I have a city in another world

Chapter 388 Chasing the enemy underground, energy crystals!

Chapter 388 Chasing the enemy underground, energy crystals!
The scene where Tang Zhen instantly killed a group of monks of the Snake Tribe had already stunned the lord of the Snake Tribe who was waiting for an opportunity to attack.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the human race in front of him turned out to be a three-star lord with a terrifying cultivation base!

These damned human monks are always so cunning!
The Lord of the Snake Clan, who was only a sixth-level monk, had no chance of winning against Tang Zhen, who was two levels higher than himself.

If you hesitate any longer, you will be close to death!

After realizing this, the lord of the bearded snake tribe roared fiercely, and the poisonous snakes circling around him immediately exploded into blood mist.

Immediately afterwards, the leader of the Nasu Snake Clan opened his mouth and sucked suddenly, and the floating blood mist immediately poured into his mouth.


At the entrance of the blood mist, the eyes of the bearded snake clan lord immediately turned blood red, shining with an extremely violent light.

Tang Zhen watched this scene intently, very curious about what tricks the lord of the snake clan would play.

Anyway, he can take his life easily, so there is no need to rush.

Look at the movements and expressions of the bearded snake lord, do you want to fight yourself desperately?

While Tang Zhen was waiting for the lord of the Snake Clan to launch an attack, he saw the opponent shoot up violently, and then flipped backwards.

"Damn it, this grandson is going to slip!"

When Tang Zhen realized this, the lord of the snake clan was already covered in blood and plunged into the soil.

"You still want to slip away in front of me, dreaming!"

Tang Zhen snorted coldly, stepped forward and rushed over, at the same time stretched out his hand to grab the void.

The small piece of the snake's tail left outside the surface seemed to be stuck with glue, and could no longer move an inch.

The lord of the Snake Clan who was underground was shocked. He knew very well the consequences of being caught by Tang Zhen, and he was doomed to die!
Thinking of this, the leader of the Nasu Snake Clan gritted his teeth, and his body buried in the mud spun violently.

"Crack it!"

There was a crisp sound at the tail of the snake caught by Tang Zhen, and then it was completely separated from the body of the bearded snake clan lord.

The stinky blood splashed out, and the lord of the bearded snake tribe endured the severe pain of severed tail, and burrowed desperately into the depths of the soil.

In order to obtain a glimmer of life, the lord of the bearded snake clan also desperately tried his best!

Throwing away a piece of the snake's tail casually, Tang Zhen also got into the big hole in the ground, and chased after the lord of the bearded snake clan.

The lord of the bearded snake clan did not know what method he used to make the soil extremely soft when he was walking underground.

His actions are almost unaffected, and wherever he goes, he can open a passage of about one meter without any effort.

This kind of cave is very suitable for monks of the snake beard tribe to walk, so the lord of the snake beard tribe at this time can run and escape at an amazing speed.

While walking, he also destroyed the cave wall, trying to stop Tang Zhen.

After several attempts, seeing no effect, the monks of the Nasu Snake Clan gave up this practice and just buried their heads to concentrate on running for their lives.

Unlike the snake-like body of the bearded snake clan, Tang Zhen had a hard time running in this cave. Even though Tang Zhen was the lord of three stars, he still couldn't catch up with the bearded snake clan's lord in front of him.

Looking at the lord of the snake clan in front of him, Tang Zhen's eyes were full of murderous intent.

This snake beard guy is extremely unfriendly to the human race. If he is not killed, he will definitely become a deadly threat to the monks of the Holy Dragon City in the days to come.

It was precisely because of this that Tang Zhen persevered in pursuing him until he killed him!

But when the bearded snakes are underground, their agility far exceeds my imagination, and it is not easy to capture them.

Do you have any method in your hand to kill it directly?

While chasing, Tang Zhen frowned and thought, suddenly a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

Stretching out his hand and pointing at the lord of the Snake Clan, a terrifying ray of light cut through the void and landed directly on the lord of the Snake Clan.

This terrifying light is exactly the [Miniature Death Beam Weapon] that Tang Zhen hasn't used for a long time!

The lord of the snake clan who was running for his life let out a scream, and his body was instantly burnt into coke, and the dead could not die again!


I don't know what the light hit, there was a loud noise at the end of the passage, and then the soil collapsed.

Tang Zhen was caught off guard, so he could only follow the collapsed soil and fall into a dark and quiet underground space together.


After removing the protective cover on his body and spitting out the dirt in his mouth, Tang Zhen began to look at this underground space.

The sound of running water came from not far away, making Tang Zhen sure that there is an underground river here, and the water flow is very fast.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the existence of this underground river that this underground space was created.

In this pitch-black environment, colorful light spots kept appearing in Tang Zhen's eyes, looking very beautiful.

Walking to a spot of light, Tang Zhen reached out and dug it out.

It was only when I got it in my hand that I realized that this luminous object was only the size of a quail egg, and it was a translucent crystal.

Inside this crystal, there seems to be a very stable energy hidden, very similar to brain beads.

Perhaps the dead light just hit this kind of crystal, which triggered a violent explosion and brought Tang Zhen here.

In any case, this thing is definitely not ordinary, and it must not be easily missed!
After thinking of this, Tang Zhen immediately took action, collecting all those glowing crystals.

After collecting the crystals in the nearby area, Tang Zhen followed the trend of the river and continued to explore forward.

The distribution of such crystals is extremely uneven, some places are everywhere, and some places are very few.

After walking along the underground river for about ten kilometers, countless crystals have accumulated in Tang Zhen's storage space.

Seeing the underground river turning ahead, Tang Zhen stopped and turned back.

The number of crystals collected this time is sufficient. If it is really useful, it can be collected slowly in the days to come.

When he came to the entrance of the cave where he fell, Tang Zhen jumped and grabbed the stone wall at the edge.

Using his arms again, Tang Zhen entered the hole at the top and climbed to a relatively gentle place in one breath.

After bending over and running in the narrow passage for more than ten minutes, Tang Zhen finally returned to the ground.

Walking in that narrow space made Tang Zhen feel very uncomfortable. Standing on the surface at this time, he felt surprisingly comfortable.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Zhen memorized the location and covered the entrance of the cave.

Looking back, the poisonous snakes on the ground have long since disappeared, and the broken flesh has been swallowed up, leaving only some scarlet blood.

Something happened here, Tang Zhen went straight to the entrance of the passage.

This time, the return trip was uneventful, and he didn't even encounter a few lord-level monsters. He presumably was shocked by Tang Zhen's breath, and hid in a corner trembling far away.

After stepping into the passage of the alien plane, Tang Zhen left the mage world.

When Tang Zhen's figure appeared in the dungeon, he did not continue to explore the third passage, but slowly returned to the ground.

Now that the passage to the alien plane has been established, the preparations for hunting monsters to obtain brain beads must also be arranged as soon as possible!

Back in his city lord's hall, Tang Zhen immediately recruited Qianlong Taisen and others, and told them what he had seen and heard on the alien plane.

Compared with the ferocious monsters in the world of mages, the monsters in the world of Luxu are weaker, which is very suitable for monks in the holy dragon city to hone their fighting skills.

After they get used to this hunting method, it won't be too late to go to other different worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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