle, I won't mess with you, but you're here to mess with me? !
Ding Ermiao was so angry that she broke away from Gu Qinglan's hand, raised her foot and kicked the headless corpse in the chest.

"Gudong!" There was a muffled sound, and the feet were like iron stones.

Ding Ermiao felt the soles of her feet hurt from the shock, and jumped back two steps.The zombie couldn't step forward anymore. After shaking twice, it fell to the ground again!
All this happened so suddenly, a few spectators on the side of the road didn't react until then, shouted, and rushed towards the bus together.

At that speed, flying people can't keep up.

Two of them ran in a hurry, fell into the rain, were dripping wet, got up and continued to run.

Ding Ermiao was still angry and kicked a few more times, knocking the headless corpse on the ground to the side of the road.

I originally thought that it was pitiful for him to lie on the road, and I planned to drag him to the side of the road, otherwise the passing vehicles would run over him and crush him into mincemeat.It's better now. He stood up and ran to the roadside by himself, so he didn't have to do it himself.

Gu Qinglan was not surprised, after all, he had seen countless zombies.

The headless corpse jumping up and injuring people just now was just a violent reaction caused by the static electricity in the corpse being stimulated by lightning.Gu Qinglan had seen this situation before, so she didn't even ask.

She pulled a handful of Ding Ermiao and said: "Let's go, get in the car, the rain is too heavy, the clothes are soaked..."

Ding Ermiao took out a copper coin from his pocket and threw it on the headless corpse. Then he turned angrily and got into the car with Gu Qinglan.

The corpse had been faked just once, and the energy in the body had been released. If it is pressed with a gold weapon, there should be no more problems.

After shaking off the rainwater on his body in the car, Ding Ermiao found that everyone in the car was looking at him, and the words "so awesome and brave" were clearly written in their eyes.

The passengers who must have been scared away just now returned to the car and described their heroic deeds of "fighting" against the headless zombies in a more embellished way.

The pair of men who had sex with each other probably heard what the onlookers had just said, and their eyes were filled with horror.

The old man who was holding an umbrella just now shouted to the driver: "Let's go quickly. We can't stay here for a long time. If we delay any longer, the lives of the people in this car may be lost here!"

In the carriage, other passengers also agreed and urged the driver to leave quickly.

Unable to disobey the public opinion, the bus driver decided not to care about the "killed" zombie, got into the cab again, and started to ignite the car.

But after a few creaks, the car just shook a few times and stopped again.

"Nima, the car is broken down and can't start!" The bus driver turned to look at the passengers in the carriage and shouted without tears.

There was an uproar in the carriage, and almost every passenger shouted or whispered:
"Let me just say something is wrong here. Sure enough, there is a ghost..."

"It's over. The car broke down. How long will it take before we can leave this ghost place?"

"Hurry up and call the police. Notify the traffic police team to arrange for other cars to come and take us away, right?"

The driver angrily picked up the phone, shook it and said, "The call can't be made. There's no signal at all. If you don't believe me, try it yourself!"

So, all the passengers in the carriage took out their mobile phones, pinched them a few times and put them to their ears to listen.

Gu Qinglan also glanced at her phone, then shook her head slightly.

The thunderstorm was still going on outside the car, and there was a lot of agitation in the car.

The driver is always squeaking on the ignition, and the passengers are busy pressing their cell phones or complaining.

But everything these people did was in vain.The bus couldn't start and the phone couldn't be made.

Ding Ermiao stretched out nonchalantly, sat on his seat and said, "Didn't you say you wanted to go up to the mountain to have a look tomorrow? The car broke down just in time, so let's just sit here all night."

It is quite pleasant to think about sitting next to a beautiful woman and sleeping next to each other all night long.

As for whether there are any ghosts or monsters here, Ding Ermiao doesn't care.A ghost hunter, can he still be afraid of ghosts?Even if he stayed here alone for a night, he wouldn't be shocked.

"It's inconvenient in the wilderness after all..." Gu Qinglan said casually, but suddenly pointed to the back of the car and said:
"There's a car coming from behind. Let's stop it and ask if we can take a ride. We'll find a place to stay in front of it, and we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Looking in the direction of Gu Qinglan's finger, sure enough, there were car lights shining in the distance.

"Okay..., I'll go down and take a look." Ding Ermiao shrugged helplessly, opened the umbrella again and jumped out of the car, standing on the roadside to stop the car.

If you can really find a place to live, that's fine.Staying in the car, because it was raining and the windows couldn't be opened, it was very hot and stuffy. It was also mixed with the smell of sweat and foot odor from many passengers, and the pair of men having sex with each other was also very disgusting.

Because the bus stops here, the traffic coming from behind is very slow.Getting closer, Ding Ermiao could see clearly that it was a medium-sized van.

"Stop, stop!" Ding Ermiao jumped in the middle of the road, waving his hands exaggeratedly and shouting.

The van was forced to stop, and the window glass on the passenger side was rolled open. A middle-aged sister-in-law with a kind face asked in a Xiangxi accent: "Little brother, what's the matter?"

"Hello, sister-in-law," Ding Ermiao leaned forward, forced out a harmless smile, and said:

"We are traveling, but the bus is broken down and we can't leave. My girlfriend suddenly has a stomachache. I want to find a place to rest nearby for a night and drink hot tea. Is there any place to stay nearby? You can bring some Do we want a trip? Money is not an issue and I won’t treat you badly.”

In the driver's seat was a middle-aged man in his 40s, who seemed to be a couple with his sister-in-law.The middle-aged man was more vigilant and glanced at Ding Ermiao's face a few times before looking at the sister-in-law beside him and nodding slightly.

"Then come up, little brother!" The sister-in-law turned her head, leaned forward, opened the middle door of the van, and said: "A few miles ahead, there is a farmhouse in our village, where you can eat, drink, and live... , and it’s cheap!”

There was no one in the back seat of the car, and all the seats were clean.

Have food, drink and shelter?Ding Ermiao was so excited that she seemed to have smelled the aroma of the food in her nose.

He thanked him excitedly, turned around and ran to the bus to greet Gu Qinglan to come down.She was so good at doing things, and she solved the accommodation problem as soon as she stepped out. Why didn't Gu Qinglan look down on her, or hug her and give her a passionate kiss?
(End of this chapter)

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