Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2621 Destroyed

Chapter 2621 Destroyed
First, Zhou Ming's ancestor used his blood and essence to activate a thunderbolt that crashed down and hit the corpse nightmare. Then, my ancestor and two ancestors used their souls to fight with the severely injured dragon. The soul merged with the soul, urging the dragon soul to a peak state, and then used the flying dragon in the sky move to deal the most fatal blow to the seriously injured corpse nightmare.

That dragon soul absorbed the souls of three ancestors. Ever since I practiced the Xuantian Sword Art, I have never felt that this dragon soul was so powerful.

After only a few minutes of fighting in the clouds with the corpse nightmare transformed by Zuo Protector Huang Tianming, the dragon soul flew back into the ancestor's Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword.

In addition, the souls of the three ancestors also returned to their original bodies.

Even so, the three ancestors quickly fell to the ground and each took up magic spells to stabilize their souls.

After a while, everyone's eyes fell on the corpse that had been carried to the sky by the dragon soul.

After being hit hard one after another, after the zombie fell to the ground, it once again created a deep pit in the ground, and faint green smoke came out from the deep pit.

The whole world was eerily quiet, and no one knew whether the corpse nightmare had been killed or not.

This situation was deadlocked for about 1 minute. I saw Master Bingche from the Snow Mountain School walking slowly towards the direction where the corpse nightmare fell with a sword in his hand. Join them, and approach the corpse nightmare together cautiously.

If the corpse nightmare is still not completely dead, I think there is really nothing we can do, and everyone will just wait for death.

Seeing that Master Bingche and Xuanxu Dixian were still more than ten meters away from where the corpse nightmare fell, a low and hoarse roar came from the hole made by the corpse nightmare.

Master Bingche and Immortal Xuanxu were frightened and took a few steps back.

After a while, something slowly crawled up from the pit.

When I saw that the corpse nightmare was still alive, I couldn't help but take a deep breath.

How can we completely eliminate that corpse nightmare?

Seeing the Corpse Nightmare getting up again, the people around them all screamed in surprise, and quickly took a few steps back, fearing that the Corpse Nightmare would stretch out its terrifying tentacles again and suck people away from a hundred meters away. Adult fuck.

However, when I took a closer look at the corpse nightmare, I found that it had been beaten completely out of shape. Of the dozens of tentacles on its body, only three or five were still able to move. The rest were all cut off and no one knew they were missing. Wherever it arrived, its body was scorched black, one eye was blind, and black pus and blood were still flowing. Even the fangs in its mouth were mostly broken and uneven, and its previous ferocious appearance could no longer be seen. .

It was as if he was standing there, struggling to hold on, and his body was still trembling slightly.

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, the zombie suddenly shrank little by little, and even returned to its previous human form, which was the original appearance of Zuo Protector Huang Tianming.

"Haha... I was wise in my life and endured it for more than 100 years... I counted everyone in it, even Bai Maitreya's nineteenth-generation soul was swallowed up, and I haven't killed all of you yet... Maybe this is fate. …”

Huang Tianming said in a trembling voice, coughing repeatedly, and black blood continued to flow from his mouth. When I stared at him, I found that his body was also stained with blood. One eye was blind, and most of the eyeball was hanging out. , two arms were missing, and one leg was missing, which was a bit shocking.

After coughing for a while, Huang Tianming continued to say with difficulty: "However, even if the old man dies now, he has avenged blood revenge for more than 100 years. Wu Feng...Zhou Ming...you all have to be buried with the old man...Let's go to hell together ……Ha ha……"

Seeing that Huang Tianming was still so arrogant, I said to Li Banxian who was carrying me on his back: "Old Li, you release the second senior brother and burn him, I feel that the surname Huang is about to be unable to hold on..."

After Lao Li listened to my instructions, he quickly took out the bag of eight treasures from my body, and released the second senior brother. As soon as the second senior brother landed on the ground, his whole body swayed, and the flames suddenly evaporated, and he rushed straight towards Huang Tianming's direction passed.

But before the second senior brother could rush to Huang Tianming's side, another figure rushed in front of the second senior brother. It was the four-eyed monkey raised by my ancestor. It rushed over and hit him instantly. It landed on Huang Tianming's body and knocked him away for more than ten meters. The second senior brother quickly ran up again and sprayed out a mouthful of true fire essence energy towards Huang Tianming.

Huang Tianming, who was wrapped in flames, let out a miserable howl and rolled on the ground. The four-eyed monkey lifted a huge boulder from one side and smashed it towards Huang Tianming's body.

This yellow-haired monkey is very understanding of human nature and knows that his master was severely injured because of this person, so there is no way he can let him go now.

He was still angry after hitting him with a huge boulder, and then he picked up several more boulders and threw them in that direction.

The stones collided together and shattered on the ground. After a while, the flames on Huang Tianming's body extinguished, and a faint green smoke emerged from the pile of stones. The yellow-haired monkey roared and faced me. He ran in the direction of his grandfather.

The second senior brother walked around the pile of stones several times, as if he had discovered something good. He pushed the stones to the side with his head, leaving behind something dark and exuding black energy, which seemed to be The second senior brother opened his mouth and swallowed Huang Tianming's corpse. My stomach was churning when I saw it. I didn't know what Huang Tianming's corpse was so delicious.

This reminds me of the puddle of black stuff that the Drought Mother's corpse turned into. After the second senior brother devoured that thing, his Taoism improved. Maybe Huang Tianming's corpse has the same effect.

The corpse nightmare that Huang Tianming transformed into was finally eliminated.

Even the corpse was eaten clean by the second senior brother.

At this time, the remaining commander-in-chief of Guiyong Dao reacted and knew that the situation was over. The left and right guardians in Shiju City were all dead. Even Bai Maitreya was completely killed. These bald envoys of Guiyong Dao became After seeing a headless fly, they didn't know who to continue to work hard for, so they had to disperse and run for their lives.

And here, there are still a lot of people from the three major clans and various sects in Jianghu. Seeing that those bald envoys want to escape, there is no chance for them. Everyone greeted them and started chasing the remaining bald envoys. .

I glanced towards my ancestors and the others, but I saw several ancestors sitting on the ground, including ancestor Zhou Ming, who used his blood essence and blood to attract the thunder, also sitting there.

(End of this chapter)

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